

Matt gave away some Family Guy boxers. That's it? It's over?
There we have it, the end of the world is coming. Panel's over too...very anticlimactic.


"We love our 'Futurama' actors. We hope that FOX and the actors can come to an agreement as soon as possible." Groening "hope for the best and it may work out." - David X. Cohen

DOOP Secretary

Okay, how about somebody post a link to this article? Or video?

DOOP Secretary

Well, clearly Fox made the right decision in uninviting the voice actors.
I mean, if their ultimate goal was to alienate the fans, anger them, and have them considering abandoning the show. I have no idea how show business works, but I assume that's a good way to make money?


Did they reveal FOX was gonna air it first or whatever? I'm confused. Did we not get anything whatsoever out of this?

DOOP Secretary

At least this confirms that it is not a publicity stunt, so that clears my mind.


It also seems the new season may be delayed by the voice actor dispute "it will go ahead if and when the voice dispute is resolved"
So we have no definate answers to most of our questions, really. We don't know: -if the VA's will return. -if the show itself will return. -when the show will return, if it does. So much we don't know, as well as if the Fox executive who did this was dropped on his head or not.

DOOP Secretary

That's bearly any comfort though Svip.
Only in the fact that the show runners did not stab us in the back. And that Fox really are bastards. So the world we imagined was real.

DOOP Secretary

Oh great. Something I need a Twitter account to do. Fantastic.


I want to hear some feedback from the VA's, and if they say anything, which isn't too likely seeing how they haven't at all. But anything from them.

DOOP Secretary

I_c, what you're reading here is basically just a rehash of what you'll find on Twitter anyway. Please, I implore you, don't get an account. You'll just feel all dirty inside.
1BDI promised to keep us posted whilst in line to get the VA's autographs, right? I say just wait a wee bit longer.


Are the VAs still doing signings? Or have they boycotted the whole comic con?
I hope so, or a lot of people in line will be pretty mad.


edit: DiMaggio is also there...wonder if anyone will ask them about Futurama
I would normally think that as sarcasm but after the panel with MG and DXC asking for them not to ask questions about the situation, people might not. Most likely people will though.

DOOP Secretary

Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
Nope but some interesting ideas for storyline edit Voice actors boycotted panel rather then being disinvited
Where did you hear that? I don't remember that being said at the panel.
Posting from the autograph line. Signal is incredibly sucky. Got my question in (about the worm hole and where the show will start in the new season; Matt seemed to want to ignore it entirely but DXC insisted it be addressed in the first episode). Will post more after I read the thread and see what's already been said.
Twitter...don't know if it's true but if you were there an didn't hear it...
Yeah; no one said anything about a boycott . Matt and DXC just insinuated that the negotiations were still going on and they hoped that everything would work out soon. Re: Panel Organization- I definitely got the sense that it was haphazardly thrown together at the last minute. No new footage, and all of the new information came in answers to fan questions. The writers' notes were entertaining, but not really relevant IMO. And that Nibbler costume was insane. I was sitting across the aisle from that girl and she wore it almost the entire time. Everyone in the room wanted a picture of/with her.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #434 on: 07-25-2009 23:35 »
« Last Edit on: 07-25-2009 23:37 »

DOOP Secretary

(reads through day's posts)
Urge to kill, rising!!


That variety article gets the number of DVD movies wrong.
Also they spelled Groening "Groenig" in the title.