Lost My Phone


A: LMP hopes that people stop talking about their strange fetishes in this thread.
Q: Would you rather drink Slurm from Futurama, or Duff from The Simpsons?


A: Slurm, Duff is like any other beer.
Q: New New York Yankees or a fleet of Zapp Brannigans?

DOOP Secretary

Would you two lovers* please take your pillow talk to PM and stop spamming up the thread and let other people participate?
* MP and MRM


Would you two lovers* please take your pillow talk to PM and stop spamming up the thread and let other people participate?
* MP and MRM
You're welcome.  I already stopped it.


A: MP no longer wants to answer Fry-related questions.
Q: Mars University or Jupiter State?
Lost My Phone


A: "Love's Labours Lost in Space". Q: Best Episode from Season 2? 
Lost My Phone


A: "The Luck of the Fryrish".
Q: Best episode from Season 4?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #693 on: 12-27-2013 05:20 »
« Last Edit on: 12-27-2013 05:46 »
Thank you very much for your satirical joke about your opinion on this thread's quality! If you would like to waste your time reading an adequate response to your thoughts then posting an enraged response about how longtime members like you have always been and will always be right and how newbies like me are always wrong no matter what we say, please read the below spoiler. If not, please ask an actual futurama related question next time! Thanks Again! I can understand how my posts on the previous page got a little spammy (Although they were all in good fun), but how is the entire thread spam? It's simply fans asking other fans their opinions on things relating to the show. Just because it's the same people answering each others questions, as in above, doesn't mean we're just trying to increase our post counts. We're just giving our opinions. I can see how some of the questions that I or others have asked have been spammy, but as a whole, this thread has been pretty on-topic. By the way, I find it strange that you're complaining about spam when your above question wasn't on topic in any way. (And don't say that some of my questions haven't been either; I acknowledge that they were, and I try not to ask those sort of questions unless I'm just screwing around.) Yes, my response is technically spam, as well. Sorry about that, everyone.
A: The Test Thread  Q: Best season 6 episode?


A: Obviously "The Late Phillip J. Fry".
Q: Best Season 7 episode?

Urban Legend
Thank you very much for your satirical joke about your opinion on this thread's quality! If you would like to waste your time reading an adequate response to your thoughts then posting an enraged response about how longtime members like you have always been and will always be right and how newbies like me are always wrong no matter what we say, please read the below spoiler. If not, please ask an actual futurama related question next time! Thanks Again! I can understand how my posts on the previous page got a little spammy (Although they were all in good fun), but how is the entire thread spam? It's simply fans asking other fans their opinions on things relating to the show. Just because it's the same people answering each others questions, as in above, doesn't mean we're just trying to increase our post counts. We're just giving our opinions. I can see how some of the questions that I or others have asked have been spammy, but as a whole, this thread has been pretty on-topic. By the way, I find it strange that you're complaining about spam when your above question wasn't on topic in any way. (And don't say that some of my questions haven't been either; I acknowledge that they were, and I try not to ask those sort of questions unless I'm just screwing around.) Yes, my response is technically spam, as well. Sorry about that, everyone. Technically, anything that's not a "would you rather" question (which is most of the questions) would probably count as spam. Yes, I'm aware that this post is also spam.


A: Meanwhile
Q: Worst Season 1 episode?
Quantum Neutrino Field

Liquid Emperor
Q: Worst Season 1 episode?
Really? If you post in this thread much in short period of time while answering and questioning similiar, uncreative questions, when they're not even close to type of questions intended, I'd say that's spamming. It's not some one that's spamming (necessarily), it's the whole series of questions, that aren't interesting/funny and especially repetitive, that's spam. A: Mars University, maybe. Q: Would you rather have a robot or a pet such as Nibbler from 31st century?

DOOP Secretary

A: Well since Fry's already dumb as mud thanks to being his own grandfather, it'd be logical to assume that if he inbred with himself the offspring would be even more profoundly mentally challenged. There would be a lot of pants-shitting involved.
Q: Be eaten by HG Blob or be eaten by Lrrr?


A: Fry be demonic
Q: Thundercougarfalconbird or The PE Ship?


A: Nibbler, because I don't want to eat the worst calzone known in the universe.


I was going to give a question it but I had no time before with family and all...
Here it is:
Q: Diet Slurm or Non-Fat Bachelor Chow?


A: Elzar, despite the crappy-sanitation in Elzar's resturant.

DOOP Secretary

Damnit, MeatablePie beat me to it! 'Cept he again forgot the whole "including a question" part, so here's my post anyway: A: Elzar. I imagine he gets plenty of tail.  Q: What product placement would you like to have in your dreams?


A: Thundercougarfalconbird.
Q: Live on the Robot Homeland planet or live on Antares 3?

DOOP Secretary

A: The rest of the PE Crew find it irritating beyond belief, and Leela begins to grow oddly jealous. They begin conspiring to restore Fry back to normal. However, with Fry's heightened sense of hearing - having two ears and all - he overhears and starts scrambling to save him and his head's life. Shenanigans ensue. The status quo is eventually restored.
Q: What happens when Leela grows a third boob?
Lost My Phone


A: A 16-episode season.
Q: If Futurama were to be revived again, would you rather it return to Fox* or move to a cable network?
* Assuming that Fox would treat it well and give it a good timeslot.