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Author Topic: I need a hand... with hands!  (Read 1058 times)
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« on: 10-18-2004 10:04 »

I'm useless at drawing hands, they are the most annoying part of the anatomy to sketch.
Most of the time I get around this by copying a hand pose from a dvd framegrab or from one of the comics, but its very boring, and sometimes I can't find the right position or angle.

So, how do you draw hands? I'm interested in what techniques you use to structure hands, how you sketch hands at an angle with complex finger positions, and just anything that makes drawing them less of a pain.

Thanks in advance  :) .

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 10-18-2004 11:11 »

Sorry Zmity i cant draw them either!  :D but what i usually do is make it so you cant see the hand. for example it's behind their back or their holding a cup of coffee so you can only see their fingertips which are relativly easy. if i must do a hand i get my brother to help, he can usually draw hands quite well.

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 10-18-2004 11:46 »

Ahh yes hands. They really are a real bitch to draw (feet are also a problem I find). First i suggest this place http://www.polykarbon.com/tutorials/index.htm

they have generally go tutorials all around and quite good ones on hands.

Also observation is always a good tool. Look at your own hands and see what shapes you can makes with them.

And the most important thing is practice, I have been trying to draw hands for years and I still am not satisfied with the way they look.

Anywya good luck with it.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 10-19-2004 15:35 »

When I draw hands they usually come out as just stuby fingers  ;), and that is what most cartoon character's hands are basically. but what I think is: hands are easier to draw then feet.
M. Proctor

Starship Captain
« Reply #4 on: 10-19-2004 15:54 »

*l* I suck at drawing hands  :hmpf: and I really want to get better at it as well, so today I spent a long time having my hand in many different positions and just drew my hand. Still hard, though. Need more practice.

And yeah, feet are even worse, they usually look like paws to me when I draw them :S eep.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #5 on: 10-19-2004 16:21 »
« Last Edit on: 10-19-2004 16:21 »

Hands are easy, they're just balls and cylinders.  I'll draw out a skele-chart for you people.

...and here it is.

I've been using balls for basic shapes for a few years and so far it hasn't steered me wrong.
Keep the knuckles round, but connect them to the wrist with lines.  Your fingers aren't the only bones in your hands, you know.  Keep this in mind when shading and detailing.

« Reply #6 on: 10-20-2004 07:21 »

Cheers Femjesse! Thats just what I was after, especially the structure of the wrist, I could never get the lower palm to look right.

And thanks for the link wukong_uk, thats the best tutorial I've seen on the net, usually they advise constructing the hand by drawing a 'mitten' shape (which doesn't really help with finger detail), or creating the hand through a complex series of rectangles (too rigid for my style).

I'll pin up both guides by my desk and get sketching, hopefully by the weekend I'll be a pro!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #7 on: 10-20-2004 20:52 »

Nice Chart FemJesse!Your'e a true artist!
RS 2thou

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 03-11-2005 07:06 »

I worked out how to do hands.
Heres a guide to how Ido them

Bending Unit
« Reply #9 on: 03-11-2005 20:26 »

Rs, The only problem with that is our body has joints, I did a quick chart...

In your fingers, all the bones would be broken.

Heres a photo I did to test out hands. I just kept looking down at my hands.
RS 2thou

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 03-16-2005 04:28 »

Originally posted by blackkatnorn:
Rs, The only problem with that is our body has joints, I did a quick chart...

In your fingers, all the bones would be broken.

Heres a photo I did to test out hands. I just kept looking down at my hands.

I do it that way to get it visaully correct in Groening style
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