Delivery Boy
« on: 12-01-2005 03:42 »
I am surely not the first person to notice thing, so I will not pretend like I am. But I do consider myself to be a pretty big fan, inasmuchas I have a membership to this website, and I didn't know this, so I thought I'd mention it.
I will, however, admit that I was watching "Mean Girls" recently, and there's the standard high school movie scene where the new girl has the cafeteria cliques explained to her. They go through it, and there's a song in the background that sounds strangely familiar to me. So I run to the IMDb and I see this:
# The song played while Janis and Damien are explaining the cafeteria setting is Fatboy Slim's remix of Pierre Henry's "Psyche Rock". It also served to inspire (and sounds similar) to the theme song of the television show "Futurama" (1999).
So I downloaded it, and it does. Why didn't they just license the song? It sounds cool.