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Author Topic: Short Futurama Article in Canadian TV Guide  (Read 1010 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 04-23-2006 22:16 »

Its the end of April, and thanks to April break, I was just able to spend a week in Canada with some relatives, as well as see a ball-game. I was flipping through one of my grandmother's magazines, "Bell TV", when I came across this article:

(Here's the originally sized scan, for those of you who want it for whatever purpose:   http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a284/Kiljhadh/Futurama_Article.jpg )

Here's the text of the article:
Bell TV, April 2006:
First it happened to Family Guy, and now it looks like this underrated animated series from Simpsons creator Matt Groening is getting a second chance at life. Fans have been pleading to see more adventures of Fry and his futuristic delivery crew since the sci-fi comedy was cancelled in 2003, and someone has finally listened to their collective voice (or, more  likely, their DVD dollars). Though fox has yet to confirm the project, actor Billy West (who voices Fry, Professor Farnsworth, and Dr. Zoidberg) announced on his personal website that four Futurama features were in the works, though they'll most likely go straight to DVD.
Although the article reveals no information about new Futurama that most PEEL posters don't already know, I was really happy to see the article. It was the first time I'd seen something about Futurama in public for a while--and I was excited to see the Futurama crew pictured in a public magazine (albeit a somewhat obscure Canadian TV Guide).

I don't know if someone else has already posted this, and a lot of these short articles announcing Futurama's return are sure to come, but let us rejoice at the start of the great comeback of our favorite cartoons.   :)
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 04-24-2006 09:50 »

Woew nice find mate thats good to hear!

Starship Captain
« Reply #2 on: 04-24-2006 19:50 »

Yay now I fell even more sure that they will get there comeback!!!

Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 04-24-2006 20:15 »

it's good to see that new articles are still popping up.  I just wish Fox would hurry up and annouce whether or not there's anything solid behind these rumors...
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #4 on: 04-24-2006 21:11 »

Being (somewhat) knowledgable about PR and politics - I get the feeling that FOX is giving 'Trial Balloons' - ginning up some 'buzz' to see if the market is still there and to 'titilate' the masses.

We won't get an 'official' word from FOX until mid-summer at least.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 04-24-2006 23:47 »
« Last Edit on: 11-22-2008 19:00 »

Apologies in advance; I thought I had posted this some twelve hour ago...   :(

Originally posted by NO-ONE:
... I was flipping through one of my grandmother's magazines, "Bell TV", when I came across this article:


(Here's the originally sized scan, for those of you who want it for whatever purpose:   

Here's the text of the article:

[Text of article follows]

I don't know if someone else has already posted this, and a lot of these short articles announcing Futurama's return are sure to come, but let us rejoice at the start of the great comeback of our favorite cartoons.    :)

I agree it's encouraging to see our favorite show mentioned in the mainstream media, but at risk of my being a killjoy, we still have no official confirmation out of MG, DXC, F*x, et al.

Until then, I hope you'll understand my apparent lack of enthusiasm...  :hmpf:

Otherwise, trust me friend, I live in hope for the day...  :love:


Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 04-24-2006 23:57 »

Oh sure, there's still no official "word". I'm just happy to see the Futurama cast pictured in a magazine, about 3 years after its cancellation.

Besides, better to have a lave of enthusiasm and not be quite as disappointed when everything falls apart then being really enthusiastic then getting let down.
my man-wich!

Starship Captain
« Reply #7 on: 04-25-2006 00:55 »

hey i remember reading something like that in a TV guide... here in australia. about 2 months ago it was on the front cover and said " how futurama has got a second life" or something around the lines of that.

Starship Captain
« Reply #8 on: 04-25-2006 22:45 »

^^It was on the cover then it must be true...covers don't lie

Starship Captain
« Reply #9 on: 04-25-2006 23:55 »

I saw the same thing in the French TV guide a few weeks/months ago. They said the same thing... There was an other magazine that wrote about the “comeback” but they did not say much.
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 04-26-2006 06:09 »

Originally posted by SpaceCase:
Apologies in advance; I thought I had posted this some twelve hour ago...    :(

Originally posted by NO-ONE:
... I was flipping through one of my grandmother's magazines, "Bell TV", when I came across this article:


(Here's the originally sized scan, for those of you who want it for whatever purpose:   

Here's the text of the article:

[Text of article follows]

I don't know if someone else has already posted this, and a lot of these short articles announcing Futurama's return are sure to come, but let us rejoice at the start of the great comeback of our favorite cartoons.     :)
I agree it’s encouraging to see our favorite show mentioned in the mainstream media, but at risk of my being a killjoy, we still have no official confirmation out of MG, DXC, F*x, et al.

Until then, I hope you’ll understand my apparent lack of enthusiasm...   :hmpf:

Otherwise, trust me friend, I live in hope for the day...   :love:

We do now  :D , look at the topic The Onion A.V. Club Intgerview w/ Matt Groening so you can start being enthusiastic  :D   ;)
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