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Author Topic: By Hawking's chair! Futurama is back! (News thread) (No spoilers)  (Read 50505 times)
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PEE Poll: Is this a good thing? (^_^)
good...   -104 (92%)
Not so much   -1 (0.9%)
bad   -2 (1.8%)
Its time has passed   -6 (5.3%)
Total Members Voted: 113

Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #200 on: 06-26-2009 15:08 »
« Last Edit on: 06-26-2009 15:09 »

There is going to be a Comic Con Futurama panel!
Oh, if but a male could squee.
Edit: New abbreviation for when you don't care: TOTFP.  :sleep:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #201 on: 06-26-2009 17:39 »

The size of the crowd at Comic Con International must be insane!

Peep these out:

Note: the Bender at the lower left.

No oozing for me, I might get stepped in on...

Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #202 on: 06-26-2009 19:05 »
« Last Edit on: 06-26-2009 20:18 »

For those who are interested in going to Comic-Con but don't have passes, there is still a marginal amount of hope.  I have no idea what the hotel situation is like right now, though.

(Note:  I'm having to give up my room as Kelly's health has deteriorated to the point that I can't break free to fly to Atlanta for a week and she doesn't want me to put her in a nursing home for that week.)

Oh no.  :(  I'll keep you both in my thoughts.

Space Pope
« Reply #203 on: 06-26-2009 20:52 »

(Note:  I'm having to give up my room as Kelly's health has deteriorated to the point that I can't break free to fly to Atlanta for a week and she doesn't want me to put her in a nursing home for that week.)
Ralph, I'm sorry to hear about Kelly's health getting worse.  Is she still able to go online & get e-mail?  If so, shoot me her e-mail and I'll send her a quick message...
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #204 on: 06-26-2009 22:41 »
« Last Edit on: 06-26-2009 22:43 »

(Note:  I'm having to give up my room as Kelly's health has deteriorated to the point that I can't break free to fly to Atlanta for a week and she doesn't want me to put her in a nursing home for that week.)
Ralph, I'm sorry to hear about Kelly's health getting worse.  Is she still able to go online & get e-mail?  If so, shoot me her e-mail and I'll send her a quick message...

She's gotten out of bed twice this week.  We watched Mythbusters Wednesday and an episode of Deep Space Nine, she went to her computer, found she had over three hundred messages waiting on her, then went back to bed.  She hasn't gotten out of bed since.  She has her radio playing Sirius 80's music and only wakes up when I make her eat.

But her main e-mail is Calliope_1@comcast.net .  

Thanks for the thought.

Space Pope
« Reply #205 on: 06-27-2009 00:14 »

I just shot her an e-mail, Ralph.  She's in my thoughts & prayers; this world needs more good people like her.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #206 on: 06-27-2009 02:18 »

Very true.

Bending Unit
« Reply #207 on: 06-29-2009 07:53 »
« Last Edit on: 06-29-2009 07:54 »

*walks in really late to party, scoots around puddles of vomit and scenes of debauchery*

Futurama is coming back?  Cool!  Any beer left?

Also, sorry to hear about Kelly's condition.

Space Pope
« Reply #208 on: 06-29-2009 19:25 »

Yeah, you're just a little late.  Beer's already drunk (blame Frisco for that).  Kelly could use a "Hi" e-mail...

Delivery Boy
« Reply #209 on: 06-29-2009 19:37 »
« Last Edit on: 06-29-2009 19:39 »

I got my Comic Con tickets for Friday and Saturday and you know I'll be at the Futurama panel. I'll post some pics. Getting the membership early and a hotel is a pain in the ass (San Diego hotels really jack up their prices for the Con, to the level to where a Motel 6 room is $130 a night), but it's all worth it for the Con.

Oh yeah, even though it's really late...Futurama coming back...it's Futurama we're talking about here, and it's friggin coming back. 'Nuff said.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #210 on: 06-30-2009 04:18 »

Awesome, make sure to get there an hour early to guarantee a seat. No, actually 5 hours early. Yeah, 5 hours seems prudent and believable for Comic-Con.

How much in advance did you have to buy tickets, etc.? I'm trying to make a plan to go next year.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #211 on: 06-30-2009 05:57 »
« Last Edit on: 06-30-2009 06:46 »

Awesome, make sure to get there an hour early to guarantee a seat. No, actually 5 hours early. Yeah, 5 hours seems prudent and believable for Comic-Con.

Yeah, considering that the panels before it are all mostly for Seth MacFarlane's shows I would seriously consider getting in line five hours ahead of time, because I honestly don't know how many of those people are going to leave the ballroom before Groening's two panels.  Some people camp out in there all day (and they can because staff doesn't empty out the room between panels).

That said, I was only in line for about two hours a few years back and I made it into the room for the Futurama panel with time to spare.   Which reminds me: bring a freakin' hat or something because the line will likely end up outside the convention center at some point.

ETA: Just realized that this is likely not KoolMoeDee's first 'Con, in which case he probably already knows all of this.  :o

How much in advance did you have to buy tickets, etc.? I'm trying to make a plan to go next year.

I got mine through the web site all the way back in August, mostly because that's when they're cheapest (my four day pass was just $75).  You can probably put it off until March or so, but any time after that is pushing it, as my friends can sadly attest to.

I can't speak for hotel rooms, because I am fortunate enough to have family in the area and I'll be crashing with them the entire time.  I will say the trolley can be your best friend; I imagine you could get away with staying in a hotel located outside the downtown area and take the trolley to the Gaslamp Quarter station, which is right next to the convention center.

I'm still not 100% sure I can make it this year, but if I do I'll also try to take pictures and notes.  I'm glad to hear at least one PEELer is definitely going, though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #212 on: 06-30-2009 06:26 »

$75 for the four days? Wow, we should just have a PEELacon next summer instead of a PEELathon! Thanks for the info, 1BDI!

And these people who camp, do they get to use the restrooms or do they lose their seats if they do? If I did that, I would be angry if I just wanted to pee and somebody stole my seat.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #213 on: 06-30-2009 06:50 »
« Last Edit on: 06-30-2009 06:53 »

You're welcome. ^_^

And these people who camp, do they get to use the restrooms or do they lose their seats if they do? If I did that, I would be angry if I just wanted to pee and somebody stole my seat.

Well, you won't lose your spot in the room (you can get a pass from a staff member that will allow you back into the ballroom without getting back in line), but unless you have a friend to save your seat for you you will most likely lose your seat.  People are moving constantly between panels, though, so this might not be the end of the world; and even if you get a less-than-stellar seat they have giant monitors set up all over that room so you can still see what's going on.

Also, from my understanding, only the incredibly big rooms (like Ballroom 20) have passes; though other places, like Hall H, have restrooms off to the side so you don't have to leave them at all.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #214 on: 06-30-2009 07:31 »
« Last Edit on: 06-30-2009 07:38 »

I imagine you could get away with staying in a hotel located outside the downtown area and take the trolley to the Gaslamp Quarter station, which is right next to the convention center.
Or you can take the SD Trolley to the Convention Center station, which is right next to the convention center. ;)

Yeah, hotel prices are a bitch for all of San Diego and for a downtown room, are a murder, rape, and abortion combined. I scoured for 2 weeks to find lodging that's at least a step better than a Motel 6 and found a decent deal on a hotel in Old Town. I'll take a room that's much cheaper that's a tad out of that way and a short trolley ride in than pay $300 more a night to be within walking distance of the con.

And as for the lines, they're bad, but not that bad if you plan. Hall H is really the only panel venue that is so bad it requires camping...ballroom 20 not so much. The Futurama panel last year was the first thing in the morning in Ballroom 20, the panel started at 10, I got in line 2 hours early and sat in the 13th row, which isn't bad considering the room seats 4200 people. I plan to do the same, or go even earlier this year and brave through the Chuck, Lost, Family Guy (ugh) and Cleveland Show (ugh) panels (I got my iPhone to brave the last 2 panels) just to witness the panel announcing Futurama's glorious return.
How much in advance did you have to buy tickets, etc.? I'm trying to make a plan to go next year.
I believe the con was sold out in June...but the 4 day passes, the Friday and Saturday passes (when most of the action is) sold out in May...so there you go. You might wanna give an extra month or two in advance from May/June considering tickets sold out faster than in 2008 and the same pattern will probably happen for 2010.
You also don't have to buy all 4 days - individual day tickets are $30/$35 depending on the day.

Anyone besides 1BDI gonna be at the con?

Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #215 on: 06-30-2009 07:41 »

I imagine you could get away with staying in a hotel located outside the downtown area and take the trolley to the Gaslamp Quarter station, which is right next to the convention center.
Or you can take the SD Trolley to the Convention Center station, which is right next to the convention center. ;)

This just goes to show how often I actually take the trolley when I visit San Diego. :P

Delivery Boy
« Reply #216 on: 07-01-2009 00:44 »

Apparently they're putting together a new box set with all the seasons and (probably) the movies, and giving away a bunch of them at Comic-Con.  How sweet would it be to get a big ol'box of Futurama signed by the cast and crew?

The line for this panel is going to be insane.  Just a long line of people celebrating.

Bending Unit
« Reply #217 on: 07-01-2009 11:22 »
« Last Edit on: 07-01-2009 11:24 »

Wow! That Futurama panel sounds so awesome!!  :D

I wish I could attend that con. Then I could get Billy West's autograph! Hehe. XD  Ah well, seeing pics of the panel (and videos) will still be really cool.   :)


Delivery Boy
« Reply #218 on: 07-01-2009 19:42 »

Wow! That Futurama panel sounds so awesome!!  :D

I wish I could attend that con. Then I could get Billy West's autograph! Hehe. XD  Ah well, seeing pics of the panel (and videos) will still be really cool.   :)

I want to get John DiMaggio's autograph so bad.  I'm also really into Gears of War, so it'd be pretty awesome to get Bender and Marcus Fenix's autograph.

Also, FryFanGirlLisa, if you can make it, I finally found a picture of the box set http://www.foxstore.com/futuramacomiccon/index.html

Who doesn't want a big ol' Bender head?  I'd take on a whole army of Killbots for that hunk of plastic.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #219 on: 07-01-2009 20:10 »

For those interested in PEELacon in 2010, I've opened a thread about it.

« Reply #220 on: 07-08-2009 14:45 »

jeez. as if the four movies didnt screw up the plotlines and characters enough... i can just imagine it now...

this new season airs in mid 2010.. and has less writers then before... so itll be wack... but this is what it will look like

theyll ofcourse change bender into being some raging homo because they saw stewie of family guy go that way, and theyll be like "hehehe.... thats funny"... but THEYRE WRONG!!! ITS RETARDED!!!!

fry will rarely remember that he is in love with leela, and whats worse, shell be more of a b***h about it...

kiff will probably die for some reason, which might be fine with me, except they will only be doing it so they can add some new love interest in for AMY, and that person will probably be more annoying and a gayer character than kiff was

zapp branigan will get with leela for a moment, which is okay, but theyll figure some way out to make it gay, like leela will also fall in love with the professor

leelas parents will rarely have a roll in this season, even though they should by now become semi reoccuring characters

theyll try to touch on peoples hearts like the third and fourth season, but theyll really just be trying to win an emmy or something, so they will lose sight and make the episodes shitty

theyll bring the stupid non funny globe trotters back too many times

nibler will come back for no reason, and never be explained.. much like in those retarded movies

zoidberg will have more abilities that were never explained, but mightve helped in other situations, and they will all be stupid and have no real purpose except for a funny joke

i could go on, but ill stop. you get the point...

they should hire me as a writer so i can oversee and make sure they dont do anything stupid

Urban Legend
« Reply #221 on: 07-08-2009 14:49 »

The writers of Futurama are far from stupid. They know who enjoys the show and what the viewers want. I estimate around 70% or higher of futurama fans would hate the show and bombard the people who work on the show with hate mail if they changed it to something more family guy-esque.
I have faith in the writers and season 6.

Urban Legend
« Reply #222 on: 07-08-2009 14:54 »

I don't know why he thinks the episodes would be the same as the movies especially after what DXC and MG have said in recent interviews. Also he said "wack"! I have instant dislike for this spammer.
hobo bot

Bending Unit
« Reply #223 on: 07-08-2009 20:13 »

Who agrees with me when i say, Roosevelt shut the hell up!!  :finger:

Space Pope
« Reply #224 on: 07-08-2009 20:40 »

Farnsworth is totally going to be a rapper! Starring tons of guest stars!


Space Pope
« Reply #225 on: 07-09-2009 00:02 »

The writers of Futurama are far from stupid. They know who enjoys the show and what the viewers want. I estimate around 70% or higher of futurama fans would hate the show and bombard the people who work on the show with hate mail if they changed it to something more family guy-esque.
I have faith in the writers and season 6.
Agreed.  I would guess the audience of Futurama is a higher IQ group as it is; they get the social & cultural nods & references that are continually sprinkled throughout the episodes.  The writers know this, and cater to this demographic; it's their core audience & they're not going to alienate the same people who brought the series back from the dead.

Who agrees with me when i say, Roosevelt shut the hell up!!  :finger:
I don't know who this spammer is, but he/she/it needs to learn general english & punctuation rules.  Also, if you check out this spammer's profile, he/she/it has "Futurama Sucks" as his/her/it's moniker. 

Roosevelt: this is a Futurama bulletin board.  Since you obviously don't like the series & don't appreciate how sharp & cutting edge it is, it's probably best that you move on...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #226 on: 07-09-2009 02:11 »

Ban Roosevelt. He/she/it is obviously a troll. Saying idiotic things to elicit a response.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #227 on: 07-09-2009 02:47 »

Shklee says "gay" a lot. I think shklee's just a homophobe.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #228 on: 07-09-2009 03:38 »

That or shklee's projecting.

Bending Unit
« Reply #229 on: 07-09-2009 19:20 »

The writers of Futurama are far from stupid. They know who enjoys the show and what the viewers want. I estimate around 70% or higher of futurama fans would hate the show and bombard the people who work on the show with hate mail if they changed it to something more family guy-esque.
I have faith in the writers and season 6.
Agreed.  I would guess the audience of Futurama is a higher IQ group as it is; they get the social & cultural nods & references that are continually sprinkled throughout the episodes.  The writers know this, and cater to this demographic; it's their core audience & they're not going to alienate the same people who brought the series back from the dead.

Who agrees with me when i say, Roosevelt shut the hell up!!  :finger:
I don't know who this spammer is, but he/she/it needs to learn general english & punctuation rules.  Also, if you check out this spammer's profile, he/she/it has "Futurama Sucks" as his/her/it's moniker. 

Roosevelt: this is a Futurama bulletin board.  Since you obviously don't like the series & don't appreciate how sharp & cutting edge it is, it's probably best that you move on...
or kill yourself.

with a lawnmower.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #230 on: 07-10-2009 02:36 »

This is the first time I'm going to convention that's this big and I'm going to try and make the panel for Futurama, what time do people suggest getting in line?  An hour or two before the panel starts?  Should I go in and sit through the Family Guy and Cleveland Show panels *shudder* and try to stick around between them to guarantee a spot?
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #231 on: 07-10-2009 06:02 »
« Last Edit on: 07-10-2009 06:06 »

Given the potential for fans of those shows to also be fans of Futurama, I think sitting through the Family Guy/Cleavland Show panels would be the safest option if you really want to get into the Futurama panel and don't have any other plans that morning.  I would at least attempt to get into the Family Guy panel; if you can't make it into that on time, you'll still have an almost 2 hour grace period before the Futurama panel.

Two years ago I got away with showing up in line 2 hours early (the panel was also an early afternoon panel then), but that may have been sheer dumb luck.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #232 on: 07-10-2009 09:32 »

And she almost got away with it with a question too, if it hadn't been for those meddling moderators, having "time constraints"...
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #233 on: 07-10-2009 16:54 »

Sadly, that had almost everything to do with how fast I did[n't] run to the mic. :P

And I felt so horrible for the moderators.  The one who told me they wouldn't have time to get to my question sounded so frazzled, and she kept saying, "I'm sorry, but I really have no control over this," like she was expecting me to hound her for not granting me mic access, and I just kept repeating, ad nauseam, "No, no it's ok!  I understand!"  I think she must have gotten a lot of crap from fans at the previous panels.  :hmpf:


Maybe we should start a Comic-Con thread.  I feel guilty about hijacking this one every time something 'Con related comes up.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #234 on: 07-10-2009 20:38 »

I had started one for next year's Con in Off-Topic, perhaps all Comic-Con meeting-up/discussion can go there?

What was your question anyway?
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #235 on: 07-10-2009 21:29 »

I can't remember what my actual question was going to be (I was flipping between several questions that a few posters from here wanted answered), but I originally wanted to ask if we could expect to see more of Fry's past in the movies.  And then I saw the trailer and the answer became much more obvious. :p

I had started one for next year's Con in Off-Topic, perhaps all Comic-Con meeting-up/discussion can go there?

That sounds good.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #236 on: 07-11-2009 00:53 »

You should've just gone up there and been like, "Hi, I'm from PEEL..." I really want to know how much sway PEEL has.

And the link to that thread is on this page.

Space Pope
« Reply #237 on: 07-12-2009 02:10 »

I really want to know how much sway PEEL has.
I wonder if there's any way to e-mail DXC or Matt, to see if they know what PEEL is.  Like you, I'd like to know how much sway PEEL has, and how "out there" we really are...
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #238 on: 07-12-2009 05:08 »

I really want to know how much sway PEEL has.
I wonder if there's any way to e-mail DXC or Matt, to see if they know what PEEL is.  Like you, I'd like to know how much sway PEEL has, and how "out there" we really are...

mArc has a direct connection with DXC and other movers and shakers of Futurama.  I wouldn't be surprised if he has Matt Groening's home phone number.

The e-mail that DXC used while he was on USENET rejected my last two e-mails, suggesting that address has been retired.

All people from Futurama would deny brousing here.  The chance of an episode that mirrors a fanfic is too great a liability.  Somebody could say their idea was ripped-off and try to hold the studio/producers/writers up for financial gain.

But yes, I do know that a few members of the staff have lurked around here.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #239 on: 07-12-2009 05:18 »

The chance of an episode that mirrors a fanfic is too great a liability.  Somebody could say their idea was ripped-off and try to hold the studio/producers/writers up for financial gain.

Elements from A River with Currents and Blame it on the Brain seemed to find their way into BBS. Probably coincidence... (?)
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