
DOOP Secretary

Another FOX lie !!!
Jimmy Kustes

Since they are starting season 5 in November, they could have enough pre-empted to run over into a season 6.

DOOP Secretary

I still say they Lie.I don't trust the Family Guy Killing Bastards.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by bankrupt: They'll probably take pre-emption to a new level. They'll pre-empt the entire season 5, play them the next year as season 6. Not unlikely, and they would still have the nerve to call the episodes ALL-NEW!!! I never got an answer to my countless emails, but I did get an answer (sort of) to my written letters. They both came back, unopened, with a small sticker slapped across the address' saying "Addressee no longer here". And it wasn't the US Postal Service, it was the FOX' own post service that couldn't locate their own president and chairman.