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Author Topic: Futurama Comics Issue [Insert number here]  (Read 91591 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #600 on: 10-15-2013 00:00 »

Yarp, new comics day is Wednesday and Futurama is generally out in the last or second last week of every other month.
Did anyone get Futurama To Infinity yet?  Post some spoilers if someone did.
Looks like:

Full Metal Racket

The A-Team

Rust in Peace

Anthology of Interest II

I've read up to 60 or thereabouts, so it's ok looking through the titles doesn't hurt anybody :cool:

I'll leave someone else to update The Infosphere, I personally have never done it.
...and we did http://www.theinfosphere.org/Futurama_Comics:_To_Infinity!

Urban Legend
« Reply #601 on: 10-15-2013 19:25 »

So, that's what that was?  A rehash of older comics?   Thought it was this huge issue about the last season.


Starship Captain
« Reply #602 on: 10-16-2013 00:10 »

Nope, the listing said trade paperback and that the stories included would not have been in any of the other trade. I always assumed it would be old issues, possibly with a new mini.

It was basically Bongo saying "The show is ending, but Futurama Comics isn't. Here's some of our favourite issues."
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #603 on: 10-16-2013 09:00 »

I'm late to the party on commenting about #68, but I honestly think it is, to date, the single worst issue in the run. It was difficult to follow to put it nicely. I could maaaaybe see it working as an actual episode of the show but as a coming the whole cyclical time travel bit just didn't work as it ought to have. As others have mentioned the art also left something to be desired. Bongo needs to consider hiring some of us PEELers to write and draw them out. We'd do at least as good a job as the folks they have on now.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #604 on: 10-16-2013 23:11 »

I revise my statement about Mike's art; Hippie Toad can draw better than Mike.

Yeah, the time travel thing didn't make much sense in comic form. It just felt like re-use after re-use, in a way. Plus, there was never a full explanation for what was happening, or at least not one that was easily comprehendable, which made it feel like it was really missing something.

Urban Legend
« Reply #605 on: 10-19-2013 01:46 »

Time Travel worked in that Doctor Who Spoof the comics did.

Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #606 on: 10-20-2013 01:01 »

So I've been busy and been unable to get down to my local designated comic-book shop despite them phoning me to - very politely - remind me that they'll clear out my reserve if I don't come and collect them. But anyway, I finally made it down there today and got #65 through to #68 and I have to say, for the most part, I really enjoyed them. Loved the Doctor Who reference to bits.

Reading through the storyline with the mass board game contest thingy, I thought "well this seems really whacky and a bit random" but I actually began to admire the fact that it's at least creative and plays on the principle that It's The Future, Anything is Possible, Have Fun!

But yeah... #68...

Didn't so much fly through it as my head flew under it, my brain having already given up on trying to work it out. No clue what was going on. Couldn't make head nor tail of it. Turned each page hoping to see some explanation or some coherent link and before long I ran out of pages. It simply didn't make any sense to me!

If it was trying to do some time-travel or even time-jump twist a) it's been done before b) it's been done recently c) it's been done much better and d) it didn't make any sense! Have I mentioned this before!?

And I hate to sound vulgar, or appear too harsh (or repetitive), but I couldn't help but think that, with Kazaleh being the one drawing it, the unfortunate phrase "crowning turd" comes to mind. I don't know, I think he's done worse - unfortunately I think I have to agree with this being the weakest comic I can remember. I hope there's many more comics to come though.

Starship Captain
« Reply #607 on: 10-20-2013 01:24 »
« Last Edit on: 10-20-2013 01:27 »

So about #68: The important thing here, and the start of the story may trick you, is that this isn't a time travel story. Scruffy travels back in time. But we focus on everyone else, who have their short term memories wiped repeatedly and we see the chunks of memories that get wiped out played back in reverse order.

In actual news: Bongo's January solicitations do not mention Futurama, giving us three consecutive months without any new Futurama and, after 69 comes out on Wednesday, nothing solicited.

However, there's often a teaser in the back of an issue, so we might see some cover art perhaps.

Urban Legend
« Reply #608 on: 10-20-2013 20:08 »

That's the thing.  There wasn't a teaser at the end of issue #68.  What's that all about?

Maybe we won't see another new comic until May like what happened in 2005 as I've mentioned before.

Starship Captain
« Reply #609 on: 10-23-2013 15:16 »

The only Futurama comic I have has four stories in it - "Boomsday", "H.G. Blob in: "A Funny Feeling in My Tummy", "How to Secede Without Really Trying" and "The Continuum Less Travelled". One of those is drawn by - Mike Kazaleh.

*scare chord*

Starship Captain
« Reply #610 on: 10-25-2013 10:45 »

Picked up 69. Didn't read it yet. But at the back was just enough material to start up the page for #70 no cover art or info on who is involved in production. Bates and Kane are good bets for letters and editing...

Urban Legend
« Reply #611 on: 10-25-2013 14:30 »

Got my copy yesterday!  The Cat in the Hat Doctor was funny.  Mom wants Fry's heart so she makes him be an intern and even grows to love him. Mom's love for Fry cures her of her heart aliment and Fry goes back to Planet Express. Bender becomes a test pilot for robot products and Leela gets stuck with transported bums on a rat planet. Which was cool with me. Better Leela get in trouble with others instead of by herself. Fry even wears that uniform Mom's sons wear. It's a really cool issue.  This would've made a better episode about Mom for the last season than the latter.  Leela and Bender should have been in it more, but that's okay.  I give this issue 4/5.

Cool how issue #70 is on the way.  It's going to be about Farnsworth selling his soul to the Robot Devil to be young again. 


« Reply #612 on: 11-13-2013 22:05 »
« Last Edit on: 11-18-2013 01:15 »

It's obvious.. the new Futurama #69 is... awesome!

They've stepped up their game from last time.
It has great art, story and overall very funny.
It felt like an episode of the show, and it had heart.

A 9/10 overall.

Starship Captain
« Reply #613 on: 11-17-2013 23:27 »

#70 solicited for February. McCann and Lloyd.

« Reply #614 on: 11-18-2013 01:14 »

That looks like an amazing issue!!!
I'm glad the show lives on in this small printed way.

I can't wait to buy my three copies like always.
Gotta support it or it will be canned, right?

Urban Legend
« Reply #615 on: 11-19-2013 13:35 »

Not a Kazalah in sight!

Starship Captain
« Reply #616 on: 12-17-2013 23:14 »

In the issue I have, there's a picture sent in by a little girl where the gag is that Bender put a bomb in Leela's locker so her clothes would come off. :O_o:
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #617 on: 12-18-2013 00:53 »

Someone's been playing a little too much NightShade.

Urban Legend
« Reply #618 on: 01-01-2014 13:53 »

Does anyone know if the Futurama comics will go back on their regular schedule?  Instead of all these long delays?


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #619 on: 01-06-2014 00:20 »

I ordered issue #69 on eBay today, since Titan Magazines has stopped publishing Futurama Comics in the UK.

I'm starting to think someone at Titan assumed that since the show was ending again in the US, so were the comics. But would they be able to stop publishing it without checking with Bongo first?

Urban Legend
« Reply #620 on: 01-06-2014 15:10 »

So 'Titan' is the comic company that does Futurama comics in Europe?  Maybe Bongo should tell them the comics are still going on.  Hopefully the comics will go back to being a bi-montly comic.

Starship Captain
« Reply #621 on: 01-08-2014 00:03 »

Given the delays of late at Bongo, Titan would have had to at least delay new issues for a little while. The way these things generally work is that Titan would have been paying for the right to publish Bongo's comics and as such would be free to stop publishing them at any time doing so is perceived to be in their best interests. Much like how they chose to skip the last two Xmas comics and how Otter Press stopped publishing Futurama Comics in Australia years ago.

If there are alternative publishers in [your region] they would have to either wait for any existing licence to to expire or possibly pay off the current licensee and strike up a new deal with Bongo.

Urban Legend
« Reply #622 on: 01-12-2014 15:12 »

What's everyone's prediction for issue #70?

Care to speculate?


« Reply #623 on: 01-19-2014 21:40 »

I hope it will be good at least.

« Reply #624 on: 01-19-2014 22:12 »

When's it coming out? I never got the previous comic, so I think I'll get it after this one comes out.

Starship Captain
« Reply #625 on: 01-20-2014 00:52 »

#70 expected in February (I'm guessing 26th)

#71 to be solicited. Bongo's April solicitations are expected in the next week or so.

« Reply #626 on: 01-22-2014 00:06 »

My guess is May on the issue #71.

Starship Captain
« Reply #627 on: 01-22-2014 23:16 »

April solicits are in. No Futurama.

« Reply #628 on: 01-22-2014 23:18 »

I already knew that... my guess... wasn't a guess.
My source said it'd be May for #71.

« Reply #629 on: 02-07-2014 02:24 »

Yep, issue #70 is out on the 26th of this month.

Which means it'll be here March 19th for me.

Issue #71 should be out in may.

Starship Captain
« Reply #630 on: 02-22-2014 02:10 »

#71 solicited for May http://theinfosphere.org/Futurama_Comics_71 - involves sauce.

MuchAdo's info was good.

Jimmy Palmiotti and John Delaney

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #631 on: 02-26-2014 22:11 »

So, issue #70 came out in the US today, correct? Does anyone have it yet?

Bending Unit
« Reply #632 on: 02-27-2014 21:52 »

I picked it up last night but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Definitely this weekend.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #633 on: 02-27-2014 23:15 »

I ordered it off of eBay earlier, should be here by Monday or Tuesday. :D

« Reply #634 on: 03-20-2014 08:08 »
« Last Edit on: 03-20-2014 08:10 »

The new issue (US #70) was very good.
Glad the comics continue on is the shows absence.

« Reply #635 on: 03-21-2014 06:36 »

Do we have an exact date for the May issue (#71) yet?

Delivery Boy
« Reply #636 on: 04-01-2014 19:17 »

Who knows and who cares.  Don't need comic books, action figures, plushies or mechindise to prove I'm a fan.
Motor Oil

Starship Captain
« Reply #637 on: 04-01-2014 23:14 »

Who knows and who cares.  Don't need comic books, action figures, plushies or mechindise to prove I'm a fan.

Then why bother commenting?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #638 on: 04-02-2014 07:38 »

I heard that, in the next issue of Bob's Burgers Comics, Bob buys Tina a used mobile phone, and Tina finds a picture of a guy's butt on it and likes it.

« Reply #639 on: 04-03-2014 22:03 »

Who knows and who cares.  Don't need comic books, action figures, plushies or mechindise to prove I'm a fan.

WTF, this guy is a dick.

Maybe I like the comics b/c.. hmmm, I dunno.. they are a good read!!?!?

Get a life, loser.
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