DOOP Secretary
Laser sword ftw.
That's a more conceivable arrangement than a lightsabre.
Urban Legend
« Reply #85 on: 02-03-2010 00:51 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2010 06:27 by Futurama_Freak1 »
Big update today, First of all I now have 7 pages to go and also I have the comic's cover to show you. Like comic covers usually are this has little to nothing to do with the actual story. Also the orignal splash page I had was getting out dated and was drawn pretty badly so I made a rehash: But wait, there's more! Go to the usual place to find a brand spankin' new extra dirty picture with guaranteed filth and even more of it to come later! -FreakOut (That is just the coolest sign off.)
Urban Legend
Big update today, First of all I now have 7 pages to go and also I have the comic's cover to show you. Now that's a killer burp. Also the orignal splash page I had was getting out dated and was drawn pretty badly so I made a rehash: I still maintain they're talking about the TV. Waiting with baited breath, Freako. PS - have inked and scanned 'Deathball Leela', just trying to find some time for colour and shading.
Urban Legend
« Reply #90 on: 02-09-2010 00:20 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2010 00:28 by Futurama_Freak1 »
Yep Also that Window on her wall I've modified into a TV screen which will come into play in the comic and actually considering there is a door and a hallway right next to it I guess it's just a screen that shows stars anyway. El, you really need to think about your questions, I've got everything covered.
DOOP Secretary
Or there's a window on one side, a window shaped TV on the other and she moved the bed. Choke on that continuity holes!
DOOP Secretary
It's like those buses with paint on the windows that you can only see from the outside only its better because it's the future.
Check and mate!
DOOP Secretary
Plus if he'd been in the ship before plenty of times so why wouldn't he know there was a window there?
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
PDF for me, also.
Urban Legend
Either you buy the official and very expensive software from Adobe, or find one of the free versions. I use the one called PDFCreator. You can find it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfcreator/. PS - congrats on the PEELie.
Liquid Emperor
Sounds like it's going to be a very large .pdf.