Bending Unit
« on: 04-19-2002 13:58 »
« Last Edit on: 04-19-2002 13:58 »
Ok, I'm a big Farscape fan and all, but I would never have thought of making a Farscape Monopoly game like this guy has: http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/harbor/3904/farscape/ I do think it's a good idea though. Perhaps we should put together a Futurama Monopoly? (Then again, I stink at monopoly. I lose everytime.) For the "Railroads" we could use the car Amy bought (blanking on the name), the Planet Express Ship, Branigan's ship, and the NNYC tubes. For Broadway and Park Place it would have to be Fry, Leela, and/or Bender. Choosing amoung them would be pretty tough, but as Fry and Leela are a natural couple, I'd vote for them. (Sorry Bender fans.) Of course the various Futurama characters would be scattered about the board (in some semblance of order). (For example, Hermes, Zoidberg and Amy all on one section. Zapp and Kif on another. Lrr, that Poppler, and Free Waterfall Jr. on a third section.) What do you think? EDIT: Just found out that there's a "Make-Your-Own-Opoly" kit you can buy (for example, from http://www.etailgifts.com/makeyourown.asp ). So if we do come up with a Futur-Opoly, you might be able to turn it into a playable board game.
Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 04-19-2002 14:53 »
« Last Edit on: 04-19-2002 14:53 »
Originally posted by Nixorbo: That could be a good idea - Madison Cube Garden and Elzar's Restaurant as Boardwalk and Park Place? Actually, now that you've brought that up, I do like the idea of using Futurama places more than the characters. Let's see, there are 22 normal properties, 2 utilities, 4 "railroads", Go To Jail, Jail, Go, and Free Parking, Community Chest, Chance (and all of the cards that go along with them). (No all that wasn't from memory. Perhaps you could buy a set or two of the die cast figures and use those as playing pieces. For properties we have: Elzar's Restaurant Madison Cube Garden Lunar Amusement Park Planet Express (perhaps as a Boardwalk/Park Place?) Omicron Persei 8 / Pit of Popplers (perhaps both) Railroads: The Beta-Romeo Planet Express Ship NNYC Tubes Brannigan's ship Electric Co and Water Co: Mom's Friendly Robot Co and Slurm Jail: Robot Hell ("Go to Robot Hell. Go Directly to Robot Hell. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200." ) Go To Jail: The Robot-Devil pointing to the Jail... I mean Robot Hell spot. Chance: What-If Machine Free Parking: That truck stop where Fry got the worms. Still plenty to go.
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Some more sugesstions for properties:
Robotic Arms Dept. The Apollo Theater. Wong Ranch. Alien Overlord & Taylor Little Bitaly The Head Museum NNY Dumbbell Club Malfunctioning Eddie's Rocket-Car Emporium Past-o-rama The Hip Joint Cookievile Minimum Security Orphanarium The Central Bureaucracy
Urban Legend
Here is the first version that I made... it is very new, and the only real purpose was to map out what would go where... comments? Please note there will be pictures, better writing, etc. It is just to clear names right now. Due to the size of the file (dimentions wise at least) here is a link: http://server29.hypermart.net/kmac/board-version1.gif
Originally posted by Chump: That sounds so cool I might just give it a go...
I'm a huge monoploy fan... most wont play me because i don't ever quit... as long as i have a dollar, i keep on playing.
My current version is NHL Monopoly. PS: GO LEAFS GO! *whispers* - Go! Lightning Go!
Urban Legend
« Reply #19 on: 04-20-2002 13:04 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2002 13:04 »
Thanks for kind words. I am changing the font, in fact, as soon as I'm done my current step, I'll show you how it looks now. I'll edit this post later... Edit: Here is whats now done... there will be a framegrab on each property, and scan art for the other stuff. (eg. the devil in the corner) http://server29.hypermart.net/kmac/board-version2.gif Please note, the file is MASSIVE. I hope to make it downloadable and put it FSAC when its completed... I'll also try to make a smaller file... :P
« Reply #20 on: 04-20-2002 13:39 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2002 13:39 »
- It's suicide, not suiside.
- Make sure the text is consistently facing a direction on each side. Example: On the top, Deliveries, Stock Value Plunges!, New New York Tube Line should be facing the same way as Past-O-Rama, Little Neptune, Cookieville Minimum-Security Orphanarium.
- It's pittance, not pittence.
- It's Famous Original Ray's Superior Court.
- It's Academy of Inventors.
- I don't think there's an ' after Luna in Luna Park.
- Maybe capitalize What If Machine like that?
- Would it be possible to have it say Futuropoly in the Futurama font and shape? (Probably not, but just saying...)
You don't have to do any of it, overall, the board is very good, and I'll download it and print it when it's finished. (It only took me 30 seconds to download!)
Urban Legend
« Reply #21 on: 04-20-2002 13:48 »
« Last Edit on: 04-20-2002 13:48 »
Thanks for the spelling tips, as for a mojority of the other sutff, I'm well aware that it is like that, I haven't go to it yet (see version 1) it is still the same, I'm just mapping it out. Those spaces, like the chances, etc. will come after the property spots. I'm making the little pictures now and it takes me some time to do so, I have to scale, adjust, etc. I am going to try, one way or another to make Futuropoly in the same font. If its not possible, I will rename it Futurama monopoly and use the existing title plus monopoly in another font. Also, I hereby copyright the idea of an AL1 scrabble. Version 3 (jpg so its smaller, but poorer quality, just for your viewing convenience): http://server29.hypermart.net/kmac/board_version3.jpg
Starship Captain
It's starting to look fantastic.
1) I'd switch to the "Ambient" Futurama font on the board spots, white-on-color instead of black-on-color.
2) The gamepieces--if Monopoly-accurate--are going to be really, really tiny. For that reason, I'd go with objects, like the ones I listed above, rather than the characters, who might come out looking like melted crap ("Is that supposed to be Hermes? Or Sideshow Bob?"). Other potential objects: Beta Romeo, the Titanic, Leela's boot. Or maybe aliens or robot characters...
3) I'd like to see characters on the board itself--either one or two in front of each property (Nixon at the Head Museum, Amy at the Hip Joint, the President of DOOP at DOOP HQ, Hyperchicken and Judge Whitey at Famous Original Ray's, Hermes or Morgan Proctor at Central Bureaucracy, Human Bender and his 'dates' at Dinkin' Donuts, Guenther, the robots nerds, and/or the Dean at Mars U., etc., etc.) or a big, fat group pic lining the central panel--I mean, big-ass, everyone's there, even Cubert...
Keep going!
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Wow, that really good work, Chump. I looking forward to the finished version.
Urban Legend
The only problem with a picture of people in front of each place is that it will take a hell of a lot of time, but still do-able... I might do that after the rest of the stuff is done.
For characters to be in front of each property, i would have to do 22 additional scans. Besides the ones I've already done and the ones I've yet to do. I did one of mom for the Mom's friendly robot company, and another one of slurms mackenzie for the SLurm Corp. (utilities) another one of the what if machine that I plan to duplicate for each What If? space. I am having problems getting Flash to accept the futurama font, but I'll try some more. Also, I have yet to do the railroads, (probably will be framegrabs to get the full effect, it wouldn't be the same as scans because they are places, not people.)
Here comes the part where I get suggestions: 1. What should I do for Honest Bender's Free Parking? 2. What should I do for Go? (I was thinking about making a a transport tube there, linking one end to the other) 3. Should I colour the white spots? Is so, to what colour? An off-white? or should I keep it white?
Starship Captain
Okay, but a grand cast pic in the central panel would still be nicey-nice.
Other potential gamepieces: Go-Kart Bender, Honking Were-car Bender, Project Satan. These are both characters AND objects, and keep in line with the "travel" theme of Monopoly gamepieces...
I hope someone looking at this is thinking ahead for a "PC version"--with randomizers for dice and cards, a "video" main panel, and "pop-up" places, cards, audio bits, and phoney ads like "One-Hour Martianizing" and "Mass Hypnosis Hour." Gaudy? Non-traditional? Damn straight. I haven't seen any PC versions of board games for the US, but I have seen a Japanese PC game styled after a traditional board game, and it rocks! (The gamepieces are animated and the board extends well beyond the screen, so there's lots of "wacky" motion. For a Monopoly take, though, perhaps a screen-sized board with pop-up-close-ups is the way to go...
Urban Legend
Oh right... keeping people posted... I went thru each card in both catagories (Chance/ CC) and wrote down what they ended up doing... then I'm filling it out from there. There will be 16 of each catagory, just like threal game. It is a little slow because... well here I'll show you some examples. Some have interesting pictures, some or pretty cruddy, but thats what makes you appreciate the nice ones. I like the money one best so far. CARDS: Unfortuneately, my hosting server maxed out when I tried to upload the newest version, so I'm going to have to zip it or something and link to it as a file. Also, I will remove the 1st two version links due to the fact they are bandwidth gobblers. Kryten's suggestions for cards were awesome. Stuff like that helps. Until I post the latest version of the board, I'll fill you in: Go now has a scan (original!) of fry flying through a tube line bend (its a composite of a couple of grabs). The railroads have framegrabs (some are really nice, Thanks Paul) the What If Machine is a full scan I made. The Deliveries is a doctored wallpaper of the plan-ex ship in space... That pretty well covers it. I'll see what I can do about the board. I think it might work if I use another place to upload to...
For houses, use delivery packages. For hotels, use crates.