
DOOP Secretary

i Concur.


I'm actually a fake
The real blane killed himself (-_\\)

DOOP Secretary

As said before, it's good to know that mArc's still monitoring the board.
Bear's like unPEEL's Chicken Butt, but with unbearable bear puns!

DOOP Secretary

Come on, people, there's nothing wrong with him! I suggest you all sobear up before making such rash statements.

DOOP Secretary

Please say no, so I can put my faith back in humanity.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
I echo mArc's mighty command. And you guys need to leave Bear alone. Seriously, talk to your moderators and have them run the IP check some more; it's still not coming up with matches. The bear puns got ridiculous a week ago, and Bear's reactions, whether he is fake or not, are not strange nor unwarranted. Case in point, if someone accused you of being a fake account repeatedly when you first joined, and then started repeating the same puns over and over about your username, how would you react? Seriously, vocalizing your evidenceless claims repeatedly gets no where. If you people seriously have a problem with someone (whether fake account, inappropriateness, or flame war related) contact your moderaters and use your alert button. They've all been pretty active lately, they know what they're doing, and I'm sure they're more than happy to either do something about it or get back to you on your issues in a timely manner. 
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Not to sound oblivious, but why is BirthdayClown unbanned?
Did I completely miss something?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #157 on: 12-29-2008 20:37 »
« Last Edit on: 12-29-2008 20:39 »
What don't you believe me about?
Most of what you post I take with a grain of salt, but I was referring to you above posts stating that Bear is not a fake account and that fake accounts don't exist when clearly they do. I felt a bit bad about accusing some accounts of being fake but then their instant crazy responses just helped my case I think, if they're not fake accounts then they're possibly just trolls. I don't expect anything to be done about it, not sure if mArc reads PEEL on regular basis, or if the current mods give a shit, all I can do is post this in here and leave it in whoevers hands, but I do think it's annoying and if anyone else agrees they can share. Le Sigh.

DOOP Secretary

Consider Exploding Bird in a Ball an allegory of PEEL. If you can't have fun playing it straight, cheating is really easy.