
Bending Unit
« on: 04-24-2007 23:10 »
« Last Edit on: 05-06-2007 00:00 »
Update: 5/6: New! Music in Adobe PDF format for easy printing! Special thanks to Ramon: How It Ends.pdfSpecial thanks to Kaboom: Page1 Page2 Page3==================== "Please don't stop playing, Fry. I wanna hear how it ends." If there's already sheet music on the internet (which I'm not aware of) for this, then... Good news, everyone! I will update this post to contain the most recent files. First 2 measures (preview)  The whole thing (so far) In TIF (for those with quicktime)Page OnePage TwoPage ThreeIn lower quality JPG Page One (in jpg) Page Two (in jpg) Page Three (in jpg) I know this isn't everything. If you have any advice on instrumentation, notes, rhythms, I'd like to hear it  Here's the original sound file from the episode: http://www.thefryhole.co.uk/sounds/devilshands9.mp3 Here's the MIDI output for the sheet music (with Leela's voice added in when appropriate): How It Ends.mp3 Here's the finale notation file for those with Finale: How It Ends.MUS

Bending Unit
Hurray now I feel i haven't wasted my time  The first two measures are indeed for clarinet (which I play in a group) and the rest for oboe. Also, if you play the first two measures on a B flat clarinet, you have to transpose (C#-> D), I put the music in concert pitch :/ While i improve this one, i was thinking of making sheet music for the entire opera ( http://www.thefryhole.co.uk/sounds/devilshands7.mp3 ) but I have a feeling It isn't specially created for Futurama. Anyone know what song it is?

Bending Unit
No problem, but I must warn you, I don't think that the sheets are complete yet. Originally posted by Pazuzu333: To play on B flat clarinet, wouldn't you have to do it up two semi tones (being a clarinetist myself) so it would be C#->D# not C#->D (C#is a horrible key!!!) Oops  well I believe that C# is the exact same pitch used in the actual episode. I guess I can verify later. So.. has anyone noticed something wrong in the music?

Bending Unit
It's not all accidentals: its just the first two bars, like Trombonist said. Although I agree it's inconvenient, it's not long enough of a tune to make a key signature. (and I don't want 6 sharps in the key sig) Updated the sheet music, MUS file, and mp3 output to include a separate staff for the clarinet part. I feel like putting this behind me and starting something else. Mass list of all 2 second sentimental music in Futurama, or Jeremy Soule's Guild Wars? Hehehe I'll get back to futurama someday 