Liquid Emperor
« Reply #240 on: 01-25-2005 15:41 »
« Last Edit on: 01-25-2005 15:41 »
Woah, I just noticed: I was browsing through GFF's list of PEELer's information, (more info here) and noticed that 3 of the main competitors in this game, Me, Tongue Luck, and Zoidberg227, are all in washington state! how cool is that?
DOOP Secretary
I fully stand behind Zeep on this... I'm going to need to use him as a shield when Eyedol attempts to attack me. No seriously, I agree with the "other shows" trivia, the thread title says "FUTURAMA Trivia Champion Game", not "Other shows with Futurama references Trivia Champion Game."
DOOP Secretary
An announcement to everyone: I'm retiring from Futurama Trivia Champion IV. As I was saying to Zeep - there are just too many questions being missed, and the question quality has gone down. A LOT. Besides that, I go back to school next Monday and won't be able to participate any more anyway. I was hoping to get about 35 questions in before going back so I might be able to have a significant lead for the last third of the game, but with so many questions missed, I really wouldn't stand a chance, and I'd just get in the way of everyone else. So, goodbye, and good luck to all the remaining participants.
Liquid Emperor
*Why are you guys making such a big deal over two questions? As I said before, I lost my question sheet for one question, and I wanted to try another question just for fun. Believe me, I won't do it again.*
*As a matter of fact Zeep, I do have Final Exams this week, so I've been busy studying. But my final two classes should be simple. Once again, I apologize.*
*Because I screwed up, here's a proposal Tongue Luck will hate, and even though it benefits others, they may feel it's still not fair. I'm moving everyone up in rank, except Tongue Luck. (ex. Zeep will get Beamer's place, DogDoo8 will get Zeep's place, etc...) For the next question only, Tongue Luck will recieve no points. Sorry, but I want there to be some competition. And the questions will increase from 50 to 60.*
*Yet again, I'm really sorry, but you are no longer eligible to play Beamer. But if by some chance you can come back, I'll bump you up to [85]pts.*
*The next question will be in my next post. After you have answered, please post your response to my announcements, or you won'r recieve credit for this new question.*