
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

[Hive voice] Why do you resist us? We only wish to enhance the quality of life. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. [/Hive Voice]


Originally posted by Lesotho_Leela: Ok, can I just ask when Futurama bacame a life changing event that influenced everyone's everyday lives? This is a TV show. Granted its the best TV show EVER but its nothing to obsess over now is it?
Hey, we're just rying to have a good time, why do you want to destroy us? Don't commit your hate crime here, hate crime! It's not a life changing thing, we C4ers just need PEEL to keep our love of Futurama alive.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Yes, let 's hold hands and sing together. That would be very un-gay!
Sarcasm detector goes TILT
It 's a good thing, that brought us together.


Kryten-"Yes sir, Mr. Flintstone!"


« Reply #19 on: 08-13-2002 23:19 »
« Last Edit on: 08-14-2002 00:00 »
Lesotho_Leela By the name of Saint Inquisition you are considered to be a witch! Fans! Prepare the wood and light up the fire... execution begins at the sunrise. --------- What’s the problem? Why you don’t like obsession? 
Bending Unit
Originally posted by PCC Fred: Okay, I know I promised I wouldn't do this any more, but this is the silliest, STUPIDEST, MOST POINTLESS THREAD I'VE EVER SEEN!
Maybe nobody told Lesotho Leela, but this is a FUTURAMA message board! Of course the hard core fans are gonna be here!
Mods, shut this thread down !



Shall I do the macarena as well, sir?
Moderators can make their own decisions, and I'm closing this not because you told me to, but because you're too immature to handle something like this, or voice your opinion in a well stated and civil manner, and the topic has lost all concept that it may have had.