sick pickles
Bending Unit
what? no exotic genderized smackups? well get with the program! i didn't have this auto-retaliating witty retort system installed for no reason! that's right. you'll ooze and you'll enjoy it, dammit! oh lords..vanguard- second. it's hard to duplicate perfection. you may end up with missing chromosomes or the occasional extra ear. like ear-face. hehe. you just got canonized into the immortal ranks of acronym, joel..
DOOP Secretary
you just got canonized into the immortal ranks of acronym, joel.. That's one life-goal I can take off the list.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Joel has done the same thing that Samuli Torrennson did with Star Wreck - he made the thing too good to make a decent sequel...
But much like Joel, Samuli has hinted that there's the chance of a sequel.
Two great things to look towards.
DOOP Secretary
If I do pick the project up again, it will feature Zapp Brannigan's father as a primary villain.
There's something to mull on.
DOOP Secretary
I did say I was done with fanfic, but you never know. Let's see how I feel about it when these new antidepressants kick in.
sick pickles
Bending Unit
Originally posted by coldangel_1: I did say I was done with fanfic, but you never know. no more fanfics till i get my cale fix. zapp's father would be an interesting prospect indeed.. i think you'd create him awesomely. by the way, you did make up "caroline" (errm, is that how you spelled it?), yes? i never thought i'd actually like mom.. or wernstrom.. but.. *sniffle*
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by El-Man: Coldangel, have you ever thought of publishing BIOTB as downloadable PDF? I will if you tell me how and if it doesn't cost money. Originally posted by jle1993: you can count on my unconditional support as always. Awwww *hugs* Originally posted by sick pickles: by the way, you did make up "caroline" I did. It seemed to suit her somehow. She looks like a Caroline.
Urban Legend
Originally posted by coldangel_1: I will if you tell me how and if it doesn't cost money. Easypeasy. You just need a program that can create PDFs. Many you have to pay for, but I use http://www.pdfforge.org/products/pdfcreator , which can be downloaded for free and has no restrictions. Ah, open source. Installing it will create a new printer on your PC called PDFCreator (surprise). Then all you do is create a document that has the story laid out how you want, text, chapters, pictures, etc. I suppose a word processor could be used, but I prefer Publisher, it's got better layout options. Then all you do is print the document to this printer, it'll ask for a file name, and a little later you will have a PDF file all ready to go. And you can set other such options as document security, picture compression, that sort of thing. Really handy. Here's to a downloadable file! Need a hand, just ask. Batteries not included. Contents under pressure. Not intended for underwater use. Dryclean only.
DOOP Secretary
Mmmmmm, okay... *downloads*
So when I get around to putting the document together, where on the net do I stick it?
DOOP Secretary
My dick tends to be a bit bulky.
DOOP Secretary
Thanks for the nightmares Coldy!
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by coldangel_1:
So when I get around to putting the document together, where on the net do I stick it? I don't care, so long as I can download it.
Space Pope
« Reply #388 on: 08-01-2008 14:44 »
« Last Edit on: 08-01-2008 14:44 »
Reading Chap 24: I can't believe it's not fiction. I kept thinking "They were the footprints of a gigantic brain!" Pity you couldn't use that line (wrong chapter for it though). Edit: (It's now a bit later, I couldn't put it down). Now finished it: Feels like you put a lot of yourself into this, and it shines because of it. You've blown the world of Futurama apart whilst still being faithful and apologised for it all in one narrative. I almost feel like it should have ended with you as the God-like figure presiding over the new 4-fingered world. So many laughs, so many "that is so what they would have done" moments, and epic! Epic to the max! I see requests for a sequel above ^^ but I would suggest not to bother - that's what the reset button is for. Although I am sad that I've finished it. This is a small piece of advice for anyone else out there who, like me, finds it tough to read fanfiction simply because it's on a computer screen - get a PSP, or anything handheld. It makes a world of difference (chapters 1-9 took me 3 months but with the PSP I read the rest in less than 2 days. 'Nuff said).
DOOP Secretary
Now we just have to wair for Coldy to come back from his self-imposed exile.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Send him an e-mail. I've always found Joel very reliable to give prompt responses.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Send Coldy an e-mail. He doesn't visit here very often.
And yes, the Aussie-Communist bastard is a damned good writer and artist.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #394 on: 09-19-2010 10:39 »
« Last Edit on: 09-19-2010 12:34 by coldangel_1 »
Bump! By popular demand, this story is now available as a PDF file. I sent it to Futurama Madhouse, but they didn't get back to me, so I've hosted it here: http://www.keepandshare.com/doc/2251185/blame-it-on-the-brain-3-4-megIf you're so inclined, you can load it up and save the page so you can... read it on the toilet or something.
Urban Legend
Sweet! Wait, everyone has to sign up for an account at KeepAndShare, or else they won't let you have the file. And you need to change the sharing controls to share the file with every user that requests it. [...] FM will get back to you forthwith, I'm sure...
DOOP Secretary
It feels like yesterday. But yesterday feels like three years ago. My internal chronometer is all wonky.