

[Manowar song=Army Of The Immortals] We Give You Our Blood We Want You To Know
In Our Eyes You're Immortal In Our Heart’s You'll Live Forever In Our Eyes You're Immortal In Our Heart’s You'll Live Forever More [M]
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Crumpet: Seeing as Futurama is on the verge of death why not kill off a character and go out with a bang. Imagine if Zoidberg was to die Yeah, but all the remaining episodes are done, they can't go back and change them because the staff are doing other things. The only way they could do something like that would be to make totally new episodes, which doesn't look likely given the Fox situation.


I could make the new episodes, I got photoshop5 free with some magazine the other day, the animation mightn't be quite as good but you can bet there would be a lot more naked chicks on motorcycles


Well... now with FUTURAMA being on Cartoon Network... maybe they could be persuaded to do more episodes... at any rate, Matt Groening is keen to do a FUTURAMA movie, so I wouldn't expect to see anybody killed off...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #18 on: 12-12-2002 19:04 »
« Last Edit on: 12-12-2002 19:04 »
"A Clone Of My Own" offer plenty of reasons to dislike Cubert, although the latest episode have made amends big time. Originally posted by HoosierBot: My idea is that if indeed there were movie plans then in the second movie you kill bender, and then you can call the third movie "The Search For Bender". I think the spirit of Gene Roddenberry would seek terrible revenge on us all, if that was realised.

DOOP Secretary

I might do a new fan fic on what happens to them in the future.


Australian Guy, because its depressing?
I say pull an End of Evangelion and kill off every character and have a very open ending.


Originally posted by Kazzahdrane: Professor Farnsworth should go away for a little while, it would be funny to have Cubert in charge of PE for a few episodes. Maybe have a 2 part episode split up by a few of Cubert running PE. Ugh.. please no more Cubert. I never did like him. He reminds me too much of Scrappy from Scooby Doo.