Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

I do know that I'll try to get a screener copy.
If -mArc- has another "Premiere Contest" to see the thing in Hollywood, I'm entering. I'll hire somebody to stay with Kelly, but my ass will be on a flight to watch the thing.
My first wife was something into the D&D thing and I only absorbed some of it by osmosis but I know enough to enjoy this upcoming DVD.
It appears that there'll more Leela involvement and the knock-down, drag-out fight between Dragon-Fry and Dragon-Mom should be good for a few laughs.
And it appears that the "ship-quotient" will be low. That's good, save it for the last DVD and marry Fry and Leela off (to each other) at the very end.


"Oh, Lord, I'm half-horse and half-naked!"
Why was this not the first film???? I see the trailer is in colour, so they must be further along in production than they were when the BWABB trailer came out.

DOOP Secretary

I am going to be looking forward to Bender's Game. Awww Bender as a Knight 
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by ShepherdofShark:
I'm always thinking about what isn't said/shown - eg what's Mom's involvement in the plot? I can't wait for her return. I gotta hear more "Mom-isms". So far two of her saying are my favorites: "Jam a bastard in it, you crap!" and "Holy Buttcrust on a cracker!" Some day, I want to marry a woman just like her...

DOOP Secretary

Am I the only one who's not looking forward to this? Maybe it's because of my complete and utter distaste of the fantasy genre, but, meh, I'm just not that interested in seeing an entire movie set in a LOTR environment... Seems like something they should've saved for an episode of the show, I don't think it'll work as a full 90-minute feature.
Something tells me this'll be the weakest of the 4 movies and I'll like Into the Wild Green Yonder the best. We shall see...

DOOP Secretary

I sure hope so.
I just don't like the idea of having a Futurama movie that's not set in the Futurama universe. That'd be like having The Simpsons do a movie-length Treehouse of Horror segment. Ugh. No.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Smitty: "Oh, Lord, I'm half-horse and half-naked!" I loved that one!  Classic Leela right there. Originally posted by Ralph Snart: And this is from a guy who hates Dungeons and Dragons. My sentiments exactly.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by aknightofni:
And whats that collar leela is wearing when she falls? I wonder about that also. I can see Leela being into B&D but she'd be the dominant partner - there's now way I could see her being submissive enough to wear a collar. Oh wait, this is a D&D ripoff, not a B&D ripoff. [Gilda Radner]Never Mind.[/Gilda Radner] Ralph "wants Leela to be a freak" Snart

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by soylentOrange: My guess is that the LOTR/DND stuff takes place in one level amongst several in the 'game'. That's brilliant. I'd never thought of it as actually being a game. I always thought it was just a pun used for the title. That's definitly the most plausible thing I've heard in a while. Bravo sir. 1400 points!


Honestly, when I first saw the trailer and heard the premise, I was kind of put off. It isn't that I don't like the fantasy genre, I grew up playing games like Quest for Glory so I'm no stranger to that world, I just don't think it belongs in the Futurama world outside a AOI scenerio. But I won't judge it till I see it. I recently read an interview with DXC where he says the movie will shed further light on some past events. To quote: From a writing standpoint, how do consider an audience that’s virgin to the Futurama viewing experience? The movies are peppered with references to the show. There’s a fine line we have to walk, because we want to really give a treat to the longtime fans by throwing in lots of weird side character [appearances]…but we also don’t want the whole thing to bog down in joke references. We tried to give enough, but not too much, and I hope we succeeded. There are some periodic flashbacks that explain a little more about things that happened [in the] first [film]. There’ll be a couple instances of that in Bender’s Game [due out this fall]. We explain the back story a little bit more of Nibbler and of the Professor and there will be a few explanations of things that happened. The attempt is made, at least, and I hope we pulled it off to do those things in such a way that if you didn’t see them the first time, it’ll just be a bonus for those people who say, “A-ha! That explains why…” Maybe the origin of Fry's tattoo will be reveiled...the full interview can be found here: http://artistdirect.com/nad/news/article/0,,4705880,00.html