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Author Topic: how to get higher rank...  (Read 1017 times)
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Starship Captain
« on: 10-29-2006 12:06 »

i could'nt find anything on this but i would like to know, y'know the poppler, crustation, deliveryboy ect.. hw many posts do you actually need to achieve each rank...?  :confused:

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 10-29-2006 12:14 »

* 1 - Poppler
* 5 - Crustacean
* 50 - Delivery boy
* 100 - Bending unit
* 500 - Starship captain
* 1000 - Professor
* 1800 - Liquid emperor
* 3001 - Urban legend
* 6667 - Space Pope
* 10000 - DOOP Secretary

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 10-29-2006 12:18 »

thank you

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 10-29-2006 12:18 »

What she said, however that shouldn't give you a reason to start spamming just to reach the next rank. Sadly many other new members look the ranks like that.  :hmpf:

A lot of questions like the one you just had are covered in the FAQ I linked you to in another thread. If you don't know where, here you have it again: the PEELers' FAQ

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #4 on: 10-29-2006 12:21 »

 Benders_fan pretty much summed everything up, so don't be sad if this thread is closed.  :) Becuase it will be, any minute now. 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 10-29-2006 12:48 »

I thought it would make sense on this thread but on the link above (from benders fan) it says...

Originally posted by PEEL Rank Traditions:
If you're not familiar with PEEL Ranking Lore, there's three ranks of which you can name certain things about:
Starship Captain: Make up a ship, give it a name, and say what fleet it is apart of
Professor: Say what you're a professor of
Liquid Emperor: Find out who became a Liquid Emperor immediatly before you, and Drink 'em!

I really don't get it - could someone tell me what it means (like is it real or a joke thing)??? please n thank-you   :D   :)   :D
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 10-29-2006 14:46 »

Um, I think, not sure, but if you look at people who have those ranks, well, they have like, um, well, ships and stuff, sorta...

take german fry fan up there for instance, he has 'the listmaker' underneath his name. Im not sure what it means exactly, but hes got that there.

Ive just realised that does not help at all. sorry. and sorry for the bump as well.

Me? Im happy being a bending unit  ;)
Writer unit32

« Reply #7 on: 10-29-2006 15:21 »
« Last Edit on: 10-29-2006 15:21 »

I wanna be a starship captin,waaaaaaaaa I want my momy

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 10-29-2006 18:15 »

I could explain that to you, or just link you to the pretty new wikipage we made for that.

I'll do the explaining first.

The addition I have to my name ("The Listmaker" ) is a custom rank. Only few PEELers have that and they earned it by doing special things, mettingthe admins, or behaving in a certain funny way here.
For more on that read the wikiPEELia article on Custom Rank

Asking to get such a rank will in all cases lead to the fact that you'll never get one.

The official ranks, like Benders_Fan posted above, are achieved by posting. Every one here fits into one of these ranks. I.e. I am an "Urban Legend" because I have made more than 3001 but less than 6667 posts.

From Starship captain on, the action of going up in the rank becomes special for most PEELers. We announce that we went up in ranks by naming special things in special threads.

For Starship Captain we name a ship we would own and add it to a fleet.
For Professor we name what we are teaching, or what field we are a professor of.
For Liquid Emperor we name who was last Liquid Emperor of PEEL and drink him.
For Urban Legend we name what kind of a legend we are.
For SpacePope we name our religion.

the wikiPEELia article for ranks is here.
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