Ralph Snart

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Add yourself. Most of the entries have been tweeked by the users themselves.
I think that Gopher, Xanfor and tnuk have been the major workers on the Wiki project. They will be the 'go-to' people.
So are going to be just Demeter or will you also add your other alias to the trivia about yourself?
I can't wait to see what you're coming up with...
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Remember, Robots don't have emotions.
And sometimes that makes them very sad...
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Demeter/Sarah! You're back!
So where's some Leela art. You didn't come back home without some art, didn't you?
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
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« Reply #502 on: 03-09-2008 11:30 »
« Last Edit on: 03-09-2008 11:30 »
Now Sarah, you've known me since I started PEEL in 2005 and you know I rarely hold back on my opinions. My opinion is that you are your harshest critic. You're what, 15 years old now? To be able to produce the type of artwork you do is great for anybody, but for a young person who does it as a hobby and for fun, you definitely have loads of talent and ability. The last time you said anything about your future, it was a dream to be good enough to work for Disney as an animator one day. I've seen your Kim Possible and other work - you have the natural talent and your heart in what you do. With time and practice, you can also be one of the best.
The Voices, FemJesse and others didn't get good overnight. Natural talent plays a large part but I can tell you that FJ told me in an e-mail a couple of years ago that she only became good after lots and lots of practice - and she still felt that she wasn't as good as the rest of us thought she was. What are things that set TV and FJ art apart from others? Of course the take they have on the characters, but also the backgrounds they use. Between the backgrounds and the character's expressions, a story is told with few or no words.
No, you're not FemJesse and you shouldn't strive to be her, you have to find your nitche and work on what works for you. Let Sarah be Sarah and in a few years, there will be a 15 year old fan artist saying, "I'm no Demeter, I wish I was as good as her."
I know you tend to hang out at the FM/TLZ messageboard but try to visit us a little more often. A lot of us like you sharing your talent with us.
Ralph 'glad to see Demeter back' Snart
P.S. I notice that you changed your avatar.


Dammit Sarah, stop abandoning PEEL. D:
Love that new pic.

DOOP Secretary

Caught up on this entire thread.
I have no idea who you are but don't you dare leave again!
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Ralph's 100% right. You have such talent that you shouldn't feel inferior to FJ or TV.
Your new picture is fantastic!

Starship Captain
« Reply #508 on: 03-09-2008 19:13 »
« Last Edit on: 03-09-2008 19:13 »
ahaha oh you guys. I know I'm my harshest critic, that comes from me being afraid someone else'll take me down instead. ^^; But yeah. I get a bit - carried away. I forget that they're three or four years more experienced than I am, ergo, obviously gonna have more time to hone their skills. Thanks Ralph. I need people to lecture me sometimes ^^ An thank you everyone else ^___^ PS: I'm 16 now x3 Originally posted by Xanfor: Caught up on this entire thread.
I have no idea who you are but don't you dare leave again! The feeling is mutual. xD
Ralph Snart

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Thanks Ralph. I need people to lecture me sometimes ^^ Everybody has a talent. Lecturing is mine.  Sorry about underestimating your age. At this time in your life, you want to get older so you can enjoy the adult things in life. When you get to be my age, you conviently forget a year or two along the way.
Ralph Snart

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« Reply #511 on: 03-10-2008 02:09 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2008 02:09 »
In the states 21 is the perfect age: Old enough to legally buy booze, young enough to stay out all night long and still be able to got to work orgo to class the next morning. Before you know it, you're burdened by the 'adult' things like bills, children, house payments, job security, etc. But yeah. I get a bit - carried away. I forget that they're three or four years more experienced than I am, ergo, obviously gonna have more time to hone their skills. I don't know anything about TV - he has disappeared and taken most of his work with him. FJ is a person I have had contact with - Sarah, she's almost 10 years older than you - she's graduated college and the last I heard, was trying to get a job with a large company. So that means FJ has a lot more experience working with her art - and you can be sure that for every pic she has shared with us, there are probably dozens that she started and trashed because of some small mistake. FJ is spectacular, but I think a lot of her personal style is what sets her art off as being different - she sometimes uses strange and surreal backgrounds to augment her characters. Then you have somebody like Joel aka Coldangel, another person I call friend and am amazed at his art work. He uses a different approach - instead of surreal backgrounds, he's eschewed the Groening design completely and has developed a style that is uniquely his and is never boring. Then there's Archonix - he is true to the Groening style, but his difference is he exaggerates Leela's eye size - that small difference makes his art immediately identifiable. So you see, just because some of your Leela's may not look Groeningesque is no reason to put your work down as being inferior.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Sarah and others, this is one of the few times that I'm solumn and serious. This has nothing to do with art and pats on the back. This does have to do with the person you idolize. Jesse placed on her DeviantArt account that she had to put her pet cat to sleep. The cat was 16 years old, so Jess had this pet more than half her life. I joined DeviantArt because I lost her e-mail address with the computer meltdown last year and it was the only way I knew to get a message to her, letting her know that I feel her grief.
So for the folks who haven't stopped by to let Jess know that we're thinking of her, stop by and leave her a note.
I've lost a few pets over the years - they have the irritating way of becoming family members. Losing a pet is as hard as losing a family member - or in the case of my dysfunctional family, worse. Pets never judge you, they never leave you, they are always there for you when you're feeling bad, lonely and worthless. I know my house would be pretty damned quiet and lonely without a howling gray cat demanding to be fed at exactly 7 am and 4 pm everyday, or a hyperactive black cat who races through the house at odd hours of the day and night, or the super-inquisitive skunk who manages to open every cabinet door in the house.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #516 on: 03-10-2008 12:38 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2008 12:38 »
Originally posted by Demeter: I cant draw Futurama-style anymore! I'm SO out of practice! owo It's not GREAT but I still like it. Oh, it IS great! Seriously, have I lately told you, you are a great artist? I did not? Shame on me. (Even though I wasn't even at the forums for months and couldn't have said so.) Also, I'm as well out of practice in Groening's style, but I guess it'll come back soon enough, with drawing it often enough. I'm also no FemJesse - she was an absolute goddess o__o *idolizes her, even after three years* Well, everyone does so, but I'd say you can step out of her shadows. There is a time when an artist herself has people following and idolizing her and she should enjoy that. That artist is you, now. Originally posted by Ralph Snart:So for the folks who haven't stopped by to let Jess know that we're thinking of her, stop by and leave her a note. You are very right there, Ralph, we should all do that ... now if I could find her deviantArt account ... But seriously, I'll send her some lines. Also hope I'll see her online again, soon, since I haven't talked with her since ... December, I think.