if futurama becomes dirty and stupid like family guy then i wont watch futurama anymore.
Liquid Emperor
By network standards it's pretty middle-of-the-road. I don't think it would make a V-chip blush.
Originally posted by Bendersfan1221: Prankster, MG, DXC adn all them would never have Futurama turn into Family Guy in the future type thing. If they did I would loose all respect for them adn punch same here.
your right bendersfan1221 matt and david would never make futurama dirty.
Futurama has had some ribald jokes along the way ("What's the matter? Your tail is wagging" ), yet it never leans excessively on disgusting "shock" humor like the terrible Family Guy or American Dad. Yeah, I like hearing Bender saying "Bastard" and the like, but I'm glad that Matt Groening and company have kept the general core of the show on the sweet, positive side.
Liquid Emperor
Prankster, I suggest STRENUOUSLY you do yourself (and everyone else) a favor: Read the PEEL FAQ. Learn it.Live it.Love it.Elsewise, your stay here is likely to be brief and uncomfortable.
Liquid Emperor
Now... let's not be too hasty. We already have Sesame Street and umpteen kiddie toons if that's what you want.
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by futz: Now... let's not be too hasty. We already have Sesame Street and umpteen kiddie toons if that's what you want. [* Hurk*] Please, I just ate... As I recall, MG said in one of the Vol. 1 DVD interviews, that to do any kind of social commentary Futurama couldn't be too dark and gritty, as in 'Blade Runner', nor too bright and cheerful, as was 'The Jetsons'. (And, BTW, the F*x exec's at the time LOVED 'The Jetson's" - which could explain a number of things.) As, you can see, there's a lot of 'maneuvering room' between those extremes. I'll just ooze out under the door now...
Liquid Emperor
You thought that had sexual meaning? Hoo boy!
Space Pope
I don't think Futurama will get dirtier; as it is now, it's witty, topical and EDGY, but in a hilarious way. At the same time, it deals with more adult type issues (alienation, drugs, alcohol, fidelity, sex, etc), so it's not exactly a kiddy show.
I don't think Matt & his crew would head in that direction because, not only would it turn off many that watch it, but, in some way, Futurama is like Burlesque. It SUGGESTS things, but never stoops so low as to shove it in your face. The show is intelligently written & respects it's audience, which is one of the reasons why I enjoy watching it...