« on: 09-30-2004 02:08 »
« Last Edit on: 09-30-2004 02:08 by [-mArc-] »
hey, i dont know if you guys heard of this but its a pretty easy way too get a free flat screen. all you do is sign up for an offer/trial (then cancel it) and then get 8 friends to do the same. then you get one for free!
most of you are probably thinking this is a scam and so did I. but my friend wanted me to sign up so i just did and then when he got his i was amazed! CLICK HERE [URL deleted] heres a guide to make it easier and also pictures and proof from people that already got it! [URL deleted] also look at this TV news [URL deleted]
btw, the offers change and the best one right now is INFONE because you dont have to cancel anything and dont get charged uless you use their service! and also end up getting $10 in Amazon gift card
heres my link to the site and make sure you use mine! Thanks a Lot