
DOOP Secretary

After it was found that Zoidberg had devoured the entire island's supply of food, a unaminous vote was cast to get him off.

DOOP Secretary

I'll save my vote till I know where it is most needed. Any boy that votes against Leela is clearly a nonce 
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I'm saving my vote because I feel this could get very close.


I was going to save mine but voted to liven it up LOL!! Won't be much fun if everyone waits till 1 min to midnight on the last day!!!!!


Boy, oh boy. Looks like you're going to vote it so Fry, Leela and Bender are the final 3. Whoever survives this Amy/Zoidberg fight is probably out next week. But let's go to the island to see how it turns out:
Everybody's listless on Day 34. Fry's worn out, Leela's beat, Amy's tired, Zoidberg's back to his normal food intake, Bender's sober. And the immunity challenge is very physical. It's a dogfight all the way through. Leela leads, but trips. Fry leads, but runs into a pole. Zoidberg finds a fish, runs off-course, eats it. So on, so on. After it all, Amy winds up winning Immunity. Nobody feels like dragging themseles back to camp, so they head right to Tribal Council. Now is the portion of the game where the popular go home.
Leela votes Fry. Fry votes Leela. Bender, not ready to vote the popular out yet, votes Zoidberg. Zoidberg votes Fry. Amy votes Leela. Tie vote at 2. A revote is needed. Leela and Fry are pretty sure who voted who, and both start sucking up to Bender. Predictably, Zoidberg and Amy keep their original votes. Bender figures he can squeeze more liquor out of Fry than he can out of Leela. Leela, it's time for you to go.

DOOP Secretary

I voted for Amy. she's not as cute as me sorry Kryten 


I don't know, it might be a good idea to have a doctor on the island, but I vote the lobster anyway in an attempt to save Amy.
Fat Bot


Leela can be sacrificed to save Zoidberg, that's for sure. I don't know about you but despite her sexual advantage Zoidberg makes it up in entertainment. Me, I prefer real women. [q]Any boy that votes against Leela is clearly a nonce[/q] I think you mean nong 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

There is still 4 days to go, and I for one haven't voted yet.

DOOP Secretary

Time for all the "waiting" voters to try to save Amy and vote Zoidberg.