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Author Topic: Alien Language Image Database?  (Read 1702 times)
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« on: 11-09-2008 22:25 »

Just a quick question

Does anyone on this forum know if there exists a database or collection of screenshots from each episode of Futurama chronicalling all the hidden alien language signs ect. and there translated meanings?
I have done a fair bit of searching across the interwebs and had no luck (also searched this forum)

Pardon my ignorance if this has been mentioned or queried before.

The reason why I've been searching is merely because I thought it would be quite cool (geeky i know) and also if such a thing doesn't exist I would like to give it a go :)


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 11-10-2008 10:12 »

You should give it a go anyway, if someone would hand it to you, wouldn't you go over it yourself? And no one else here would use it, they'd all make their own and claim it was their idea.
I.C. Weiner

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 12-04-2008 08:02 »

I know there is a translation program but I have not seen a database with a collection of all of the sayings. I agree with gudbjorg it would be pretty cool if you did it and as far as I'm concerned you would be the first.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 12-04-2008 08:44 »

Does anyone on this forum know if there exists a database or collection of screenshots from each episode of Futurama chronicalling all the hidden alien language signs ect. and there translated meanings?


Pardon my ignorance if this has been mentioned or queried before.

Actually, yes.
Alien language glyphs - Copyrighted?
alien language in "less than hero"
The Alien Language has goten out!!
Alien language easter egg
Alien language
Alien language messagers at intro
"Parasites Lost" alien language find!
What Alien Language was used the Season 3 Box Trailer?
Alien Language 3
Alien Language
The Second Alien Language

The reason why I've been searching is merely because I thought it would be quite cool (geeky i know) and also if such a thing doesn't exist I would like to give it a go :)

Your 'geek-fu' is strong, grasshopper.  ;)
I'll shut up now...

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