
Liquid Emperor
Free Will Hunting sounds...really good. As I recall, the FOX synopsis for "Obsolutely Fabulous" back in the day ending up being drastically different from the actual final episode, which seemed to suggest that it was heavily reworked; not that one sentence is much to go by, but this sounds a lot more like that original premise than the final version of Obsolutely ended up being. Hope it's good.
Viva Mars Vegas sounds awesome to me. I don't know why it matter if you like the movie or not, anyway. The point isn't to revere the movie, it's to make a funny parody of the premise. Futurama (along with The Simpsons and other shows) has created plenty of funny parodies of things I don't really care for otherwise. And anyway, that's assuming it's a spoof of that anyway, or even the necessarily the Stephen Soderbergh version with George Clooney. That version was a remake of a classic film, remember.
Naturama sounds...hmm. I'm not a fan of trilogy things where the characters aren't at least sort of fundamentally themselves, like on The Simpsons where they play dress up as Mozart or Bible characters or whatever. But there isn't much to go on, anyway. And hey, Reincarnation was amazing.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #685 on: 07-06-2012 08:34 »
« Last Edit on: 07-06-2012 08:37 »
Not every one of Futurama's parodies have been good. Anyone remember Bender's Game?
In fact, I consider "Bender's Game" maybe the best movie. I do not know wether you ever played RPGs, but the movie certainly gains from that insider status. BG was really spot on, unlike e.g. BBB. The later one imhO tried to parody too much, to give EVERYTHING a new twist/trope/spin. Which did not end as a spoof on a still recognisable original (in that case, it should have been the typical Monster Movie), but just as something weird. And IWGY featured a storyline that -for me- could not find a proper direction/flow during the whole movie.

DOOP Secretary

Him getting zapped through the head?
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
Well, Leela's expression is rather modest surprise/confusion, with her facial features much less distorted than Fry's.


That's Fry? I thought it was some kind of outer-space potato man.
Seriously though, something isn't quite right with that image. I can't really pinpoint what though.
Him getting zapped through the head?
The fact that he's the color of raspberry ice cream?
I believe that is the cover from Season 1A in 1998. You know the year before Fry got frozen. Fry's Uncle almost lost his Chancellorship at NNYU after he was spotted marching with a sandwich sign while demonstrating at a Mutant Revolt.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
Don't think so. It's probably just a layout/perspective aspect: Zapps hands -reaching towards the viewer- already look bigger than normal compared to his body.The ring is probably just strechted a little more, to show a "center of the scene" role. (And it seems the ring WILL be the scenes key element).
Also, the background does not look like the Morris's sewer home. Of couse he could propose to Munda in Leelas flat, but somehow I just doubt it.
My guess: Zapp is proposing to Leela, gets rejected, considers her a lost cause and starts dating Munda.

Delivery Boy
My guess: Zapp is proposing to Leela, gets rejected, considers her a lost cause and starts dating Munda.
There's one problem with that. That looks very similar to the room where Leela (reluctantly) tries to seduce Zapp from the Countdown promo. Assuming it is, Zapp would already be dating Munda in this scene. Plus, if there's one positive quality Zapp possesses, he is very tenacious. Leela has beaten his sorry butt six ways to Saturday multiple times and he still doesn't give up. A few thoughts on Zapp Dingbat: (Just predictions, don't put any money on these) -I don't think Munda is the type to cheat on Morris. Neither one of their personalities has been explored very deeply, but Munda and Morris do seem to be loyal to each other. Unless something happens to Morris (or is at least presumed to happen to him) or Morris does something that insults Munda, enough that she'd leave him. Again, this would be out of character for Morris, who is portrayed as friendly, personable, and caring, just like his wife. -I don't think Zapp will actually be attracted to Munda. The only reason he seems to like Leela is because of her body. Munda doesn't have Leela's physique, she's much older (I would guess around 55) and she's more severely mutated than her daughter. I know Zapp has, er...ambiguous taste in women but I'm half-convinced the only reason Zapp goes after her is purely to upset Leela. Which brings me to my next thought: -Why would Munda be attracted to Zapp? Leela, although initially flattered by Zapp, realized fairly quickly he was a childish, pompous buffoon. Does Zapp successfully court her or is it one big failure to communicate? (If it is the former, I'll be pretty surprised, even if it involves him fabricating a lot)

Delivery Boy
Very, very well said. If Munda willingly cheats on Morris and is portrayed negatively it will really annoy me and could likely ruin the episode.
In every episode they've been in so far, Munda and Morris have been the friendly aunt and uncle figure. And they work very well in that respect.
There are a few ways I could see them avoiding portraying Munda negatively:
1. Munda and Zapp date, but it turns out to be a huge misunderstanding/misinterpretation/failure to communicate where Munda never has any romantic or sexual interest in Zapp, and she demonstrates this. 2. The shark people attack (because Zapp messes up the treaty-signing) wherever Morris, Fry, and Bender are (From the storyboard promo, I assume they'll be together for a good part of the show) Morris dies, or is at least presumed dead by Munda and Leela. Munda mourns his death/presumed death, and Zapp lies to her to sway her affections towards him (Most likely for the sole reason of upsetting Leela). Munda is attracted to his sympathetic attitude. Remember Leela and Al?
3. Zapp becomes a much darker character and goads Munda into a relationship without her realizing it and she tries desperately to get out of it once she realizes what's happened.
To be honest, however, I don't think they'll portray Munda like Amy or LaBarbara have been. Why? Because she's visibly older than both Amy and LaBarbara. Amy is probably around 27-30, LaBarbara maybe 35-38. Both are portrayed as attractive, still youthful women. Munda is probably around the age of 55 and is a very different character than both Amy and LaBarbara in various aspects. She has a much different attitude, has lived through a lot more (Wisdom and all that), has been in a fairly long marriage with Morris, and would tear the world apart for Leela.
So all in all that's pretty unlikely, but the more unlikely it is, the worse it would be if they actually tried it.

DOOP Secretary

Silly man, we can only discuss it for another two pages before the thread is closed! I really hate that they seem to be breaking up Morris and Munda. I mean, I'm not a shipper or anything, but the reason they work is because they are devoted to eachother and have been through so much together. They work as a loving couple, so the idea of breaking them up for a cheap gag is really annoying. Exactly. They're among my favorite characters on the show, actually, and I wish we saw more of them--which is why I'm still kind of excited for "Zapp Dingbat," even though it could potentially fuck up a couple that I'm emotionally invested in. I don't think the writers would be stupid enough to mess with Munda and Morris's dynamic in an irreparable or otherwise character-destroying way...but they kind of shat on the Amy/Kif relationship without any qualms in "Proposition Infinity," so it's certainly possible that they'll do the same thing with Morris and Munda. That said, I like this idea: 2. The shark people attack (because Zapp messes up the treaty-signing) wherever Morris, Fry, and Bender are (From the storyboard promo, I assume they'll be together for a good part of the show) Morris dies, or is at least presumed dead by Munda and Leela. Munda mourns his death/presumed death, and Zapp lies to her to sway her affections towards him (Most likely for the sole reason of upsetting Leela). Munda is attracted to his sympathetic attitude. Remember Leela and Al? Zapp does have a habit of taking advantage of wives in mourning, so I could totally see him cozying up to Munda in the event of Morris's presumed demise. I really find it hard to imagine her willingly and maliciously leaving Morris for Zapp, both because the woman seems to have more sense than that (remember how proud she was when Leela dressed in layers in "Less Than Hero"? She's a no-nonsense kinda lady!) and because I think the writers are smart enough to know that they can't believably contrive some sort of separation-worthy conflict in the Morris/Munda relationship in act one, and have the audience not hate Munda for so quickly bunking with Zapp in acts two and three. Like, from a character and storytelling standpoint, such a story would just seem forced. If Morris "died," however, that would definitely be a quick way to make Munda single and available for Zapp to seduce--with out making the audience hate her, like, a lot. So, yeah, I'm rooting for that option.