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Author Topic: new episodes on CN?  (Read 957 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 02-16-2003 16:57 »

this has probably already been discussed but I'll ask anyway:

If Futurama is doing so well on Cartoon Network, why can't new episodes be aired there instead of on Fox (after Fox has aired the remaining episodes for this season)???
Bending Unit
« Reply #1 on: 02-16-2003 17:27 »


Fox doesn't care.  ;)

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 02-16-2003 17:45 »

I think it holds that first run rights to the show for a certain period of time belong to FOX, and by the end of that time the team will have been so scattered it would be very difficult (if not impossible) to reassemble the team.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 02-16-2003 19:31 »

If you mean the remaining episodes, then I agree with CyberKnight: FOX have obviously reserved the right to air them first. Everything else would be stupid.

As for new episodes, legal issues and the aforementioned difficulties with assembling the team again. But the prime obstacle is the pretty hefty pricetag of 600000+ dollar/episode. I don't think it's within CN's financial capacity. And going below that would hurt the quality of the show. Fans might be able to accept a loss of quality, as for me I'm not too sure.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #4 on: 02-16-2003 21:18 »

Adult Swim is basically cartoon greatness's graveyard. You can't start airing never-before-seen footage. And besides, FOX would have a field day with lawsuits and complaints.
Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 02-16-2003 22:23 »

although im willing to bet even if CN aired an episode before FOX, most of us here would watch the "rerun" on FOX anyway. ^_^
Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 02-16-2003 22:26 »

Originally posted by Shadowstar:
Adult Swim is basically cartoon greatness's graveyard. You can't start airing never-before-seen footage. And besides, FOX would have a field day with lawsuits and complaints.

But you CAN start airing never before seen episodes. CN aired 5 episodes of the Oblongs, 7 episodes of Mission Hill, and 5 episodes of Baby Blues that WB never bothered to show. Plus let's not forget the anime premieres and the original series like Home Movies and Aqua Teens and our beloved Space Ghost. It's not some sort of "Animated but Cancelled" block of shows like Comedy Central's is.

« Reply #7 on: 02-17-2003 02:11 »

Originally posted by lfv:
 But you CAN start airing never before seen episodes. CN aired 5 episodes of the Oblongs, 7 episodes of Mission Hill, and 5 episodes of Baby Blues that WB never bothered to show. Plus let's not forget the anime premieres and the original series like Home Movies and Aqua Teens and our beloved Space Ghost. It's not some sort of "Animated but Cancelled" block of shows like Comedy Central's is.

Spot on! Yes!
Is not Home Movies producing new episodes?
or is that just a rumor I heard?  :confused:
If So then CN should have no problem with it. I haven't a clue what there income is tho or how much they'd be willing to spend on new episodes...  :hmpf:
Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 02-17-2003 02:34 »

UPN originally bought Home Movies and produced 13 episodes, only 5 of which aired. Cartoon Network then picked up those 13 episodes and aired all of them, then ordered 13 new episodes. Then another 13 new episodes. Then another 13 new episodes (currently in production). And now there's a DVD release in the works. I wonder if UPN regrets it.

Thing is, Home Movies is cheap. It's all non-union, done in Flash, and uses a small staff with little extraneous features, so each episode costs around $150,000 . Futurama on the other hand, uses CGI, traditional animation, union staff, extraneous staff, and writers and producers who demanded more money, so the show costs around $1.2 million an episode. That's a budget networks like FOX and NBC can afford, but cable may have a problem shelling out that kind of dough. How Nickelodeon was able to do it with Invader Zim (which cost just as much as Futurama) is beyond me.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 02-17-2003 13:13 »

Well it doesn't look that promising for CN to order a new batch of episodes, but I didn't really hold out that they would. I'd just be happy for them to show all of the remaining episodes, because the way things are looking, it doesn't look like Fox will.

Starship Captain
« Reply #10 on: 02-17-2003 13:56 »

Originally posted by lfv:
so the show costs around $1.2 million an episode.

The cost that I have always seen quoted was $500,000. Still a lot of money per ep though.

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 02-18-2003 06:12 »

Meh who cares the damb shows over let go. I kinda like Family Guy the same it sucks there both dead. Hey did you know there's a contract with another channel and this so-called fall Ren and Stimpy will be back.

« Reply #12 on: 02-18-2003 09:09 »

Cartoon Network Adult Swim Rulez!  :flirt:

« Reply #13 on: 02-18-2003 09:19 »

i donīt watch cartoon network so often...

« Reply #14 on: 02-18-2003 11:24 »

If you like Futurama u should watch CN.  It comes on at 11pm 6 days aweek here in the Detroit Metro area.

Starship Captain
« Reply #15 on: 02-18-2003 12:04 »

Same here in Minneapolis. Last night's episode was the Mother's Day one, ah, I love that one.
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