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Author Topic: Thoughts On Futurama - The Game (Possible Spoilers)  (Read 37499 times)
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Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #120 on: 09-06-2003 11:58 »

what do you mean with door number 1?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #121 on: 09-18-2003 08:30 »

Am I the only one who thinks this is a crap of a game? In gaming standards, this is really poor.I don't mean to sound pompous, but what, is there no negative comments allowed regarding futurama? Everyones praising every inch of this game blindly. I here, offer an honest reaction. I love futurama but that doesn't blind me to the fact that this is a slapped together crap game. This is equivalent to the Simpsons skateboarding game. Okay, this does have some pretty funny cut scenes and dialogue, but the fact that the humor is watered down some because it's a video game not a real episode AND the fact that it's not as they promoted, a real unaired episode, still makes it pretty bad.

I don't understand how lots of ppl are praising the camera and frame rate when that's still very problematic for me! Every time I died which was very often, was due only to the bad camera and/or bad jerky frame rate. Esp. in the zoidberg stage. Nevermind, every stage.

The guys at EGM like Futurama too ("Damn you America for not loving Futurama the show as much as the Simpsons. But if you don't love the videogame, I can relate." ) but that didn't blind them from giving Futurama a score of 4.5 out of 10.

I say this game sucks because it's insulting to futurama as a whole. First you cancel the show, then you give us a crappy game to remember it by. Of course, I should feel lucky to even have a Futurama game made.

I can praise the cut scenes and dialogue but as far as gameplay, this is total bullcrap.

« Reply #122 on: 09-18-2003 08:46 »

Sounds like u were expecting a little too much from it Snoo-Snoo.

I am not a big platform player but as far as they go it was fun and intuitive to play. The cut scenes are fun and the whole game pokes fun at video games, which I found fun

Bender: Then that means...
Farnsworth: That you're a playable character? O my yes

Leela: Take that non-playable characters

and of course my fav:

Leela: Zoidberg? what are you doing here?
Zoidberg: I'm making a cameo I am!

Not the best outting as a computer game, but a great outting as Futurama

Starship Captain
« Reply #123 on: 09-18-2003 14:03 »

Someone didn't read well enough about the game before playing it. They never said there was a full unaired episode in it, they said that all the cut scenes together added up to the time of an original unaired ep.

And frankly there's no excuse for saying it's as bad as Simpsons Skateboarding. The Futurama game is at least 3 times better than any of the Simpsons games, and I like The Simpsons show.
Lt. Kroker

Bending Unit
« Reply #124 on: 09-18-2003 14:14 »

I wish I could see all the cut scenes, but I'm a very casual gamer and, while I like silly platformers from time to time, this was just way too frustrating. There's only so many times I can repeat the same half-hour of level.

Does anyone have any cheats to get all the cutscenes?

Urban Legend
« Reply #125 on: 09-18-2003 14:26 »

I liked the game but in all fairness it had alot of flaws. The amount of times I died because the camera did not folow me I fail to count. As for the controls being intuitive I say they are not compared to other modern games such as Devil May Cry.
Some of the level designs were very annoying and could cause instant death which was very annoying.
On the bright side it is probably the best Groening licenced game on a next gen console. I hope that if they make a sequal they remove these flaws.
Prof. Wernstrum

Starship Captain
« Reply #126 on: 09-18-2003 16:42 »

This game is really hard for me to judge. On the one hand, I'm a big fan of the show and this is the closest thing to a new episode now (bloody FOX etc.), but then I'm also a die-hard gamer who under normal circumstances preaches about seeing past graphics, licences etc. to the actual game underneath. So this review is going to be somewhat schizophrenic...

First, the game itself. This is definitely no classic but then again regardless of what some people such as Snoo-snoo said it's not terrible either (These people are probably living in blissful ignorance having never played a truly awful game...), in fact I'd say it's pretty much the definition of "average".

Almost everything in the game does just enough to be satisfactory but nothing more - Fry's weapons are functional but not particularly impressive, there's nothing wrong with the level design but nothing particularly memorable either, the camera screws up a lot but rarely enough to cause deaths - sadly, this is about average for 3D games (Hint: on the pillars bit, keep pressing L to reset the camera - this should be automatic though). On the plus side, it is pleasantly varied though - you're never doing the same thing for too long.

The only real flaw though is that it is way too short and easy (I can't believe that so many people here are finding it hard, although maybe I've got higher expectations in this regard). I completed the game in a matter of hours and found all the Nibblonians on the second day. The fact that you've got a stupidly huge number of lives doesn't help either... erm... or it helps too much, whatever.

Anyway, purely in terms of the game itself: 50%.

Now, bearing in mind that it's Futurama - the upbeat part of the review! This is the funniest game I have ever played, beating off the likes of Conker's Bad Fur Day, Earthbound and The House of The Dead (Unintentionally hilarious). The cut-scenes are great, as are the one-liners in the game although Leela's comments can seem a bit out of character at times. In particular, I like the way it pokes fun at gaming conventions (e.g. "You can reach the generator along that dangerous route filled with quicksand - yes, I know, it was a terrible place to build it" or "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" "So? We've been dying all game." )

And one way in which it improves over every Simpsons game ever is that it actually seems like an episode of the show rather than some random game with Futurama characters tacked into it. With a bit of modification, the story really could have worked as an episode and the cut-scenes feel like they've been taken straight from the show.

There are some nice references to specific episodes too such as finding the FingLonger in the Professor's locker or Hermes' "Cycle of Burocracy" shredding machine. Shame about the lack of Zapp Branigan though.

So overall, I'd give it about 75% but it's probably worth buying the DVDs first as you get far more stuff for about the same price.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #127 on: 09-19-2003 04:05 »

I guess I was a bit harsh in my review. Namely because this game deals with Futurama and I guess I had high hopes for a game that matched Futurama's greatness. Yeah, dream on. Simpsons hit and run is pretty good though. I'd almost say it's as good or better than watching a simpsons episode. I hoped for that kind of game in Futurama.

The bugs really got to me though. On one of Leela's levels, her quip "That feels go-ood" kept repeating over and over again, throughout the entire level. It sure added another scary dimension to the gameplay.

« Reply #128 on: 09-19-2003 05:18 »

i didn't notice a single bug while i was playing... weird. yarr.

Starship Captain
« Reply #129 on: 09-19-2003 08:26 »

There should have been more bosses
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #130 on: 09-19-2003 10:25 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #131 on: 10-09-2003 14:23 »

This is a wicked game! There is so much variety in it that one minute you're shooting at sewer mutants, and the next you're running away from a (rather cliche) boulder!

The graphics are pure bliss, when i think back to some of the cut-scenes i can't remember if that was from the game or from an episode! This put's other cartoon games to shame, and that's being kind!

If you want to get the most out of your copy, then do the levels as best as you can, finding nibblers, but don't take so long on each level that you get bored and never want to play it again; and then go back through the game collecting everything.

And a bit of personal advice, DON'T play through the whole game with a walkthrough the first time, it just makes it more boring.

Starship Captain
« Reply #132 on: 11-24-2003 10:26 »
« Last Edit on: 03-01-2004 00:00 »

This was an Awesome game! It perfectly captures the mood and essence of Futurama. The levels were well designed and the humor was out of control. A laugh a minute game. A few things kept it from getting a high score. The difficulty was all over the place ranging from easy to super hard. Bender's level were for me, the most challenging. The bit where you must jump a bunch of girders almost made break my controller.Leela's jumping segment was difficult too. Another grip is that the game was too short as I finished in 5 hours and 38 minutes. I played a second time and my time was 3 hours. If a sequel is made(and hopefully it will be made)I would sugest making the game longer. But for a first try at a Futurama video game, they were very sucessful at creating a game that Futurama fans could enjoy.

Ps. Didn't the ending seem a little bit weird?

The ending was the most ironic thing i've ever seen.

Score: 3.5/5

Starship Captain
« Reply #133 on: 11-24-2003 13:28 »

I think it's meant to be weird...

Also, I think it's meant to be the end of Futurama, unless of course we get more eps or movies!

Starship Captain
« Reply #134 on: 12-03-2003 15:19 »

i have this game and liked it however i cant get past the sun god in leela's level. This angers me and id like to see the other parts of the game especially zoidberg (lol thats a quote) Anyway, there are loads of Playstation cheats for this and no xbox cheats....am i being punished for owning an xbox?
On a show called gamestation in england they said the cheat was type Xbbxy at the start menu, this didnt work for me, is this wrong or am i just doing it wrong.
If someone could help and point me in the right direction i would be much appreciative.

« Reply #135 on: 12-04-2003 06:00 »

Does anybody know if they will release a PC version of the game? Sure, there are a few bad comments about the game, but its Futurama.

Starship Captain
« Reply #136 on: 12-04-2003 07:17 »

Swanman: Look through the Game Help topic on PEEL for insturctions on beating the Sun God.

Bender&fry: No plans, and since the game didn't do really well (it did well, but not really well) on the consoles, I wouldn't expect the game to be released on PC.

« Reply #137 on: 12-05-2003 06:45 »

Sucks, I really want to get a copy of it but I dont have a game system. Thanks though, Kazzahdrane.
Jesse X Barboza

Bending Unit
« Reply #138 on: 12-06-2003 19:28 »

I just got this game yesterday as a late birthday gift. It's downright hilarious but still really challenging thus far. I love the movies between levels - feels like something right out of the show. So far I'm on the Old New York level and it's the most challenging yet, what with missile launchers and suicide bomber pigs and all, but I'm getting it. I haven't yet used a walkthrough or any cheats so I have to teach myself everything (like hiding in that stairway in the ground next to the church to fire at the gunners who come out of the church doors). I keep dying in the hallways behind the department store, though. Ah well, judging by what other people have said, this'll get even better as it goes.

Favorite quotes at this point:

BENDER: Why are you wearing that funky hat?
FARNSWORTH: Oh, this? No reason. (throws sombrero away)

BENDER: Aw, how come I'm the one who always has to do all the bending around here?

LEELA: You were crushed under two tons of debris.
BENDER: And you died! Ah ha ha ha, it was so funny! Ha ha ha ha ha...I guess you had to be there.

FRY: The sewer? But what about the mutants?
FARNSWORTH: I gave you a gun! What do you want, a flowered dress?

FRY: Eww! It smells like...what's it called?...you know, that stuff you find in sewers? Ah, it's not important.

FRY: Ah, the subway. I had my first kiss in that exact same car. Homeless people...

FRY: Over there's where I first got mugged! Stupid homeless people.

And it's hilarious every time Fry howls.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #139 on: 12-06-2003 19:33 »

It's funnier when Fry says, "Whimmy Wham Wham Wozzle!" when getting Slurm.

Bending Unit
« Reply #140 on: 12-06-2003 20:25 »

I really liked the game, was fun to play one of those games I usedto play as a kid, altho they could have done the charecters better and jumping "to late"(according to the game) was really annoying.
But i really would like to see more of an adventure game with more freedom and such...say you choose a charecter in the beggining and have different missions and goals in a shared senario, fly the ship, travel around NNY etc....
Haven't played it in a while but the lines i remember firstly are:
Fry:hurray....another nibler...*funny yawn*
Walt:You haven't seen the last of me! Unless you die before we meet again inwichcaseyouhaaaaaaaaavvvvee eee!*shoots of in the air*
Leela:You know,most people build their robot armies out of metal.
EvilSunGod:Yes! But my way is more evil! BWHAHAHA
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #141 on: 12-14-2003 06:07 »

Originally posted by Jesse X Barboza:
BENDER: Why are you wearing that funky hat?
FARNSWORTH: Oh, this? No reason. (throws sombrero away)

Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #142 on: 12-14-2003 06:26 »

Just curious, I don't have the game myself because it never made it to the Cube. Anyway, I haven't been reading all the way through this thread, because I hope to get it myself one day, and don't want the whole thing spoiled. Anyway, just curious, how many people here have completed it? and how easy was it? and how long roughly did it take?  :)
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #143 on: 12-14-2003 09:04 »

Well, one level was very hard: Old New York, otherwise the game was very easy, I think it took about 3-4 days for me to finish it  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #144 on: 12-14-2003 09:59 »

This was one of those games which I finished in 24 hours. Sly Cooper was another. Both good games though, and I enjoyed the plot of Futurama a lot more than most games of its type.
John C
Starship Captain
« Reply #145 on: 12-14-2003 10:03 »

Originally posted by spacepilot3000:

Out of my cowardly denial, I say it might be another universe or the What-If Machine. Too bad I'm only a Gamecube owner.  :cry:
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #146 on: 12-14-2003 10:23 »

How many here got all the nib(b?)lers?

Bending Unit
« Reply #147 on: 12-14-2003 11:09 »

i did, some where really hard to find though...

Starship Captain
« Reply #148 on: 12-14-2003 17:51 »

Every Nibbler? Been there, done that. Wasn't that hard. More than 250 lives collected in the process. Replaying it the 7th time, Right Wing level.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #149 on: 12-15-2003 15:10 »

I just got the game for Xbox!  The Xbox used to be my brother's, but when... well... it was given to me.  I haven't had that much time to play it, but I'm enjoying it.  (Bear in mind, I'm not a hard-core gamer, or even a softcore one. Hell, I can't even show basic competency at most games.)

Starship Captain
« Reply #150 on: 12-15-2003 16:25 »

Then this game should suit you fine. Fun, and really quite easy to play. Also, Futurama!

« Reply #151 on: 12-16-2003 06:56 »
« Last Edit on: 12-16-2003 06:56 »

The last part that Kazzahdrane said really does make up for the glitches. I finally got the game! Happy me. Got a PS2 with it. Cost a lot but worth it.  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #152 on: 01-01-2004 13:16 »

im still stuck on the sun god and want to level skip but the only cheat ive found for the xbox is to type xbbxy at the start menu. This doesnt work on mine can anyone help?


Starship Captain
« Reply #153 on: 01-01-2004 15:33 »

Why are you still stuck on him? There have been lots of posts made here detailing how to get past him. Maybe you haven't tried again for a while, if so give it another go  :)

« Reply #154 on: 05-05-2004 21:07 »

Spoiler in message, though I guess the forum already warned about that:

So what gives with the ending? I'm not sure I followed it because I'm stupid, but from what I gather, the main characters are killed? Or do they have their timelines diverted back to the beginning? Also, is this where the series itself actually ends? I'd be sad if I thought that the ending of futurama was the death of Fry, Leela, and Bender. Or is the game like a treehouse of horror or something? Please, I keep hearing how the ending ties up loose ends, but I don't have the time to play the game, so somebody explain everything to me and assure me that the characters are still "alive"...

Otherwise, it ends like M.A.S.H.... well, M.A.S.H. on crack, but you get the idea.

Starship Captain
« Reply #155 on: 05-06-2004 02:46 »

The characters die.

Whether this is the real end of Futurama? I'd say unlikely, though I hope they get the chance to make another (better) game and explain a way out of the situation, since at the moment it completely destroys any continuity in any way for any new episodes :P
John Pannozzi

Starship Captain
« Reply #156 on: 05-06-2004 18:03 »

My comments/questions/etc. about the game

-I'm sad that Amy wasn't in the game. SHe's one my favorite characters, and is IMHO the cutest character in Futurama (Leela comes in at avery close second) and I wish she was playable, though she'd prob'ly be a very weak (but cute and lovable) character. P.S.: Why was there a picture of the beach bully from WAA in Amy's locker in the game? To my knowledge, Amy never even was within 3 feet of him. Why wasn't there a picture of Kif and/or his kids?
-Zapp and/or Kif should have been in this game.
-I like that the PE HQ had a lot of refs to the series (Amy's all-purpose spraycan, the finglonger, the vergon 8 hologram, the boiler room, pictures of Cubert, Mom, etc.)
-Why where there Mutants that wanted to kill Fry? The whole idea of the Mutants is that they are seen by the public as hideous barbaric cannibals when in reality they are friendly, kind, peaceful, and not all that hideous.
-Who or what in the sam hill are the guys in radiation suits in ONY? They've never been in the show.
-I liked the Red District and NNY levels as they really felt like Futurama with Robot Mafia thugs, Suicide booths, the robot chef (who must have been fixed since Fry actidentally wrecked him in AFOD), travel tubs and music that was actually from the show.
-Fry's levels in the sewers and ONY weren't all that fun as they were too long and it seemed like there was an endless number of enimies to shoot and the atmosphere and music felt more like Resident Evil than Futurama.
-Bender's levels were pretty fun, as they felt like Crash Bandicoot with Bender's comments about Hookerbots and the Pimpmobile. Plus, we got to fight Mom's sons, who are among my favorite characters.
-Leela's levels are better than Fry's, but not as good as Bender's.
-Why does Leela make stupid, inane, childish comments like "ooh, pretty!" and "pills taste like candy!"? Is she under the effects of Brain Spawn or addicted to Popplers again? Her comments sound like Ralph Wiggum wrote them.
-Mom should have been the final boss, not Destructor. Destructor is too minor a character (only appeared in 2 eps.) to be a final boss.
-The ending was a bit confusing. To Matt and Dave about the paradox of Fry, Leela and Bender's deaths: [Philip J. Fry (I))] Fix it, fix it, fix it. Fix it, fix it, fix it [Philip J. Fry (I)]

Starship Captain
« Reply #157 on: 05-06-2004 18:17 »

I don't know, but I do think that the graphics could have been better.

« Reply #158 on: 05-06-2004 19:16 »

The ending was a bit confusing. To Matt and Dave about the paradox of Fry, Leela and Bender's deaths: [Philip J. Fry (I))] Fix it, fix it, fix it. Fix it, fix it, fix it [Philip J. Fry (I)]

What's that mean?

Urban Legend
« Reply #159 on: 05-06-2004 22:25 »

It means that they all die, but we a caught in a time loop that means the same events repeat over and over...

giving you a reason as to why the game starts again. Curse them!  <IMG SRC="http://peel.gotfuturama.com/ubb/tongue.gif">
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