Ghost and Horse


This episode was great. One of my favs of the season. Like everyone else is saying, it reminded me a lot of Three hundred Big Boys, which is in no way a bad thing.
Yeah, I have nothing new to add really. Solid 8 out of 10 that could become a 9 upon rewatch.


Oh god, I loved this episode! Definitely going to rewatch it again within the next day or so.
Starship Captain
Here's my review of "Bodyswap" ... (Woops, sorry, wrong series ... "The Prisoner of Benda")
One of the funniest science fiction stories I've ever read/seen, enjoyable throughout. ("Inertia" by Rudy Rucker is probably #1.)
Some of the weirdest pairings so far: the Professor/Zoidberg, Scruffy/Amy. (I'm sure someone at the forum is writing an alternate scene for Scruffy and Amy.)
"Stop kicking me around!" is a funny in-joke. (Nixon said it in 1962 after losing a governor's race.)
Now I need some help from the shippers out there ... I seem to vaguely recall a story where a prince (or someone of royalty) runs across an identical twin who's a peasant, and they agree to switch places. What the peasant doesn't know is that there is a plot to assassinate the prince. It seems like the peasant-posing-as-prince discovers this, and he manages to convince the assassins that a swap has taken place. No, it's not "The Prisoner of Zenda." Any help?
One last thing. Letting the cat out of the bag, I teach mathematics at the college level at a large public university, and my area of research (when I get time to do research) is combinatorics. My initial thought on the "restoring" problem (getting everyone back into their bodies) was that you could do it, but that the extra bodies would get mixed up. (I expected there to be a large pile of monkeys at the end of the episode. This would have been a neat reference to the original Amy/Professor conversation.)
Speedracer seems to have gotten the idea right, but I'm not too happy with his example; it's only a cyclic permuation. What swaps would work if you had seven bodies 1-7, where the minds are in the order 2341675? (This is a "product of two cycles.")


I like the way the characters acted like the person who was inside them. Amy acted like the Prof when he was in her.
That and the Scruffy/Washbucket scene.
Stan Darsh


Funniest episode yet, also had the best "flow" of the season. Seemed longer than some other episodes but not in a "boring long" kind of way.


Quality. A lot of great moments, but I especially liked the chainswords (for some reason), and scruffy's display of high morals.

DOOP Secretary

I love the sign at the UN. Mmm...
Which reminds me, this episode had a lot of freeze frame background jokes. Moreso than previous episodes.

DOOP Secretary

I thought the comedy was this episode's weakest aspect. I loved it but it wasn't as funny as A Clockwork Origin or The Late Philip J. Fry for me. The only laugh-out-loud moment I had was "Friends, there are barnacles on my tuckus!"
Yeah, you totally have a different humour from the rest of us. That line was not really a hilarious moment for me. It was a rather lame Zoidberg moment.

DOOP Secretary

Well, in general, everything Zoidberg says is basically a joke. This episode relied more on the whole 'absurdity' than actual punchlines. And I think that is something that Futurama excels at. Absurdity.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Brilliant. 8/10. Background jokes, a decent and fast-paced plot, awesome humour and sci-fi... and the most disgusting Futurama makeout session yet.  I love this show. Episodes like this help me to remember why.

DOOP Secretary

The way they brought Leela and Fry’s relationship in a sick and twisted way was just brilliant.


man, the images. out of my head with you imbeciles. i dont think, ive ever seen a futurama episode so disgusting and awesome at the same time.

DOOP Secretary

so at the very end of the episode who switch with who cos it was confusing

Bending Unit
« Reply #67 on: 08-20-2010 12:36 »
« Last Edit on: 08-20-2010 16:25 »
First off, when are they going to decide what to do with the Fry-Leela relationship? I do not mean that we need a definite "one or the other" but the way they are working with it now is just frustrating, unfunny, and pointless. The opening scene almost made me turn it off right then and there. If it were not for all the pointless Leela/Fry garbage in this episode, I would have been happy to give it a 10/10.... Instead, I give it an 8/10
Besides that, the episode had a great flow for the multiple stories on the go and the minor characters or small one liners saved this episode from being below average. Everything from Morbo being back with Doooooooom!, to Scruffy finally getting more than one line, only to leave us feeling heartbroken for him. Science needing heaps to move forward, to the Globetrotters being back with a need for math.
Some of my favourite moments...
"Dooooooooom!" "We'll need to use... math!" "Also, I do not care for these boobs flapping every which way." "Oh, it would be sweet for a while, but in the back of our minds we would know that I'm a man, and you're janitorial equipment." "Hoooaaaaaaaaaaa" "When I grow up, I want to be a diplomat!"
And some amazing background signs...
"Chili Con Carny" "Rack of Lamprey" "With opening act, Peaches and Herzegovina" "Peace Through Speeches"

Starship Captain
Ken Keeler delivers another fantastic episode of Futurama! The storyline of the episode was very interesting and funny, to have characters constantly switch with mixed parings such as Farnsworth and Zoidberg being Fry and Leela (delivering a rather disturbing scene) to Amy switching with Leela and making her fat as a result. The best scene by far is the one with Amy and Scruffy though, since it was in character for Scruffy and not expected, plus its kind of heartbreaking in a way too.
The plot's resolution was quick, but I'm actually impressed on how much content this episode fitted in within the 22 minute mark. Nevertheless, The Prisoner Of Benda had jokes which almost all worked for me (The only one that didn't work too well I thought was the Japanese translator guy one), but other than that, this episode had a strong plot, similar to Three Hundred Big Boys and The Farnsworth Parabox, with plenty of laughs (Zoidberg being Fry, Amy being Leela, and Fry and Leela as a couple... in Farnsworth and Zoidberg's body), many memorable quotes, and is easily one of the best this season. I'm going to give this episode a strong 9/10 on first viewing!


Wow, this was definitely the funniest of the second run yet! Definitely reminded me of Three Hundred Big Boys, one of my favorite episodes (at least one of the funnier ones).
* Scruffy and the water bucket. So great, so awesome. * The Robo-Hungarians and the cannon robot, hilarious. * Cold opening "Tonight at eleven: DOOOOM!" * Some shippy and hilarious AND disturbing moments between Leela and Fry that still get nicely into the plot.


If someone had told me Scruffy would have a plot (or well, a recurring appearance, whatever), I would have claimed it an extremely bad idea. But it worked!

DOOP Secretary

I just remembered one of my favorite parts: "A reverse Turing Test, eh?" "He steps forward, but moves backwards!" "By the gods, he is a machine!"
Robot humor is always good. And I loved the irony of them thinking a moonwalk can only be done by a machine. Although it could just mean that thousands of today's dancers are actually machines... Whoa, this throws my entire perception of reality into question!


Yeah, that's awesome. I also love that Bender couldn't calculate the square root of nine (which would be logical in a sense - he doesn't have the machinery or calculator for it). Even more hilarious, that he wanted a pencil.


All I have to say is: YES. That was an amazingly hilarious episode, and I plan on re-watching it some time soon. The Leela-Farnsworth/Fry-Zoidberg relationship was funny and disturbing on so many levels. I commented out loud, "Oh God" during the restaurant scene. I loved the science behind the body switching, too.
Anyway, it was wonderful. 9/10