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Author Topic: leela's homeworld  (Read 1133 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 11-13-2005 04:06 »

i was just watching the episode leela's homeworld then and i found something weird. in the scene where fry, leela and bender are being held above the toxic waste leela's parents cry out her name, then stop her being submerged. Leela was not going to be hurt by the waters, she is a mutant and the waters don't mutate mutants, her parents would've known that and so shouldn't have worried so much about it. it's not like they were going to be hurt in other way? also, how come hermes didn't get mutated when he ate the undiulated toxic waste?

« Reply #1 on: 11-13-2005 04:13 »

Good questions. But this should probably be under Re-Check/Weird Scenes if there isn't already a thread about this. I would love to help you out, but I'm lazy. But I'm sure one of the mods will direct you to the correct location.

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 11-13-2005 04:19 »

Yes yes, lifes not all UberMods and toxic waste. I never thought of that asimov, i am one who likes to enjoy Futurama while you speculate things that seem out of place, i wish i were LayZ.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 11-13-2005 05:55 »

excellent excellent. i wish i could just enjoy the show, instead i sweat over little things like this.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 11-13-2005 06:34 »

Originally posted by asimov:
i was just watching the episode leela's homeworld then and i found something weird. in the scene where fry, leela and bender are being held above the toxic waste leela's parents cry out her name, then stop her being submerged. Leela was not going to be hurt by the waters, she is a mutant and the waters don't mutate mutants, her parents would've known that and so shouldn't have worried so much about it. it's not like they were going to be hurt in other way?

Leela thinks she's an alien, and her parents will go to great lengths to insure she continue to believe that. If Leela suddenly know she's a mutant, she might jeopardize her  standing in society. They're even ready to die, rather than telling her the truth. If Leela had touched the water and not mutated she would be able to put two and two together, or the other mutants would tell her.

also, how come hermes didn't get mutated when he ate the undiulated toxic waste?

Maybe there is some other chemical in Lake Mutagenic that triggers the mutagenic effect in the toxic waste.
Prof. Wernstrum

Starship Captain
« Reply #5 on: 11-13-2005 07:13 »

Yeah, the toxic waste Hermes ate was a completely different thing from the waters of Lake Mutagenic. If it was just the same thing then the mutants wouldn't have complained about it being dumped.

« Reply #6 on: 11-13-2005 08:59 »

Also, I don't think her parents would have wanted to see Leela's friends harmed.

Bending Unit
« Reply #7 on: 11-13-2005 11:03 »

You can find the Goof Thread here in the Re-Check/Weird Scenes section.
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