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Author Topic: Emails  (Read 1366 times)
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Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« on: 02-12-2002 16:42 »

What did you Email FOX?

This is the thread to show others what you Emailed FOX and to help people who don't have any inspiration on what to write.

This is what I've Emailed them:

Dear Fox

I am writing this in response to the news that Futurama has been cancelled. I love the show and have been a regular viewer ever since the first episode. I've enjoyed watching it grow and develop throughout the years building up a strong cast of characters and plot lines. I believe Futurama is the best television show ever to be produced, every episode is strong, funny and highly entertaining.

 When I heard the news of it being cancelled I was shocked because it has so much potential to do great things, the show was really hitting it's stride and the recent release of Season One on DVD in th UK has been accepted with rave reviews and high selling figures. I feel really sad and upset because if the show ended now it would be such a waste, so much potential lost.

 Futurama has a huge following of loyal fans who tune in to watch it at every opportunity. Although the ratings haven't totally backed this up I feel it's because of the constant pre-emption of the show making it hard to pick up new fans. If it was shown in the same timeslot every week then I know it would pick up many more viewers.

In conclusion I hope that you have understood my feelings concerning the show and I would be very pleased if you would re-consider and continue airing Futurama.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #1 on: 02-12-2002 16:51 »

I've been sending a few politely worded emails on similar lines all morning, and some of this evening. I created 15 new hotmail accounts this morning, just so it looked like a few more different people.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 02-12-2002 17:01 »

Tres manipulative, total. Evil.  :laff:

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 02-12-2002 17:11 »

Hello, I am a futurama fan from the United Kingdom and am aware that FOX has not decided to pick up season 5 of Futurama.
I first want to state that it would be in your best interests if you chose to continue showing futurama and at a much better time than I am aware you currently do in the US. This show is very popular and I know dozens of people at my school who love the show like I do. Futurama has thousands of fans in my country alone and a huge online fan base. It would be very foolish of you to cancel the show.
Secondly, the Futurama season 1 DVD was recently released in Europe and has been very sucessful. I myself ordered a copy weeks in advance and the DVD has reached number 3 in the DVD charts here in its first week despite being prices at 3 times the cost of the DVD's that reached number 1 and number 2. If this isn't a sign of the shows sucess and popularity frankly I don't know what is.
I hope you will reconsider your decision.
Stephen Reid
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #4 on: 02-12-2002 17:29 »

Originally posted by Teral:
Tres manipulative, total. Evil.   :laff:

Thanks Teral. I please to aim. If more people would do the same thing, I'm sure it would make somebody sit up and look at them before trashing the lot. ( A step forward at least).
Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 02-12-2002 17:42 »

My name is Daniel, I'm 17 years old and I'm from germany. Even in germany we noticed, that Fox wants to cancel Futurama. It's my (and my friends) favourite TV show and it would be a great loss if there wouldn't be any new episodes. In my opinion, a new airtime would bring more quotes for the show. Think about the fans all over the world. Even think about the income for the Futurama merchandise.
Hope you'll listen to this letter
Daniel Brand -- 12.02.2002

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 02-12-2002 17:46 »

Andrew Slater
147 Bellingham Road
London, England
To whoever this matter concerns,
                                            I am writing this in response to the news that Futurama has been cancelled. I love the show and have been a regular viewer ever since the first episode. I've enjoyed watching it since and i have not yet found a show that equals or betters it, this is the most entertaining and funny show of all time. I am one of many thousands of Futurama fans that knows of this and i am shocked that such a thing could happen.
    First of all it would help to know why it is being cancelled if indeed this information true. If it is cancelled due to poor viewer ratings why don't you take into account that many souces i have heard from clearly state that Futurama is shown at unreasonable times, cancelled, moved and mucked about with by you in the US (I can't get first hand knowledge, i'm in the UK). Apparently Futurama hasn't recieved very good treatment in America anyway so far and from the looks of things it will never get any treatment again.
    Futurama is a very promising series and has many good points to be kept. Recently the Futurama Season 1 DVD was realesed in the UK and Europe and has recieved very good sales figures and there is a loyal fan base and has been for many years, since the start of Futurama in 2000. It has a promising storyline and many new and great stories can be built off of this.
    One last point before you decide that Futurama should be canned, remember that there are many fans that would do near anything to stop this, i'm sure you'll recieve many more letters, e-mails and phone calls about this, i hope you know what your doing.

                                Andrew Slater

Delivery Boy
« Reply #7 on: 02-12-2002 17:46 »

Here's what I sent:

I've heard that Futurama hasn't been renewed for a 5th season.  This is a tragedy of unimaginable proportions.  Futurama is easily the best show on television since the Simpsons went down hill (around season 11).  The only reason the ratings for Futurama are low is because of the lousy timeslot.  Whenever I mention Futurama to someone they either say "I love that show but it never seems to be on" or "I thought they weren't showing it anymore since I never see it advertised".  Futurama has a huge fanbase and could make a fortune in advertising if it was given a decent timeslot and treated properly.  Futurama is the one thing that really sets Fox apart from the average network.  So if anyone at Fox still believes in quality television instead of just low brow reality shows like Glutton Bowl and Temptation Island, please save Futurama!

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 02-12-2002 18:26 »
« Last Edit on: 02-12-2002 18:26 »

Here is my email to Fox, i havn't sent it yet so any corrections you see that need to be made just let me know.

To whomever this may concern,
        When I found out about the imminent cancellation of Futurama I must say I was greatly alarmed. Over the past four years this program has won my heart and become my most beloved show. I have yet to miss a single episode and this show has yet to disappoint me. The characters are compelling with very believable motivations, the situations are hysterical, and even the animation itself must be applauded. Over the past 4 production seasons the animation has gotten smoother and the use of 3-D more integrated. From episode to episode it's getting harder to tell where the 2-d animation ends and the 3-d begins. Even the expressions on the character's faces have gotten more and more realistic, as I noticed while watching the episode 'Love & Rocket'  for the 5th time just the other day. (I'm notorious for watching recorded eps more times then really necessary and can often quote from them.) Also, I do believe this show has won several awards in its short lifetime, a great accomplishment even for shows reaching there 8th or 9th season.
      I understand that maybe the ratings weren't quite what Fox was hoping for but to be honest Fox's expectations where a little high. Futurama has a horrible timeslot. Here, on the East coast it airs at 6 PM. That's right in the middle of rush hour traffic as well as dinner for many familles. Futurama is also pre-empted. A Lot. It's not uncommon to go over a month with no new episodes. In addition Futurama is almost never advertised. If not for the extensive Futurama online community I belong too, I would never know when it was on at all. There have been several instances at school where people would walk up to me, ask if I remembered 'that show that the simpsons guy did with the future dude' and were then very surprised when I told them that it was indeed still on the air.
     Futurama is not just appreciated here in America, it has a wide overseas fan base. In fact the season one DVD set reached number three on the top sellers chart in England. Fans everywhere from Norway to Australia cherish this show even though it is shown less there then it is here on its own soil. Which brings me to another point, Fox, like any other company is looking for a profit, A profit which could easily be won with Futurama. The merchandising opportunities are endless. From shirts and hats, to figurines and plushys, or DVD's and VHS, there is money to be had. I myself am a fervent collector of the Futurama comic books. And if ever a movie were to be made you can bet I'd be first in line on opening day.
       In conclusion, Futurama is a worthy show that more then deserves a second chance. If nothing else, it could be given to the FX network to air right alongside 'Sons of the beach' and 'married with children.' With all the work invested by the production team as well as the emotional investment of the fans, ending it so abruptly without even a final show to close loose ends would be such a waste of effort as well as a source of great sadness and frustration. This show is the reason I turn on my TV and so I issue a personal plea, please, please do not let this show slip quietly away it would be greatly and sorely missed by me as well as many others.
Respectfully yours,
Venus Addison

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 02-12-2002 18:29 »

this is on paragraph form for some reason the indentions didn't show up in the post
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 02-12-2002 18:31 »
« Last Edit on: 02-12-2002 18:31 »

Thats a VERY good Email Venus, the only things I would change are I would paragraph it, and I would capitalize DVD. Other than that it's brilliant.

EDIT-Now I see why it's not paragraphed :laff:

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 02-12-2002 19:13 »

Originally posted by totalnerduk:
I created 15 new hotmail accounts this morning, just so it looked like a few more different people.

ah one of the reasons online petitions and emails aren't worth two shits

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 02-13-2002 08:16 »

True. I'm going to steal some of your ideas for protests people, and snail mail it. I suggest you all do the same. Shell out a couple of dollars, and stop being lazy. Do it for the show we all love.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 02-13-2002 17:23 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2002 17:23 by Nixorbo »

Well, I finally put together my letter to FOX. Naturally spellcheck for American/English isn't installed on my PC, and my CD is more than an hours drive away. So if anybody finds something missplet, don't hesitate to let me know. Hopefully I can mail this tomorrow, if I feel better than I do right now.

To whomever this may concern,

I’m writing this in response to the news, that FOX won't be picking up Futurama for a 5th season. I was very worried about this news, as I’m an avid fan of this excellent animated series. In my opinion Futurama is, without competition, the best animated show on TV, and I have watched every single episode aired in my country, despite the fact that it ran at 1:30 am.

Ever since the first episode Futurama has never ceased to amaze, entertain, and delight me. The jokes and gags are funny, the conversation snappy and the many background jokes a thrill to watch. The strongest part of Futurama is however the characters. They are well-developed and a great source for future plots. The large amount of work that is obviously invested in the personalities of the characters is evident, they have believable motivations for their actions and have a very good group dynamic. These excellent characters have allowed fans to become very attached to them, and really care about their development.

The technical quality of Futurama is not to be ignored. The animation is beautiful, and the use of 3d animation has made it a joy to watch. The later episodes has been some of the best animation on television. The writing and plots of episodes is very strong. The stories are captivating and funny. Even though Futurama is a comedy cartoon, I think it has shown that it can compete with the best drama series in terms of compelling storytelling. “The Luck Of The Fryish” is perhaps the best 30 minutes of animation I have ever seen. The prizes Futurama has won is more than well-deserved.

After discovering Futurama, I have been amazed of the large, vibrant and dedicated online fan community it has gathered. Fans of many nationalities meets online to discuss the show, and share opinions. Despite the less-than-desirable scheduling of Futurama it has managed to gain a strong and loyal fanbase, as witnessed by the recent release of the season 1 DVD set in the UK. Many fans ordered their set weeks in advance, personally I preordered it more than 6 weeks before the release date. The sales and reviews of the set has been very strong, culminating with an impressive 3rd place in the sales charts. This is by no means an exceptional thing. Many fans are interested in merchandise, calendars, comics etc. Personally I have already bought several comics, calendars etc. despite it being already nonexistant in my country. The opportunities for profit making are endless.

I urge you to reconsider the decision to cancel Futurama. It is a quality show with great, untapped potential. The scheduling has up until now been less than ideal. Too many reruns and preemptions has made it difficult to gain momentum, which only makes the big fanbase already created that more impressive. If Futurama were to be given a more appropriate timeslot and decent advertisement there is no doubt in my mind that it will be a big hit.

Please reconsider your decision.

Michael Nissen

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 02-13-2002 17:31 »

A superb letter Teral and a credit to the Futurama comunity.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 02-13-2002 17:37 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2002 17:37 »

Teral, I edited it for some minor typos.  Also, you should make two copies of this letter: one to Gail Berman and one to Sandy Grushow.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #16 on: 02-13-2002 17:40 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2002 17:40 »

To whomever this may concern.

I’m writing this in response to the news, that FOX wont be picking up Futurama for a 5th season. I am very worried about this news, as I’m an avid fan of this excellent animated series. In my opinion, Futurama is without competition, the best animated show on TV, and I have watched every single episode aired in my country, despite the fact that it ran at 1.30 am.

Ever since the first episode Futurama, it has never ceased to amaze, entertain and delight me. The jokes and gags are funny, the conversation snappy and the many background jokes a thrill to watch. The strongest part of Futurama however is the characters. They are well developed and a great source for future plots. A large amount of work that is obviously invested in the personalities of the characters and it's clearly evident, they have believable motivations for their actions and have a very good group dynamic. These excellent characters have allowed fans to become very attached to them, and really care about their development.

The technical quality of Futurama is not to be ignored. The animation is beautiful, and the use of 3D animation has made it a joy to watch. The later episodes have included some of the best animation on television. The writing and plots are very strong for every episode. The stories are captivating and funny. Even though Futurama is a comedy cartoon, I think it has shown that it can compete with the best drama series in terms of compelling storytelling. “The Luck Of The Fryish” is perhaps the best 30 minutes of animation I have ever seen. The prizes Futurama has won are more than well deserved.

After discovering Futurama, I have been amazed of the large, vibrant and dedicated online fan community it has gathered. Fans of many nationalities meet online to discuss the show, and share opinions. Despite the less-than-desirable scheduling of Futurama it has managed to gain a strong and loyal fanbase, as witnessed by the recent release of the Season One DVD set in the UK. Many fans ordered their set weeks in advance, personally I preordered it more than six weeks before the release date. The sales and reviews of the set has been very strong, culminating with an impressive 3rd place in the salescharts. This is by no means an exceptional thing. Many fans are interested in merchandise, calendars, comics etc. Personally I have already bought several comics, calendars etc. despite it being already nonexistant in my country. The opportunities for profitmaking are endless.

I urge you to reconsider the decision to cancel Futurama. It is a quality show with great, untapped potential. The scheduling has up until now been less-than-ideal. Too many reruns and pre-emptions has made it difficult to gain momentum, which only makes the big fanbase already created that more impressive. If Futurama were to be given a more appropriate timeslot and decent advertisement there is no doubt in my mind that it will be a big hit.

Please reconsider your decision.

Michael Nissen

I've corrected some of the grammar but I'm not the best in the world and I'm sure someone else can find some errors that I've missed.

edit-I see that now Nixorbo has too, well we can compare our corrections I suppose  :)

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #17 on: 02-13-2002 17:47 »

Thanks for your help, Nix and Otis.  :) This is the e-mail version of the letter.

I'll change the adressing to make one for Gail Berman and Sandy Grushow repsectively, tomorrow.
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