Matt Wilson


« on: 09-08-2002 01:18 »
This may already have been asked, but..
FOX's international DVDs have the season sets based on production numbers, not airdates.
HOWEVER FOX's American season sets for The Simpsons are based on airdates.
This was proved by the fact that two season 2 episodes, "When Flanders Failed" and "Stark Raving Dad", were not included on the DVD and will instead be on the Season 3 DVD, due to the fact that they were held over until September.
The international Futurama DVD has all 13 episodes, correct?
It's my deduction that the American DVD will only have nine.
Why? Because, if you go by airdate, "A Flight to Remember" thru "Fry and the Slurm Factory" were held over and aired as part of Season 2.
Just a nagging concern that I hope can be either confirmed or proven false. Cause that'd make for a sucky DVD, unless it were only 25-30 bucks instead of 50.