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Author Topic: Good episodes to start with...  (Read 1092 times)
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« on: 06-26-2005 03:17 »

I was thinking of five episodes to show someone who never saw Futurama and wouldn't want to watch the entire series.  What do you think of the following list?
Volume 1 - Space Pilot 3000
Volume 3 - Parasites Lost
Volume 4 - Jurassic Bark, The Sting, Idle Hands Are The Devil's Playthings

« Reply #1 on: 06-26-2005 03:51 »

I'm pretty sure this has been done before but that is a good list. Welcome to PEEL!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 06-26-2005 08:25 »

While those episodes are great, I thnk they can all be classed as "emotional". If you were to show them to a complete Futurama novice, he/she would come away thinking of Futurama as primarily a drama series and not a comedy.

I would chose:

A Head In The Polls
Roswell That Ends Well
Luck of the Fryrish

The Sting, Leela's Homeworld, War Is The H-Word, Love's Labours Lost in Space get honorable mentions.

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 06-26-2005 08:28 »

That's indeed a nice selection. All are emotional stuffed though. I'd replace the "Devil's hands are idle playthings" with a more funny episode from Season 2 perhaps. Something along "Problem with Popplers", or "How Hermes requistionated his groove back".

Here's the thread that gives you some more tips: The episode that defines Futurama

« Reply #4 on: 06-26-2005 08:53 »

It depends on who you're showing it to.. if it's a girl, then they'll probably like that shippy list  ;).
But, it'd probably be a bit too much... drop THAIP from the list, and maybe 'the sting' too - both great episodes, but you need to have watched a fair bit of the show to really care about what happens to the characters in them.

Otherwise, I'd just go for some more straight-up funny episodes that don't link in with the major story arcs. Teral's list is good, but I also think "Why must I be a crustacean in love" is a great intro, along with any epsiode featuring Zapp.

Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 06-26-2005 09:01 »

I would keep Parasites lost in there. That was the episode that made me realize that Futurama is more than just another TV show.

My list is

Space pilot 3000 (obviously)
Love's Labors Lost in Space
Xmas Story
Parasites lost
Roswell that Ends Well

I remember those were some of the definitive episiodes of Futurama in my mind the first time I saw it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 06-26-2005 10:33 »

1st Of All:  parasite?- You Don't HAve Anything In Season 4-LLLIS= Season 2 And Also Xmas!

2nd Of All: 
Space Pilot 3000
Roswell That Ends Well
The Devil's Hands...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 06-26-2005 12:03 »

Originally posted by TheFryMan:
-LLLIS= Season 2

Nope, season 1. The 4th episode to be exact.

Also, the problem with showing the 4ACV episodes to newbies are the general huge reliance on throw-backs and season-crossing story-archs. Most of it would go over the head of newbies.

Bending Unit
« Reply #8 on: 06-26-2005 12:29 »

dont show them the last episode it would spoil it for them show them something with heart and is really funny insted like maybe 300 big boys

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 06-26-2005 23:34 »


Also, the problem with showing the 4ACV episodes to newbies are the general huge reliance on throw-backs and season-crossing story-archs. Most of it would go over the head of newbies.

That's kinda what I was thinkin. This is the first time they are watching the show, and hopefully not the last. I wouldn't show them the last episode. You really have to have a lot of connection to the characters to appreciate that episode. You need some sort of background in the relationships among the characters too. The Why of Fry, Luck of the Fryrish, The Sting, and The Devils Hands are Idle Playthings, while excellent episodes (in fact 3 of the 4 are in my top 5 favorites) are not really stand alone episodes.
A lot depends on the person's take on animated shows to begin with. If they like animated shows already (Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.) they will be more likely to accept a more in depth or emotional episode rather than think it's weird.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 06-27-2005 00:01 »

I definitely think that you should start off someone's interest with a very funny episode. Although I prefer the shippy eps (Sting, Why of Fry), I think the comedic ones click better with new viewers.

To hook my girlfriend on the series, I used (in my opinion) the funniest episode of the series: "Roswell that Ends Well". Funny, classic episode. One of the best.

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 06-27-2005 00:12 »

300 Big Boys was the episode that I showed my best friend. She thought it was pretty good except for Mushu barfing. Now she really likes the show.

« Reply #12 on: 06-27-2005 06:54 »

I think A Fishful of Dollars is a good one to start with, as well. There's a lot that people who have no knowledge of Futurama can relate to. References to 20th century advertising, credit cards, and anchovies  :D

« Reply #13 on: 06-27-2005 08:24 »

My List:

The Day The Earth Stood Stupid
Parasites Lost
The Why Of Fry
The Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings
cosmic J

Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 06-27-2005 08:58 »

Start from the beginning, and show the first five episodes which are great or
I, Roommate which starts to answer sum questions.
Parasites Lost for classic viewing
Fry & The Slurm Factory
Roswell That Ends Well
The Problem with Popplers

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
« Reply #15 on: 06-27-2005 09:59 »

I'd say...
Loves Labours Lost In Space - Brannigan and plenty of sexual innuendo. Everyone loves that.
A Head In The Polls
War Is The H-Word
Roswell That Ends Well

On one hand you want to show them the greatness of Futurama, but on the other hand you don't want to leave there viewing with only crappier (or rather less-good) episodes.

Starship Captain
« Reply #16 on: 06-27-2005 13:04 »

Season 1: SP3K
Season 2: War is the H word
Season 3: Parasites Lost
Season 4: Future Stock
Season 5: 300 Big Boys

Those are some good ones to start with, especially SP3K if you don't show them that they'll probaly be wondering why they were in the future. I saw the first season last and all the other seasons finally made sense to me. The best episodes to show people new to Futurama are the episodes that are the funnier ones. They should just watch earlier episodes then watch the later ones when they want to see more emotional episodes.

« Reply #17 on: 06-28-2005 23:27 »

Thanks.  You have good points.  They are emotional ones.  And they have jokes that would only be understood by someone who has watched the entire series.

Starship Captain
« Reply #18 on: 06-29-2005 18:24 »
« Last Edit on: 06-29-2005 18:24 »

i showed a friend sp3k, when aliens attack, bot planet, war is h-word, flight 2 remeber, LLLIS, AO1,AO2, timekeeps slippen, bendein in the wind, taste of freedom, less than hero, sting an devils hands and roswell. it took a while, but now he loves the show

Urban Legend
« Reply #19 on: 07-01-2005 11:26 »

If you want to introduce Futurama to your friends, you should show Space Pilot 3000 first.  Here's my list of suggestions:

Space Pilot 3000
The Deep South
Time Keeps On Slipping
Roswell That Ends Well
The Sting
300 Big Boys

« Reply #20 on: 07-01-2005 13:43 »

When I introduce it to someone, I usually do them in order, thus getting all the introductory episodes done:

1ACV01: Space Pilot 3000
1ACV02: The Series Has Landed
1ACV03: I, Roomate
1ACV04: Love's Labour's Lost In Space
1ACV05: Fear Of A Bot Planet
1ACV06: A Fishful Of Dollars

(Skip Fear Of a Bot Planet if you wanna narrow it down to five and not show more episodes in order later.)
Jonny Wobbs

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 07-01-2005 13:51 »
« Last Edit on: 07-01-2005 13:51 »

I'd say:
SP3K (to get the whole point of Futurama across)
The series has landed (to introduce the main characters)
Then my fave eps:
War is the H-Word
Roswell that Endswell
Leela's homeworld
Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles

Starship Captain
« Reply #22 on: 07-03-2005 23:45 »

If The-Network-That-Must-Not-Be-Named brought the show back, I would have them air 2 4-episode blocks a week apart just before the new shows would air.  The first one would include:
Space Pilot 3000
The Day the Earth Stood Stupid
Roswell that Ends Well
The Why of Fry

The second one would consist of:
Parasites Lost
Time Keeps on Slippin'
The Sting
The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 07-03-2005 23:53 »

My list, to a tune of a chef telling his guest what he'll serve her.

First off, you got to start off with a nice Space Pilot 3000. Then, we move to a hot, steaming plate of Hell is Other Robots. Next, you treat you to a serving of Anthology of Interest I and II. After this, a after-dinner snack of The Day the Earth Stood Stupid, a dessert of Roswell That Ends Well, and then a drink called "Time Keeps On Slippin'". Finally, I come to you with a check that reads "300 Big Boys".
« Reply #24 on: 07-04-2005 09:16 »

I always feel that Hell Is Other Robots was always very good to start with. The singing is always fun. Or else Bender should not be allowed on TV, it was simple and fun.
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