Nasty Pasty
DOOP Secretary
Yay!!! Lee Roberts is back!!! NOW STAY!
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Marcus, ya did good! I don't think that Leela has ever looked better.
Starship Captain
« Reply #736 on: 12-19-2005 15:19 »
« Last Edit on: 12-19-2005 15:19 »
Many thanks for all the kind comments! (@Zed: embarassed? Nah; it wouldn't surprise _me_ if I did that! But I quite liked how the lighting effects - even the laser blast - round Boba Fettish [look stolen from both the cylons and B. Fett, Spacedal, cheers for noticing!] looked, so thought I'd single him out too). Anyway, it's really made posting it worthwhile, so thank you all Might have a go at an Amy pic next... those talking tattoos she has on her butt, must be able to do _something_ with them...ideas welcome! If I don't see/remember this to anyone later, merry christmas/happy new year!
DOOP Secretary
HOLY...! Awesome work, Marcus.
Zed 85
Space Pope
Cool stuff Fry1077 @El-Man - that looks good! Look forward to seeing it done up - perhaps what I don't look forward to is seeing what her attackers look like after the next scene
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by El-Man:
Got inspired by the cover from an old X-Men comic I have, and drew this. Is only a sketch at this stage (and the hands suck), but I think it has potential for a strong character piece...
EM, if this is the beginning of a glimmer of an idea for another story from you, let me cheer you on. Ralph 'always in the mood for Leela to kick ass' Snart
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by El-Man:
No story this time, Ralph. Just a picture. What I might do is draw a hand holding a torch (or to our friends in the USA, flashlight ), and maybe a finger pointed towards her, put them in the foreground and de-focus them, giving a sort of depth to the pic. See how that works... Sounds good to me. I wish I had artistic ability.
Ralph Snart
Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
@Zed 85: The Santa-Leela was cute. I'd like to see what she has planned for Fry...