Urban Legend
« on: 09-12-2004 02:53 »
« Last Edit on: 09-12-2004 02:53 »
This is more out of curiousity and if that recent rumor comes true.
Futurama is a manner of Social Commentary dealing with many issues, but would discussing 9/11 be too much, since it is the third anniversary of 9/11 attacks?
I've read two fanfics that discuss that issue, one was better than the other, but both were criticized for discussing a touchy issue.
David and Matt said the after the Sept 11 attacks, they had to make a few changes in the episodes that aired after 9/11.
Logically, it would seem doubtful that NNY in the year 3000, would still remember something that happen a 1000 years in the past. However, would it seem messed up to have something like a building with a motion sensor on the roof to blast any enemy ships to prevent them from crashing into the building? Or how about a few aliens hijacking the PE ship? Or showing Bin Laden's head. How would you fans feel if Futurama did return, and dealt with this issue?
Also, how would you go about discussing this issue that is typical Futurama commentary?
DOOP Secretary
I don't think they would ever do a direct reference to 9/11. It just wouldn't be in Futurama's taste.
However, the examples you've given wouldn't necessarily be interpreted as a 9/11 references. Aliens hijacking the ship doesn't sound too far off, and it wouldn't exactly be specific commentary on 9/11 - hijackings have happened both before and after that event.
As for Bin Laden's head in a jar... that's just stupid. Why the hell would they save the head of a terrorist leader? That's like saving Hitler's head. No, I think that having a DIRECT reference to 9/11 or Bin Laden in Futurama is just a plain bad idea.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
I'd rather they stayed well away. The entire of New York got destroyed by alien invasions since then, along with countless other things. If they need to do anything at all, then do it in The Simpsons...
DOOP Secretary
Wow, really? I've heard no complaints about the stem cells in 300 Big Boys. I always considered A Tale Of 2 Santas the most controversial episode, for obvious reasons.
Otis P Jivefunk
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by M0le: It's not really Futurama's style to actually comment on a recent topic, and thus, wouldn't suit the show. Aside from that horrible Christina Aguilera joke in 'Bendin' in the Wind'...
Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
I dont think they ever even showed the Twin Towers in Futurama. I know that the Chrysler building is in the ruins of Old New York and I think the Empire state building is above ground.
But I Don't ever recall seeing the WTC. I dont see how DXC and M.G. needed to cover up anything post-9/11.
There are WTC-like buildings in NNY (see TDTESS), but being 1000 years later, they could explain that by saying they were based on the old WTC buildings (if they really felt some stupid reason to explain it).
But yeah, I don't think 9/11 should be discussed on the show.
Like Otis said, especially since the earth was almost totally destroyed by alien attacks multiple times.
Bending Unit
As for Bin Laden's head in a jar... that's just stupid. Why the hell would they save the head of a terrorist leader? That's like saving Hitler's head. Maybe they'll put Bin Laden's brain in a great white shark. David X Cohen felt that Three Hundred Big Boys was the most controversial episode because it featured stem cells. I haven't actually heard the commentary for that episode, but I'm assuming that was a joke. There was nothing controversial about the way the episode used stem cells. (I didn't like the way they implied stem cells were some new technology, when they would have had a millennium to research them, but that's neither here nor there.) And to answer the main question, no, I don't think a direct reference to 9/11 would make sense for Futurama.
Urban Legend
Like Venus said, Originally posted by Venus: Fry never tried to find out how each of his friends/family eventually died. The fact that they are dead seems to be all the information he needs. Remember in Spacepilot 3000, he said something to the effect of "My parents, my co-workers, my girlfriend. I'll never see any of them again. Yahoo!" He doesn't really care about any of them much and he doesn't plan on thinking about them from that point on (which he doesn't really do much of throughout the series).