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Author Topic: A perfect ending for ITWGY  (Read 1500 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 04-12-2009 23:03 »

Once they go through the wormhole, Fry wakes up from a coma from when he fell down on that building in Mars, and dreamt the whole story of ITWGY.   Fry wakes up and asks everyone about the snakes and frogs, Mars Vegas, The Dark One, Feministas, Legion of Mad Hatters, Leo's quest for destruction for a golf course,  mind reading, and the Green age and nobody knows what he's talking about.  Bender says none of it happened and that it was all a dream.  Bender also says he's mad at Fry for going into a coma and having to leave Mars Vegas, therefore, he never got to gamble.  Amy says her father has no plans for a golf course.   Leela reveals that she's been taking care of Fry while he was in the coma, and professes her love for him and vice versa. 

Farnsworth says he never had a piece of jewelry in his head that he had a little brain damage and he cured it.   Then Hermes, Amy, and Zoidberg say now that Fry's awake from his coma that they're all going on a delivery mission together.  Fry and Leela kiss and Bender goes up to the screen and says, "All right!  All right!  Nothing to see here!  Show's over!"  Then Bender goes into the PE Ship with everyone else and they all go on the mission.  Fry and Leela still get together. 

If only this ending had happened.   This would've been better than having them go into the wormhole and not showing what happened. 

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 04-12-2009 23:06 »

I will read and reply to this when I've finally seen the 4th movie, Into The Wild Green Yonder.

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 04-15-2009 20:05 »

I'm trying not to be mean here but do you just not get it? The wormhole is a reference to the fact that ITWGY is another possible end to the series. Once they go through it they don't know where they will end up, just like after ITWGY fans don't know if there will ever be more episodes. The writers are covering their asses.

As for not showing what happened after they went through the wormhole, what I just wrote is the reason why but if you need another reason why here it is. It's a gift to the fans. Go to a Futurama fansite (I recommend Madhouse for my example) and see how many fics are set after 418. That was the previous episode set up as a possible ending that fans were able to use to make their own stories. ITWGY is even better for Fan Fics since literally anything can happen after the wormhole.

P.S. Making ITWGY a dream plot would of have been a disservice to everyone. It was a big plot that made great use of the characters and setting. Making it a dream would have been terrible (and boring since there are already 2 episodes that do that). Even you would have thought it stupid.

On another note, I read your possible ITWGY plot that you posted in its thread and I think you have no idea why you like this show. Both of your ITWGY stories are the worst of fan fiction.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 04-15-2009 21:33 »

I agree with the comment above......

No offence but it was the perfect ending because the fans can dream up there own ideas of what will happen next. I've been on soooo many websites (even bebo) and futurama fans have been saying to their friends "What do you think will happen next?" and plus it gives the fans the illusion that.......it could come back!!!!!

Plus it's a great ending for shippers, which i am proudly one of. =D

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 04-16-2009 22:52 »

I kinda felt sad at the ending. To me it gave the impression that the show won't be back.
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 04-18-2009 04:19 »

Oh, it'll be back. Fox will never defeat them...
Also they wouldn't tick off their viewers by leaving it a cliffhanger.

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 04-18-2009 04:57 »

I thought they pulled off the ending rather well. If it does come back, there are a lot of possibilities for stories, if it doesn't, possibilities for fan fics.
Future Shock

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 04-25-2009 10:49 »

But the fan-fics wouldn't be official. It's fine to see some fan-ship, but sometimes you read it and think, 'This is the way it should be'
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