Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Thank-you, Ralph Snart, for setting the record straight on the circumstances of the joke on us about the 5th movie. Anytime. This is the first time I've ever let it be known that I was one of the people behind the scenes who helped Leandro keep his site. The Futurama community is much stronger with it still existing. I've sent my wife e-cards from FM/TLZ with her very favorite song of all time attached to them, "Don't You Forget About Me". Whenever she's feeling down a card from TLZ will always make her day brighter. When VF was so critically ill a few years ago, as a complete stranger (I was new to PEEL at that point), I sent her an e-card with a "Get Well" message. About a week later she sent me a "Thank you" e-mail. It was important to me because she was so ill and she still had the strength to acknowledge that a newbie to the board had sent her an e-card. Kelly is one of Tim's cyber-friends and they converse via e-mail occasionally. She has made a few contributions to the site under the name "Reba-1X". As trivial as it seems, when I first started watching Futurama and bought all the box sets one night, she thought it was just another sci-fi program. Anybody who knows me knows that sci-fi, comedies and car shows are my favorite types of entertainment. Kelly, being from Great Britain, loves Benny Hill and Monty Python type of programming. So one day she came into the living room as I was watching "Fry and the Slurm Factory". By the end, she was hooked. She absolutely loves any episode with Zapp, she says Zapp reminds her of some of the boyfriends she had before she married me. She enjoys the series more than I do. She has her own set of the DVD's next to her computer - that's how she watches DVD's - with the big screen computer monitor she can watch the DVD's easier than on the TV set. Unfortunately the reason Kelly doesn't have a membership on PEEL is because she is legally blind and has a hard time reading a lot. She still does her Christianity websites and makes games. She has taught herself HTML, PERL and Javascript - she has uploaded a game (Mahjong, I think) to TLZ. Tim has told her that it's one of TLZ's most popular games. So you have some of the reasons that I support/defend FM/TLZ. Me? I thought it was funny... funny as a heart attack. Sorry about that, Corvus. Now that you know it was a joke, you can relax.  And dude, the detractors to BBS have had their say. Forward and onward, BWABB's is coming and I feel it in my bones that it will be much better than BBS. So keep the faith, bro.
chay´s head

Space Pope
Originally posted by HYPNoBRECKY: If you look up the thread further, you will see that I never subscribed to the whole 5th movie thing, chay's head, REALLY- look up a bit on the thread. It might be hard to look up when you don't have a neck. 
The old with the new that I was talking to the other fellow about was the information I read about when the next movie is coming out, bodiless dude- chay's head.
And what if I am "retarded" as you say, with an I.Q. of 4, getting along in a smart world- wouldn't you feel bad for not using the politically correct term for my condition- addled. Or maybe the more politically correct term to show respect for someone with the condition- mentally challenged. There are some really wonderful people who are mentally challenged individuals. 
This whole thread is news about the 4 movies- not the mythical 5th that you refer to, chay's head.
(So, I apologize if this came off sounding way too harsh. It was supposed to be in a "jokey," "hambone," tone. Now that I look this over- I'd have to say, "my bad." ) I said your logic was retarded, not you personally. srsly... on topic... weird

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Ralph Snart: Most people don't remember two years ago the site almost died. Leandro ran into some very severe finacial times - severe enough that he had to sell his beloved Futurama Calendar collection on ebay.
The future for FM/TLZ looked bleak - he kept the site up but had to resort to asking for financial help. He set up a paypal account so people could donate a few bucks to keep the site going for another year. I was one of the larger donors to the site. I'll let it be known now, and Leandro can confirm this: I offered to bankroll the site for one year - paid in advance. I didn't want any acknowledgement on the site nor did I want to be a moderator, I just wanted the site to survive.
Ralph 'tired and going to sleep' Snart Oh yeah I remember those days. Not Pretty. I never knew you did that stuff, bravo sir! It seems I may have misjudged you. So kudos to Ralph 'just earned 50,000 points' Snart.

Bending Unit
« Reply #528 on: 02-12-2008 09:06 »
« Last Edit on: 02-12-2008 09:06 »
You are still clinging to the word "retarded," Head dude. Not cool. The word "addled," connotes literally confusion whereas the word you choose is meant to be hurtful as name calling. It's th "R" word in as much as there is an "N" word or a "K" word or the "F" word. In a civilized culture we as a collective intelligent entity-human beings- strive to be better than our primitive ape natures- we try to care for our fellow man and in return we find our redemption in being better for the next generation to keep evolving into a better being full of goodwill and reaching toward an existence more in tune with the perfectness of the Collective Unconcious. If we quit caring about the affects of our actions upon others- we have the cautionary tale from history showing us that we as human beings can also devolve into our primitiveness as the Mayans did with bloody beheadings acting out of fear, not caring that someone may like to live and not part with their head.  It's not a matter of me being insulted or offended. It's that you are being insulting and offensive. There is a difference. If you are European,(I don't know- just assume you may not be U.S. American) it may excuse you not knowing this simple faux pas. U.S. Americans are much more sensitively aware of what words can do to create the rift of hate and how respecting others closes that rift towards a much more heightened state of peace. I accept you saying my logic is flawed and take no offense when you JUST say that . It's the "R" word. I'm done with this subject. I forgive you and hold no ill will towards you for using the "R" word. You have been informed of your faux pas which is my duty. Now this subject has been killed for good. This is a thread for news of the Futurama 4 movies. The Last best news is that Benders Big Score is coming to Comedy Central for airing on March 23 in the evening. And, chay's head, I'm glad we are both Futurama fans; that's all that counts, really. Quote: upside_ur_head Crustacean Since: Jul 2007 posted 02-10-2008 17:05 IP: Logged -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This thread seems to be decending away from the title of the thread so to bring it back on track http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news.aspx?id=7549 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unquote

Delivery Boy
does anyone have any idea when "beast with a billion backs" will be released, i checked IMDB, and they have it as march 18th, but the last production update they have is that it was in post on november 17th, which means it should be done by now. also, the best buy extra disc on benders big score showed the movie in anamatic form, and that was probably compiled around october if not earlier, and also, on the commentary for big score they mention that the movies were animated/produced in tandem, so anyway, any idea as to when. really im just starving for another movie...
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

No info on a real date, absolutely el zilcho  ...

Delivery Boy
well, given that billy wests blog says that on january 26th they were doing ADR (additional dialog record) that means the animations is done except for last minute changes, and ADR is part of the general post production editing process, so if they were doing ADR in january, i give it about a month (probably less, but i dont know at what point in editing/post that they do ADR) after that to finish the rest of editing the show, which means the show should probably be pretty much done around now, which leaves them with organizing the DVD with features and menus and whatnot, recording the audio commentary, then getting the DVD produced, which doesnt take too long, which could probably slot the release around late march or early april, and IMDB says march 18th, i bet it will probably be later than that, but not by much, i would be suprised to see it be later than april


I think that information was from the Bender's Big score press release - it's safe to say that TLZ didn't wrie that.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Fourth movie; 2009. As for the second movie the one positive way I look at this no date situation is that they're talking their time instead of rushing it. Hopefully it will be a better end product because of it. An extra month or two, although annoying is worth it for the amount of years a better movie will be sitting on our shelves because of it...


If any of you were wondering how I got that right, it's because I'm awesome.


Official or not, that FOX press release claims Dwayne Carey-Hill and Ken Keeler are cast members.


Ken Keeler would be a hilarious voice actor.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by KurtPikachu2001: I heard the third Futurama movie 'Bender's Big Game' is going to have a medeval setting. Bender is supposed to be a knight, and Leela, a centaur. My guess is Fry will end up stuck in a tower! It's actaully called 'Bender's Game' which is a take off of 'Ender's Game'.