
DOOP Secretary

There used to be a couple of Futurama personality tests, here is one, sadly although it tells you who you are the results page is broken 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Kazzahdrane: Anyone fancy making a Futurama Personality Test to tell us which character we're most like? Just one like the hundreds that are out there for other things, with the result in html code for our livejournals/blogs/web pages would be great.
I don't have the time of skills to do such a thing, just wondered if anyone would have a crack at it. mArc indicated he would use the result in this thread as basis for a Futurama personality test on CGEF. Either he forgot, or didn't have enough data. Maybe give him a hand?


I don't care what the test said anyway really...
I Am a Robot...Period.


Hopely nixon isnt one of the options =P


There's no need to learn, just go to Quizilla, where you can easily make your own without any knowledge of HTML whatsoever.