DOOP Secretary
Great episode. The first part was good, but not great, but the Iron Chef parody was sheer brilliance. Not in my top 5 episodes, but potentailly in my top 10.
This episode presented in BC (Brain Control), where available.
I loved this episode. It had a great iron chef parody. The whole subplot with Zoidberg was also great
DOOP Secretary
I think one of the things that made me happiest, that didn't involve the Iron Cook segment (which is probably my favorite segment of the season), was when they played the song from The Karate Kid (You're the best, around, ain't nothing gonna keep you down). Great memories there.
'Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.' lol HA HA!!!... oh yeah... diffinetly a great eps. I loved Zoiberg! lol 'Oh, The Guilt!', 'I hate bottles', Fry's Confession... on a Dr. Zoidbergs notepaper.. lol And the begining was great! 'I'm going to go warn, tell the others','and stop crying Leela!' aahh.....
Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 04-14-2002 23:26 »
« Last Edit on: 04-14-2002 23:26 »
It was funny enough, but I didn't think it was that great. But then again, I was watching it with non-fans who kept talking, so I missed some parts, and I don't have it on tape.
It seemed kind of Futurestock-ish to me. Lots of funny jokes, but then a bunch of other bits that were kind of annoying. The end, where Farnsworth says the secret ingrediant is water was way too much like the I Second That Emotion ending. Pretty disappointing.
But the "I hate bottles" shirt, and Zoidberg's subsequent guilt was hilarious, and the Iron Chef parody at the end was good too. All in all, it was a fairly funny episode, but I wish they would have kicked the story up another notch, and cut out some of the more annoying stuff.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Just Chris: I bet that sucked, Joe, since need not be a Futurama fan to get that joke anyway. Or listen/ed to Styx.
This episode is the best of season 4, hands down. There were no boring scenes. I'm a physics student in University and seeing the wormhole gag just had me laughing forever because it's so true, or not true, depending on what you believe about black holes. The Iron cook scene was awesome too and it's nice to see a subplot for once. We didn't get too many this season. I give this ep a well deserved A minus minus! nah, all +'s. Best line is definetly the Romo/Robo joke. too bad it was on the trailer.
Ah Bender's horrible cooking..I remembered this from the 1st season episode "My Three Suns" (classic)..They even had him pour all that salt again! Haha! *memories* Anyway I thought it was great! The whole setup about how everyone already knew Bender's cooking was bad was a treat for the loyal fans. Also liked the flirting going on between Bubblegum Tate and Martha Stewart's Head..Being just a head, how would he see her ass though? anyone else catch that?
Oh one other thing I thought was clever was Prof Farnsworth called that one room "The accusing parlor" when they were trying to figure out who broke his bottle/ship..Its clever because it was the same room they used in Anthology of Interest I when they were trying to solve the murder mysteries. I think it might have been used another time too..I forget.
Well I liked it, had lots of laughs. One of the funnier episodes. Im not a huge fan of bender heavy episodes but this one was quite good. I like the first segment the best, and Zoidberg and Morbo were funny! Id give it a B+ or a A- not sure but definantly a good episode!
Starship Captain
Originally posted by FishyJoe: It was funny enough, but I didn't think it was that great. But then again, I was watching it with non-fans who kept talking, so I missed some parts, and I don't have it on tape.
It seemed kind of Futurestock-ish to me. Lots of funny jokes, but then a bunch of other bits that were kind of annoying. The end, where Farnsworth says the secret ingrediant is water was way too much like the I Second That Emotion ending. Pretty disappointing.
But the "I hate bottles" shirt, and Zoidberg's subsequent guilt was hilarious, and the Iron Chef parody at the end was good too. All in all, it was a fairly funny episode, but I wish they would have kicked the story up another notch, and cut out some of the more annoying stuff. But it was not just ordinary water, he siat, yet nothing but plain ordinary water laced with nothing more but a few spoonfuls of lsd.
DOOP Secretary
Zoidy was indeed good. If they'd ended each of his panicked screaming sessions about 1 second earlier, it woulda been perfect. Something that struck me - Zoidberg is the staff doctor, the PE crew's lives are in his hands - and he's not allowed to touch the $10 bottled ship. Also, Elzar is officially confirmed to be a Neptunian now, he was identified as such on the cooking show. Good times, good times.
Originally posted by BrainSluggo: ....Fry suddenly doesn't seem to give so much as a crap that Bender disappears into space. ...snip...
there is a difference. 1)In Godfellas Bender was thrown into space against his will. Where as in 30% Iron.. he chose to run away. 2) In Godfellas Bender was unable to get back. In 30% Iron.. Bender could return anytime he wanted. Fry probly just figured Bender would get over it and come back on his own.