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Author Topic: Futurama Trivia Champion Game [everyone can play]  (Read 23848 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #200 on: 01-23-2005 01:25 »
« Last Edit on: 01-23-2005 01:25 »

^Isn't that what Beamer did?

YES!!! All my "spamming" finally got me another TOTPD!!!!! (And my 2nd, 2nd straight one too!)

And the 200th post in only 8 days!

Do your thing Leela:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #201 on: 01-23-2005 01:41 »

What'd I do? And no, I'd be way too busy - I go back to school on the 31st.

Also, the answer is "For died and fought body my that values those honoreth we Day President's this and." Damn forgeting-ness.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #202 on: 01-23-2005 02:02 »

You disappeared rom the internet for a few days, just long enough to put me in the lead.

crap, that's what i did in the biginning of this one!

am i the only one who notices a pattern? in FTC V, (assuming she's not running it) TL will probably disappear for someone new to take the lead.

Space Pope
« Reply #203 on: 01-23-2005 13:12 »

For died and fought body my that values those honoreth we Day President's this and.

At least your theme is backwards this time, and not math ...

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #204 on: 01-23-2005 16:43 »

Probably Zeep. That would be weird.

Are you missing the math problems Zoidberg227? I'll try and make a math problem in the next question, since you seem to miss them.

Space Pope
« Reply #205 on: 01-23-2005 17:02 »

NO.  I hate you. I mean, YES!  Make all the math problems you want!  All the time forever!  :rolleyes:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #206 on: 01-23-2005 20:00 »
« Last Edit on: 01-23-2005 20:00 »

***Futurama Trivia Champion IV***

Q19: Type the entire second sentence of "Put Your Head On My Shoulders" in backwards order.
A: "For died and fought body my that values those honoreth we Day President's this and."   

-Tongue Luck: [76]pts.
-Beamer: [65]pts.
-Zeep: [38]pts.
-DogDoo8: [21]pts.
-Nerd-o-rama: [20]pts.
-Zoidberg227: [13]pts.
-M0le: [11]pts.
-JDB: [10]pts.
-Guy Caballero: [7]pts.
-BillionaireBot: [6]pts.
-Gorky: [4]pts.
-z0idberg: [6]pts.
-Procyon: [2]pts.
-swidzi: [2]pts.
-Dr.Jerkbird: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-slayercrazy144: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-Shippy Mandy: [1]pt.
-Minh: [-4]pts.

+Q20: Elzar's Fine Cusine Restaurant bathrooms are only for what type
of customers?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #207 on: 01-23-2005 20:01 »

Stroganaff (sp?)
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #208 on: 01-23-2005 20:02 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #209 on: 01-23-2005 20:23 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #210 on: 01-23-2005 22:05 »

***Futurama Trivia Champion IV***

Q20: Elzar's Fine Cusine Restaurant bathrooms are only for what type
of customers?
A: Stroganoff.

-Tongue Luck: [80]pts.
-Beamer: [68]pts.
-Zeep: [43]pts.
-DogDoo8: [21]pts.
-Nerd-o-rama: [20]pts.
-Zoidberg227: [13]pts.
-M0le: [11]pts.
-JDB: [10]pts.
-Guy Caballero: [7]pts.
-BillionaireBot: [6]pts.
-Gorky: [4]pts.
-z0idberg: [6]pts.
-Procyon: [2]pts.
-swidzi: [2]pts.
-Dr.Jerkbird: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-slayercrazy144: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-Shippy Mandy: [1]pt.
-Minh: [-4]pts.

+Q21: On the episode menu for "The Why Of Fry", we can see items from the episode. Name the items.+

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #211 on: 01-23-2005 22:07 »

The Quantum Interface Bomb,
The flower Fry gives Leela,
The Scooty Puff Jr.,
and one of the medals from the mission.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #212 on: 01-23-2005 22:08 »

also, the mission card from the bginning (hope this isn't too late...)
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #213 on: 01-23-2005 22:11 »

Flower (given to Fry by Nibbler, then to Leela by Fry), medal (Leela and Bender got them for the mission), mission profile, quantum interface bomb, Scooty-Puff Jr.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #214 on: 01-23-2005 22:30 »

* The quantum interface bomb.
* The flower Nibbler gave to Fry to give to Leela.
* One of the medals Leela & Bender recieved from their first mission.
* The mission briefing card.
* Scooty Puff Jr.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #215 on: 01-24-2005 00:22 »

* The quantum interface bomb.
* The flower Nibbler gave to Fry to give to Leela.
* One of the medals Leela & Bender recieved from their first mission.
* The mission briefing card.
* Scooty Puff Jr.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #216 on: 01-24-2005 00:36 »
« Last Edit on: 01-24-2005 00:36 »

***Futurama Trivia Champion IV***

Q21: On the episode menu for "The Why Of Fry", we can see items from the episode. Name the items.
A: The quantum interface bomb; the flower Nibbler gave to Fry to give to Leela; one of the medals Leela & Bender recieved from their first mission; the mission briefing card; & a Scooty Puff Jr.

-Tongue Luck: [84]pts.
-Beamer: [71]pts.
-Zeep: [48]pts. (sorry Zeep, it was just a typo)
-DogDoo8: [23]pts.
-Nerd-o-rama: [20]pts.
-Zoidberg227: [13]pts.
-M0le: [11]pts.
-JDB: [10]pts.
-Guy Caballero: [7]pts.
-BillionaireBot: [6]pts.
-Gorky: [4]pts.
-z0idberg: [6]pts.
-Procyon: [2]pts.
-swidzi: [2]pts.
-Dr.Jerkbird: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-slayercrazy144: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-Shippy Mandy: [1]pt.
-Minh: [-4]pts.

+Q22: What were Donovan's exact words during his video narration in "The Deep South"? (The first and last sentneces must be in backwards order.)+

[edit]: Never mind. Point values will remain the same.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #217 on: 01-24-2005 00:40 »

First Sentence: Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds, landlocked, city a was Atlanta.
Last Sentence: New the in ring and dance nd sing and, mermaids into evolve day one and, rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #218 on: 01-24-2005 00:41 »

Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds landlocked city a was Atlanta. Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub, until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate, the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician. And the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there. New the in ring and dance and sing and mermaids into evolve day one and rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #219 on: 01-24-2005 00:41 »
« Last Edit on: 01-24-2005 00:41 »

that's "and" between "dance" and "sing".

damn. i didn't realize it was the whole thing, with the first and last backwards. i read it as  his exact words in the first and last sentences, in backwards order.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #220 on: 01-24-2005 00:42 »

Zeep: I'll give you credit since I wasn't really clear. But you have to post the right answer.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #221 on: 01-24-2005 00:43 »

Zeep has 488 points? Anyway...

Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds landlocked city a was Atlanta. Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub, until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate, the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician. And the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there. New the in ring and dance and sing and mermaids into evolve day one and rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #222 on: 01-24-2005 00:44 »

Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds, landlocked, city a was Atlanta. Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub. Until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician and the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there. New the in ring and dance and sing and, mermaids into evolve day one and, rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.

Space Pope
« Reply #223 on: 01-24-2005 00:49 »

Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds, landlocked, city a was Atlanta.  Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub.  Until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician and the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there.  New the in ring and dance and sing and, mermaids into evolve day one and, rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #224 on: 01-24-2005 01:39 »

Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds, landlocked, city a was Atlanta.  Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub.  Until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician and the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there.  New the in ring and dance and sing and, mermaids into evolve day one and, rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.

Dam people, always copying me!

Space Pope
« Reply #225 on: 01-24-2005 02:44 »

Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds, landlocked, city a was Atlanta. Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub. Until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician and the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there. New the in ring and dance and sing and, mermaids into evolve day one and, rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #226 on: 01-24-2005 20:00 »

***Futurama Trivia CHampion IV***

Q22: What were Donovan's exact words during his video narration in "The Deep South"? (The first and last sentneces must be in backwards order.)
A: Ocean Atlantic the call now we area the from miles of hundreds landlocked city a was Atlanta. Yet so desperate the city's desire for tourism that moved offshore to become an island and a bigger Delta hub, until the city overdeveloped and it started to sink. Knowing their fate, the quality people ran away. Ted Turner, Hank Aaron, Jeff Foxworthy, the guy who invented Coca Cola, the magician. And the other so called gods of our legends, though gods they were - and also Jane Fonda was there. New the in ring and dance and sing and mermaids into evolve day one and rifles their with porches their on behind remain to chose others the.

-Tongue Luck: [88]pts.
-Beamer: [74]pts.
-Zeep: [53]pts.
-DogDoo8: [24]pts.
-Nerd-o-rama: [20]pts.
-Zoidberg227: [15]pts.
-M0le: [12]pts.
-JDB: [10]pts.
-Guy Caballero: [7]pts.
-BillionaireBot: [6]pts.
-Gorky: [4]pts.
-z0idberg: [6]pts.
-Procyon: [2]pts.
-swidzi: [2]pts.
-Dr.Jerkbird: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-slayercrazy144: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-Shippy Mandy: [1]pt.
-Minh: [-4]pts.

+Q23: Whose suggestion was it to have Fry and Leela tell each other they need to take showers at the end of "The Sting"?+

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #227 on: 01-24-2005 20:02 »

Matt Groening
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #228 on: 01-24-2005 20:05 »

Matt Groening.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #229 on: 01-24-2005 20:35 »

Matt Groening.  :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #230 on: 01-24-2005 21:01 »

Matt Groening.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #231 on: 01-24-2005 22:10 »
« Last Edit on: 01-24-2005 22:10 »

***Futurama Trivia Champion IV***

Q23: Whose suggestion was it to have Fry and Leela tell each other they need to take showers at the end of "The Sting"?
A: Matt Groening

-Tongue Luck: [92]pts.
-Beamer: [76]pts.
-Zeep: [58]pts.
-DogDoo8: [27]pts.
-Nerd-o-rama: [20]pts.
-Zoidberg227: [15]pts.
-M0le: [12]pts.
-JDB: [10]pts.
-Guy Caballero: [7]pts.
-BillionaireBot: [6]pts.
-Gorky: [4]pts.
-z0idberg: [6]pts.
-Procyon: [2]pts.
-swidzi: [2]pts.
-Dr.Jerkbird: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-slayercrazy144: [1]pt.
-Markuskempus: [1]pt.
-Shippy Mandy: [1]pt.
-Minh: [-4]pts.

+What 'Futurama' reference is in the SpongeBob SquarePants episode
"Ripped Pants"?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #232 on: 01-24-2005 22:24 »

wow. does that even really count as futurama trivia? i've been looking over episode guides, transcripts, nothing. i'm stumped.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #233 on: 01-24-2005 22:30 »


Plus, I lost my question sheet, which I just found.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #234 on: 01-24-2005 22:31 »

There is none.
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #235 on: 01-24-2005 22:32 »

Same here, Zeep... The closest thing I can find is the fact that he pretends to deliver pizzas, but that had better not count as a reference. Maybe it's a visual thing that they don't bother putting in guides and transcripts.

Trick question? Uh... There isn't one? Maybe? My head hurts.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #236 on: 01-24-2005 22:34 »

Yeah, I'm going to have to go with Beamer here and say that there is no reference.

Unless you count that they're always talking about pants, like that one quote of Cubert's, "Well, if it isn't my old friends, stretch-pants, no-pants, and... idiot."

But my official answer is hat there is no reference.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #237 on: 01-24-2005 23:08 »

that is suppose to say "that there is no reference." can never be too careful...

« Reply #238 on: 01-25-2005 05:25 »

Trick Question. There is none.

Space Pope
« Reply #239 on: 01-25-2005 05:47 »

There is no Futurama reference in that particular episode of SpongeBob Squarepants.
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