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Author Topic: Big Score and Movie 4...  (Read 1337 times)
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« on: 06-12-2008 16:18 »

I've been trying my best to avoid spoilers for the next few weeks, but from what I gather is the next movie forgets most of the character development in Big Score, but from the hints given in the commentary, it sounds like movie 4 will tie into the events of Big Score alot...dealing with Bender's age do to the time traveling and a huge galactic war that will hopefully involve the nibblonians. Maybe even some more flashbacks of Lars life from 2000-2012 that don't focus on Leelu. Call me a softy, but I like seeing Fry interacting with his fam and Semyoure. So what do y'all think? Will movie 4 tie more into BBS?
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 06-12-2008 19:16 »
« Last Edit on: 06-12-2008 19:16 »

I think it'll tie back to all three previous movies in some fashion, but I don't think it'll tie back to BBS as strongly as you'd (or, frankly, I'd) like it to; the movie already seems to be dealing with a number of things
.  I'm not sure they'll even have time, let alone an excuse, to readdress Lars' 20th century life unless he somehow becomes a major plot point again and they're forced to do so because of it.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 06-12-2008 22:56 »

I think the only mention of Lars will be either a passing reference to BBS or something to do with Fry and Leela in the last movie.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #3 on: 06-16-2008 08:46 »

I just hope it'll be humourous and shippy, the way I love Futurama. :P

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 06-16-2008 13:37 »

I think the fourth movie will have a connection to the other three.  Hopefully, it will reveal why Leela is 'the other'.  Also, I look forward to seeing the Number 9 guy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 06-16-2008 21:25 »

Originally posted by Crazyguy1990:
I just hope it'll be humourous and shippy, the way I love Futurama. :P

Originally posted by KurtPikachu2001:
I think the fourth movie will have a connection to the other three.  Hopefully, it will reveal why Leela is 'the other'.

These are definitly the most important things I'm expecting.

« Reply #6 on: 06-18-2008 14:21 »

Same here dude.
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 06-24-2008 03:20 »

Well, BWaBB was pretty good, as long as it has great humor, a well thought out plot and perhaps reference important episodes (Like The Why of Fry) I can't complain.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #8 on: 07-03-2008 01:43 »

I was so upset by the lack of FryXLeela stuff in BWaBB. What was up with that? To me it felt like a really decent fan fiction but nothing that I'd expect from Groening and Cohen. Alas, as a Futurama fan, I will love it none the less.


And who's Number 9 guy? the guy that was mentioned in the BBS commentary as that guy who's always there who matters all of a sudden?

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 07-03-2008 13:20 »
« Last Edit on: 07-03-2008 13:20 »


« Reply #10 on: 07-09-2008 14:25 »

in my opinion shoudnt tie in to bbs because what is there left to deal with from bbs that wasnt delt with in bwabb it is shown in a sneek preview on the disc that bg is going to be somthing completey irelavent maybe its cause i dont know who number 9 is but movie might probaly elaberate on something from bg bwabb may just barely tie in with bg but otherwise there is nothing left from bender big score if there is go tell me but i have watched bwabb audio comentary and theres not much there to suggest anything
Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 07-09-2008 23:08 »

There was a lot of BS and psychobabble in the BWABB commentary to being with in all fairness. I really wish DXC would tell the others to shut the fuck up because us fans really don't appreciate when something interesting is going on onscreen and instead of talking about it, they go on about random BS that we really could care less about, very annoying.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #12 on: 07-09-2008 23:55 »

Originally posted by Anarchy_Balsac:
There was a lot of BS and psychobabble in the BWABB commentary to being with in all fairness. I really wish DXC would tell the others to shut the fuck up because us fans really don't appreciate when something interesting is going on onscreen and instead of talking about it, they go on about random BS that we really could care less about, very annoying.

There are some movies that don't even have commentaries. In fact, most television shows don't have commentaries as well, and if they ever did, it's only for particular episodes. Matt Groening's shows are the only shows that I know of that make commentaries for every episode. So, we're pretty lucky that we get commentaries for every single episode, plus commentary for any extras such as the Futurama video game mash-up.

However, I do understand your pain. Though you can't exactly control a commentary (which is pretty much just a recording of a conversation that is going on as they watch an episode or movie), the crew could try to reach out to the audience a bit more. The only time that anybody could get in contact with all of them at once is at Comic Con, and even there the only questionare time they allow is during their hour-long presentation, which the first third is spent introducing the cast and crew and showing clips.

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #13 on: 07-10-2008 00:09 »
« Last Edit on: 07-10-2008 00:09 »

Originally posted by RogerWilco81:
Call me a softy, but I like seeing Fry interacting with his fam and Semyoure.

Don't get me wrong, I like that too, it's what made Luck of the Fryish and Jurassic Bark so great.  The problem is that BBS rewrote those stories ending... and it ruined the emotional appeal of those episodes respectively.

The number 9 guy is a character in Futurama that pops up in the background from time to time.  He was a side gag and explanation about future society that never got explained; specifically in the future there are people (possibly everyone) identified only by numbers.  The number 9 guy wears a long white shirt with a big 9 on it... hence us calling him the number 9 guy.  I actually got into this discussion in the chatroom yesterday.

Edit: I like the ridiculousness of the Futurama commentaries... They're more enjoyable to listen to than any other commentaries I've heard before.  I do understand why you're upset though... at times I would enjoy more technical explanations of things, but there is a decent amount of that in them as well.
Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 07-10-2008 00:37 »

Originally posted by Frida Waterfall:
 There are some movies that don't even have commentaries. In fact, most television shows don't have commentaries as well, and if they ever did, it's only for particular episodes. Matt Groening's shows are the only shows that I know of that make commentaries for every episode. So, we're pretty lucky that we get commentaries for every single episode, plus commentary for any extras such as the Futurama video game mash-up.

You're absolutely right, and I'll even go so  far as to say their commentaries are better than most(Just listen to an ATHF commentary for example), but yet half the time this is just because DXC is pulling things in the right direction.

Originally posted by Frida Waterfall:However, I do understand your pain. Though you can't exactly control a commentary (which is pretty much just a recording of a conversation that is going on as they watch an episode or movie), the crew could try to reach out to the audience a bit more. The only time that anybody could get in contact with all of them at once is at Comic Con, and even there the only questionare time they allow is during their hour-long presentation, which the first third is spent introducing the cast and crew and showing clips.

Exactly, they could try a little harder to make it worth our time and cast insight on things that we'd obviously have questions about.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #15 on: 07-10-2008 05:48 »

They keep the commentaries enthusiastic though.  It's not dry like other commentaries I've listened to where just about everything is explained. 

I suppose it is a preference thing, but even with the randomness, it leads to some insight that wouldn't be explained without it as well.

« Reply #16 on: 07-10-2008 06:05 »

i agrre with most of that but arueung about the rewrite to jurasic bark and luck of the fryish could be explained as by looking closely they could have taken surten bits of the scene from bbs it all goes into we saw seymour from when  he met fry to when he died and any thing from the 2 episode is easly explained to tie along with bbs

Bending Unit
« Reply #17 on: 07-10-2008 08:34 »

Yeah but see in my mind both versions of JB and LotF did happen, they happened and they didn't happen and stuff like that is what caused the universe to tear open like flimsy human skin in the first place.

« Reply #18 on: 07-10-2008 13:19 »

yeh people hes right

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #19 on: 07-10-2008 18:38 »

If that truly is the case Bones.... then why did Yancy name his son Phillip after his brother?  In The Luck of the Fryish it is explicitly implied that he named his son that because his brother (Phillip Fry) was dead, and that he missed him.

« Reply #20 on: 07-10-2008 18:55 »

I always figured it was because that after given the chance to return "home" Fry realized how much his family truely meant to him and he spent alot of time with them and grew alot closer to Yancy, who named his son after Fry because of how much he loves and appreciates having him in his life...the same outcome just altered.

And about the clover, I believe Fry would have bestowed it upon his nephew at some point, since he knows how crucial it is to his future.

This is why I wish the flashbacks had more of Fry and his family, and less of that damn Narwhal. More of Bender's travels would have been interesting as well.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 07-13-2008 19:26 »

Originally posted by winna:
They keep the commentaries enthusiastic though.  It's not dry like other commentaries I've listened to where just about everything is explained. 

I suppose it is a preference thing, but even with the randomness, it leads to some insight that wouldn't be explained without it as well.

I have to agree with Winna on this one. I think they have a pretty good balance too them. One minute you're listening to them discuss physics and the next Billy West and John DiMaggio are singing "Nobody Cares". If the entire thing was DXC talking about the science and about where this or that idea came from it would be boring. The only thing I think they should do is have at least one commentary with Katey Sagal in it.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #22 on: 07-21-2008 03:38 »

I agree about having one commentary with Katey Sagal. I don't understand why she can't sit down for 90 minutes and talk. But there could be some reasonable explanation...I'd just like to know what it is, especially since in the commentary for BWABB someone was imitating her voice.
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