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Author Topic: Scan Techniques  (Read 1270 times)
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« on: 08-27-2003 19:25 »
« Last Edit on: 08-27-2003 19:25 »

I have just started to scan from framgrabs.
I am using PSP 7
But I also have Photoshop 7, Flash, Freehand, Illustrator 9 etc...
With PSP 7 the lines donīt get as I want they usually come out sharpy. (even though I maximized first)
So can you give me some tips.

Here's one of my scans

Stuart B

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 08-27-2003 20:07 »
« Last Edit on: 08-27-2003 20:07 »

Heres my method in PSP5:

Get framegrab and resize to 2000 pixels wide

Create new layer. Call it outline

Pick a highly visible colour (I use lime green)

Using the bezier tool (same as straight line, just go from Normal to Bezier in the tool window) and a line width of between 2-4, trace the outline of the image on the new layer. Make sure anti-aliasing is OFF.

When you have the outline, fill the lines in black

Colour the image

Delete the original layer and Merge All (Flatten) the image

Resize to about 400 pixels wide, and all the lines should be smoothed for you.

Thats how I do it anyway   ;)

Don't forget to save regularly. And save a work-in-progress copy before flattening the image

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 08-27-2003 20:34 »

Flash (or at least Flash5) is very good for smooth lines, in my experience. I've never used anything else.

Import a framegrab, lock down a new layer and start tracing.

First use the "line tool" to make lines between key-points (usually where lines change direction), then use the "arrow tool" to bend the lines into the right shapes.

Use the zoom option as needed. In my experience you don't need to resize the image.

Export as *.bmp and use another image program (PSP7 is fine) to convert to *.gif, *.png or *.jpg.

Futurama-Center.de have an excellent Flash5 tutorial, even if you don't understand German (the pictures are pretty self-explanatory).

« Reply #3 on: 08-27-2003 21:42 »

It seems flash is better.

Even though her ponytail is made by me because it wasnīt shown in the framegrab the lines are very smooth.

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 08-27-2003 21:44 »

Macromedia Flash is good!!  :D
You can also use it to export as JPG or PNG file but if you export as GIF looks like crap.

« Reply #5 on: 08-27-2003 21:57 »

    The way I usually make a wallpaper:

    • Load up Photoshop 7.
    • Import a nice, high quality framegrab from one of my DVDs.
    • Resize to 6400x4800 pixels.
    • Duplicate the background layer.
    • Adjust brightness and contrast of the new layer to help me see the outlines(Usually +70 Brightness, +30 Contrast).
    • Create a new a layer for tracing the outlines.
    • Trace the outlines by creating a path with the Pen Tool, then stroking the path with the Pencil Tool (12-16 px width, maximum hardness).
    • Depending on the complexity of the scan, I sometimes create additional layers for shadow and other effects.
    • Once all tracing is complete I colour the scan with the Paint Bucket Tool, using the Eyedropper to select the colour from the original background layer.
    • Delete the two background layers.
    • Resize the scan to humane levels.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 08-27-2003 22:01 »

Number 11 is important!
(166 meg bitmaps are yucky)

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 08-27-2003 22:04 »

Who saves images as bitmaps?

A good example of not resizing scans are Lee Roberts and his sister, i've recieved a 1650x1125 image in my hotmail account from him!

« Reply #8 on: 08-27-2003 22:06 »

No, 13-layer, 439,4 MB .PSD files are yucky. This was the limit I reached when I did my wallpaper of Leela and Fry as otters. My computer was quite pained by that experience.  :) So, yea, remember to resize, people.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #9 on: 08-27-2003 22:12 »
« Last Edit on: 08-27-2003 22:12 »

Mercapto you should like a public service announcement =D.

I thought earlier today if someone crossed you and Impossible, they could create a race of superhuman scan-babies... with octagonal shaped heads that suck blood outta their...

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 08-27-2003 22:16 »

I could be their clone; the similar-and-yet-annoying LANbert!

« Reply #11 on: 08-27-2003 22:38 »

Awww, you sure could, LANny.  :love:

*gives LAN.gnome a paternal pat on the head*

« Reply #12 on: 08-28-2003 07:52 »

Here with flash mx

P.S Is there anyway of saving an flash mx drawing as a .jpg
Because I want to colour it on PSP7 but when I copy and paste the image pastes squared and I canīt resize it because quality would be lost.
Bobby King

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #13 on: 08-28-2003 08:12 »

very nice scans Nefnar

« Reply #14 on: 09-01-2003 18:35 »

I made one. See how it turned out.C:\Documents and Settings\Sandra\My Documents\My Pictures\1acv10.jpg

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 09-01-2003 19:03 »

I can't look at pictures stored on your computer, no matter how much I want to.

Space Pope
« Reply #16 on: 09-01-2003 19:21 »

Originally posted by LAN.gnome:
I can't look at pictures stored on your computer, no matter how much I want to.

You can if they have a webserver installed, a while ago i hosted TFH and my piccys on my PC (But you still can't link them using C:\Windows...).

The PEELers' FAQ: Fanart

Delivery Boy
« Reply #17 on: 09-01-2003 21:59 »

I checked that out Aslate...I tried the site Hawk suggested... http://www.webspawner.com/

Still couldn't get an image up...Besides the site, I assume you have to run an FTP server?
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