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Author Topic: Futurama #3,4  (Read 1102 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 03-05-2005 16:40 »

Hey ppl,
I have all of the Futurama comics up to date accept issues 3 and 4. I am told that 3,4 is no longer avilable in stores (does this apply to usa also?). I have tryed on e-bay with no success. Does anybody know where I can find these issues or does anyone want to sell these issues?
Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks  :)

« Reply #1 on: 03-06-2005 17:22 »

Those were the 2 trickiest (US release) issues for me to find.

Seriously, it took months, I'd go buy Futurama-o-rama or Futurama Adventures instead to get the stories.

And if you're talking about the UK release of the comics, then issues #3 and #4 were the simpsons crossovers, which are also bloody awkward to find (I haven't got them yet) - you won't get them on a website, it's eBay or nothing I'm afraid.

I've seen them on eBay a few times but the prices are nasty, a friend of mine has the first 3 somewhere and is quite willing to part with them as soon as he finds them up amongst the crap in his cupboard. I'll probably get them when he moves house  :D.

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 03-06-2005 17:39 »

Well I have found the issues but I have to buy them in a lot of 9 comics damn it.... If I do win them I will probably have futurama issues (US), #1,2,5,6,7,8,9 Spare :s . I will post it on here if i win the lot. Any one interested in these if I win can descuss selling agreements I Guess.

Any further help on where I can find Issues #3,4 will be a great help.

And thanks Zmithy for the advice I've also ordered both of those books...  :)

Starship Captain
« Reply #3 on: 03-10-2005 17:14 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2005 17:14 »

Have you tried Mile High Comics? They usually have copies of old issues.
Edit: Sorry they don't have it. I just checked after I posted.
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