Liquid Emperor
A: Had Zoidberg eaten a Scorpion, I'm sure that all of America would have raged war against The Curiosity Company, killing almost every writer and producer in the process, leaving us with a very low quality and commonly hated television show. They'd have fought many battles, such as the Battle of Forturama, during which General Verrone would have killed thousands of Americans by throwing tons of Futurama screening tapes at each one until they died. Another battle would've been the Great Battle of Behind that old Steakhouse, during which the Americans successfully murdered Private Weinstein and Colonel Horsted, further enraging the Curiosity Company. After about seven years of war, Sergant Groening would have finally decided to use his Simpsons-Brand nuke upon the peoples of of America, in order to kill them all. He would have cryogenically frozen himself and Corporal X. Cohen in order to save them from the nuclear holocaust. Major Keeler would have dropped the bomb onto the lands below him out of his jet, and would've quickly escaped the explosion and crash landed somewhere in Spain. Millions of humans would have died, all because Zoidberg ate a Scorpion. Many years later, Groening and Cohen would've awaken in the year 3000 to discover that the episode that contained Zoidberg eating a Scorpion is know recognized as the best film ever made, and they are praised by all mankind as Kings.
Q:Which DVD set do you think had the coolest menus?
A: Um... Saturday Morning Fun Pit
Q: What is your least favorite, favorite episode?
Lost My Phone
« Reply #562 on: 11-06-2013 02:26 »
« Last Edit on: 11-06-2013 02:42 »
Q:Which DVD set do you think had the coolest menus?
A: Season 2, perhaps? Q: What is your least favorite, favorite episode?
A: "Attack of the Killer App"; "The Sting" Q: Which box set has the best cover art?
A: All of them, no Futurama character should have to suffer another one.
Q: If Fry had never dated Leela, what other character do you think she'd date?
Lost My Phone
A: Amy
Q: When did you start watching Futurama?
A: About a year ago.
Q: If you had to choose a different voice actor to play the role of Fry, who would you choose?
DOOP Secretary
A: 6B.
Q:Which new run sub-season did you like the most?
Lost My Phone
A: 7B.
Q: Which new season as a whole did you like the most?
DOOP Secretary
Q: Could the Robit Mafia outsmart (or outgun) the mafia from Godfather?
A. Being robots (and way, way after their time), I think the mafia from The Godfather would actually have quite a difficult time successfully hurting the Robot Mafia. Though I've never heard of the Robit Mafia, so I'm not sure about them. Q. Do you think there's one profession Zapp could actually be good at? If so, what?
Liquid Emperor
A: The penis-faced bartender from BBS. Q: What if Futurama ended up making "The Lost Episode" into a real episode? Also do you consider it to be as good as an average Futurama episode?
A: I think it definitely could've worked as a regular episode, although they would've had to explain how they escaped the time loop. I consider it to be good, and if it had a review thread, I'd give it a solid 8/10. Also, I'm pretty sure that it was meant to be a Season 3 episode, not Season 4. Q: Which of the Four movies do you think would've worked better as a regular-length episode?
Lost My Phone
A: Bender's Game, so I wouldn't have to sit through two hours of it.
Q: Would you rather have the voice acting abilities of Billy West or John DiMaggio?
A: Billy West
Q: If Futurama was to have a crossover with a reality TV show, what show would you make it?
Lost My Phone
A: None. Please God, none. Q: How old were you when you started watching Futurama?
DOOP Secretary
A. I'd go with Roswell That Ends Well. Or maybe War is the H-Word. Those are the two I seem to quote the most, anyway.
Q. Who should get captured by a griffin?
A: Probably not
Q: If the Anvil were to switch places with another character, who do you think it would be?