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Author Topic: Lines, objects... junk... charecters...  (Read 1031 times)
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Delivery Boy
« on: 12-27-2005 06:30 »

Name me Lines, junk, objects, charecters, things from the Futurama episodes, they have to be cool ... your favourite.

Fry - "Hello! Pizza delivery for ... I.C. Wiener? Aww, crud. I always thought by this point in my life I'd be the one making the crank calls..."

Fry - "That clover helped by rat fink brother steal my dream of going into space! Now I'll never get there ..."
Leela - "You went there this morning for donuts."

Farnsworth - "Shut up friends! My internet browser heard us saying the word Fry and it found a movie about Philip J. Fry for us. It also opened my calendar to Friday and ordered me some french fries."

Zapp - "Number 10: Chump. Number 9: Chumpette. Number 8: Yours. Number 7: Up. Number 6: Pimp-mobile. Number 5: Bite. Number 4: My. Number 3: Shiny. Number 2: Daffodil. And Bender's number one most frequently uttered word, the word which if uttered will blow up this entire planet: Ass!"

Farnsworth - "Ohhh! You've killed me! You've killed me!"
Leela - "Oh, god. What have I done?"
Farnsworth - "I just told you. You've killed me!"

Now it's youre turn... You can also send pictures...

Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 12-27-2005 06:51 »

Leela:  OK, enough killing, the next time I feel like killing, I'll have a stick of gum instead.

Amy:  Leela, nice go cart.  So hip and sexy, not like you at all.

Leela:  Do you have any gum?

Amy:  eeeeeekkkkk**--

And at 4:15 Amy's dead, deceased corpse was found...
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 12-27-2005 07:18 »

Here is one off the top of my head

Leela: Now be careful this is my first mission and I want it to be a success [smacks Fry's hand] just deliver the package and come strait back!

Fry: Geeze would you relax, I was delivering things before you were even born...

[walks away without package, then comes back and takes package off Leela]


Delivery Boy
« Reply #3 on: 12-27-2005 07:25 »

And what about...:

Zoidberg: "Now open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain. No, nononono, not that mouth."
Fry: "I only have one."
Zoidberg: "Really?"
Fry: "Uh...is there a human doctor around?"
Zoidberg: "Young lady! I'm an expert on humans. Now pick a mouth, open it, and say" (warbling noise)
Fry: "Uh.." (clears throat and does his best imitation)
Zoidberg: "What! My mother was a saint!!! Get out!"

Leela: "Fry, we have a crate to deliver."
Fry: "Well, let's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it."
Bender: "Too much work. Let's burn it and say we dumped it in the sewer."
Leela: "Ok, if everyone's finished being stupid..."
Fry: "I had more! But you go ahead."

Amy: "Aye aye captain! I mean...only one eye. I mean...yes sir! Um...ma'am."

Bender: "Oh, no room for Bender, huh? Fine, I'll go build my own lunar lander! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack! Ah, screw the whole thing."
Dave B

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 12-27-2005 07:37 »
« Last Edit on: 12-27-2005 07:37 »

Originally posted by SexyLeela:
And what about...:

Zoidberg: "Now open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain. No, nononono, not that mouth."
Fry: "I only have one."
Zoidberg: "Really?"
Fry: "Uh...is there a human doctor around?"
Zoidberg: "Young lady! I'm an expert on humans. Now pick a mouth, open it, and say" (warbling noise)
Fry: "Uh.." (clears throat and does his best imitation)
Zoidberg: "What! My mother was a saint!!! Get out!"

Leela: "Fry, we have a crate to deliver."
Fry: "Well, let's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it."
Bender: "Too much work. Let's burn it and say we dumped it in the sewer."
Leela: "Ok, if everyone's finished being stupid..."
Fry: "I had more! But you go ahead."

Amy: "Aye aye captain! I mean...only one eye. I mean...yes sir! Um...ma'am."

Bender: "Oh, no room for Bender, huh? Fine, I'll go build my own lunar lander! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack! Ah, screw the whole thing."

LOL ohh why didn't I think of that first one with Zoidberg and Fry that is welll funny lol! hmmmm what about this one then:

Zoidberg: Its all soo complicated with the love.. and the romance and the lies upon lies!

Fry: Don't worry the love meister will take you under his wing...!

Zoidberg: What now theres a bird involved....


And how about this:
Hermes: So did anyone spend the night together...

Gang: Noooo

Amy and Fry: Yeah, sort of

Gang: ooooohhhhhhhhh!

Amy: Well we were on Mars, and one thing lead to another....

Fry: and it lead there again when we got home

Fry and Amy: huhuhuhauhahu

And here's another:

Man: This is the worst part.... the calm before the battle...

Fry: And then the battles not so bad..?

Man: Wait I forgot about the battle!... uuuhhhhhh...

LOL Futurama Rules! Its got soooo many funny quotes like these, utterly hillarious!!!
   :)    :)    :)

Delivery Boy
« Reply #5 on: 12-27-2005 07:50 »
« Last Edit on: 12-27-2005 07:50 »

Cool image

what about objects, I like... the "what if machine" and the "suicide booth"...


Starship Captain
« Reply #6 on: 12-27-2005 16:54 »

You know, each of the categories you're searching for probably already has at least one of it's own threads. Try using the search function to find the individual ones.
J. Samuel Lyons

Delivery Boy
« Reply #7 on: 12-27-2005 17:10 »

Object: This one was from a deleted scene of A Taste Of Freedom, it was the John Lennon wig.
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