
DOOP Secretary

« on: 08-19-2011 00:18 »
« Last Edit on: 08-19-2011 05:18 by [-mArc-] »
I'm not bothered AT ALL about making these threads anymore, but I got a free pass, and I'm bored, so I might as well use it. Next week just open the episode thread any time you want 
Plus, I want to piss all of you off.Edit: don't forget to review on CGEF!

DOOP Secretary

Just close the poll until the episode airs.

DOOP Secretary

Just close the poll until the episode airs.
As long as a mod can undo it for me, I will.

DOOP Secretary

Episode hasn't aired yet, so not really anything to discuss here yet. All you guys have is speculation. Thread shouldn't even be open for that matter... Just close the poll until the episode airs.
As long as a mod can undo it for me, I will.
This is one of the exact reasons why you shouldn't have opened this thread hours in advance... There are many more, and we've discussed them ad infinium, but this is you admitting it.

DOOP Secretary

Hmmm...interesting move, starting the episode off with a flashback (in the distant past of 2927); it was good to see Mom again. I still think all the pop culture stuff with Fry was really forced (though I liked that the final, Smurf-y incarnation did not need to be commented on), but I loved his line about Bender being unable to go on long car rides. And Zoidberg and Farnsworth are actually kind of sweet together, what with the "big kid" comment and the "Wha--?" thing. This episode has promise, for sure, but the first act seemed really short to me. Rushed or oddly-paced or something. It's hard to get your footing.


I have mixed feelings so far. I am really enjoying the flashback plot in the past. It is refreshing to learn more back story for Zoidberg and the Professor, and how their friendship first began. They've always been shown as long-time friends, but it has never been mentioned how they met.
However, the plot set in the present is meh. I agree with people that it is getting a little too cartoony. Fry's diseases seem to be going too far, Hermes is a mess, who knows what's wrong with Amy...It almost makes me cringe because it feels like they are trying too hard. Especially with Fry.
We'll see.

DOOP Secretary

Amy is very...vocal in her anger. It does seem a little out-of-character for her.
As far as act two goes: I really do like the flashbacks, even if they do seem a bit melodramatic, but I don't think they're being integrated all that well. The plot in the present isn't quite jiving with the plot in the past (not in terms of content, but in terms of the flow or the cutting or something). Things are consistently amusing, though (like Farnsworth's run about losing his virginity at a Tarzan movie), so that's a good thing.


I am really liking the Farnsworth-Zoidberg relationship. It is very genuine. I mean, like Gorky said, the jokes between them were cute. And Farnsworth has called Zoidberg "John" or "Johnny" in more than one episode.
The crew seems out of character, just because of how much they are angry at him. I know no one really ever liked Zoidberg, but it almost seems too much.
Zoidberg attacking Farnsworth before commercial surprised me though.
Gorky: I agree with everything you just said. Amy's voice also seemed...off.


5000 on the Scoville Scale.
Couldn't Help Remind Me.
(Zoinberg) Zoidberg isn't dead, my brother Norman is dead.
(Bender) That Dolphan wasn't intelligent...He wasted all his money on intstant lottery tickets.

DOOP Secretary

I liked the killing-Farnsworth montage, and the Murderator was pretty hilarious (that sentence makes me sound like a sociopath, but no matter). But Farnsworth becoming a yeti? Jesus. That was taking things a bit too far. The Mom/Zoidberg interaction was interesting, though, and the ending was pretty sweet, with Farnsworth and Zoidberg scuttling off into the sunset dusk.
But overall? This episode just seemed off to me. Not unfunny, and not even so oddly-paced after all...but just kind of strange. The tone was weird, and the playing-up of Zoidberg and Farnsworth's relationship seemed out-of-the-blue. I usually love flashback episodes, and the flashbacks themselves in this episode didn't disappoint. But the story's execution was screwy, and that prevents me from rating it too highly.
6/10 for now, but that may change after a second viewing.


I really liked seeing more friendly interaction between Zoidberg and the Professor. It was refreshing to have it focus on that. It was also interesting to see his relationship with Mom (or Carol, apparently). Usually Mom is terrible to everyone...interesting to know that she and Zoidberg were on good terms, and that he was apparently a decent doctor. I did enjoy the killing contraption part, though; that was well-executed and fun to watch. However, the whole episode seemed rushed...also, another montage? Meh. It just seemed different to me, the entire episode that is.
The idea behind it had the potential to make the episode great, but I don't think the writers went as far as they could have.


"Well-executed". I see what you did there.
...If anything, it was not well-executed, since no one died...

« Reply #34 on: 08-19-2011 08:01 »
« Last Edit on: 08-19-2011 16:14 »
For some reason I didn't like it at all=/ 3/10. Damn, it was absolutely horrible. I hate it. This episode - the embodiment of everything I hate.
Starship Captain
Am I the only one who recognized that the "Tritonian yeti" was the Mugato, from Star Trek? Really?
You beat me to it.  After the first act, I wasn't sure where this episode was going. Part flashback, part "what color can we make Fry now?" There also used to be a doll which was a person on a stand, and the arms and legs were segmented, with string connecting them. When you pushed on the underside of the stand, the tension loosened up, and the doll flopped over. (Sorry, I couldn't find a picture online.) This is what the scene with Leela reminded me of. "Go Johnny Go" was of course from the song "Johnny B. Goode". "Great Little Caeser's Ghost" is based on Perry White's exclamation and the pizza fast-food chain. Amy listing the symptoms of hypermalaria, and the professor acting them out, reminded me of a similar scene in "Airplane!" Fry proves his ignorance, which harkens back to his line "I've NOT heard of them" (about the monks in G). Zoidberg didn't have hair this time. I guess none of us imagined him that way. 8-) It looked like the episode had promise, but somehow didn't quite deliver it after the first act.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #36 on: 08-19-2011 08:47 »
« Last Edit on: 08-19-2011 11:10 »
Though not typical Futurama, I consider this episode somewhere between solid and good.
- Until now, consequences for Zoidberg's bad skill as a doctor was one of the most obvious subplots left unexplored. - The cartoon deseases were rather fitting. After all, Zoidberg already caused some serious mess medically. Considering that experience, it's okay that something really, really exaggerated, never-seen-before must happen for the rest to take action against him. - Murderator was great:) - The only "bigger" flaw I found in this one: The rest of Planet express acted too much of a group, and not as individuals. I seemed to me any of their dialoge lines could have been exchanged and delivered by any of that group. (What Leela said could have been said by Bender, or Fry, or Hermes, etc... but there were hardly any phrases that could have been delivered ONLY by Fry, or ONLY by Leela, etc... ). It was not really a critical aspect of the story...but...well...I just did noticed.
All in all, I would rate the story somewhere between 6 and 7.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #38 on: 08-19-2011 09:58 »
« Last Edit on: 08-19-2011 10:13 »
- Until now, consequences for Zoidberg's bad skill as a doctor was one of the most obvious subplots left unexplored. I completely agree, and I have always wanted them to explore Zoidberg's medical background etc. This was the best Zoidberg-heavy episode yet. It was great to see him in a good light, and his relationship with the professor was hilarious. Hard to judge, but 8/10