
Space Pope
« Reply #82 on: 09-24-2019 14:54 »
« Last Edit on: 09-25-2019 10:04 »
Part 2 of season 1 is out now, season 2 is next year.
That's a really confusing and pointless distinction. I'm not sure why they bothered going that direction, although I suppose it isn't really much different than what Futurama did in its last two seasons. Anyway, I liked part 2. It's not outrageously funny, but it's very consistently entertaining and definitely worth watching. I like where the overall story is going, but I kind of wish there was less filler in the middle. Pirate Oona was my favourite sub-plot. I hope she gets more to do in the future. Speaking of future, there's a number of Futurama references. "Bite my shiny metal axe!" A drawer with assorted lengths of wires Farnsworth Avenue "Let's goooooo alreadddddy"


I'm hoping this gets a DVD/bluray release soon. I like my Groening shows with audio commentaries.


Just seen Part 2 as well. Must say, the first 3 episodes were pretty darn strong. Everything afterwards however..... was a big strong meh for me. Humor still sucks, maybe worse than part 1 since I don't remember a single time I laughed. I truly want to enjoy this show, but I just can't seem to find it worth going back to rewatch unlike any episode of Futurama or The Simpsons in it's first 12 seasons. Which is pretty sad because this show does have alot of potential. Still, I'm hopeful with time the quality may get better and the meta humor won't be as awful.

DOOP Secretary

Haven't seen anything beyond S1/Ep05 or so, and would very much like to get it on disc. For me, it started slow and really picked up. idk what other people are dying to see in the show, but for me, it's simply characters I can relate to, who I care about.

Urban Legend
« Reply #93 on: 03-19-2021 13:28 »
« Last Edit on: 03-19-2021 13:33 »
Finally watched these. It was OK. I don't like the kind of serialization TV uses as a crutch these days anyway, I just think it's kind of lazy writing. Some shows do it well, The Mandolorian for example has an overarching plot, but each episode generally exists as a self contained unit with a beginning middle and end. Then on the other side of the coin, you have something like Star Trek: Piccard, which is lazily written and doesn't resolve any conflicts at all until its very last episode.
Disenchantment this season was closer to Piccard, and it was compounded by the fact that they seem to have trouble keeping the threads of the story straight. It also doesn't help that Every season also ends exactly the same way; her mother shows up, turns everything sideways, and sets things in motion for the next season. After the first two seasons, it was super predictable this time around, and it reminds me of a daytime soap opera where characters are killed off or written out of the show only to make a surprise appearance later to set up a cliffhanger. The difference is most daytime dramas make hundreds of episodes a year, while all the Disenchantment crew had to do was come up with unique ideas for ten episodes a year.
There was a glimpse of what Disenchantment could have been in here. Episode 8, "Hey, Pig Spender" presented an episodic story with a beginning a middle and an end, a satisfying conclusion and lots of great belly laughs. In my mind it's far better than any other episode this season, and is much closer to a Simpsons/Futurama style formula I personally would want from Groening and co.
Frida Waterfall


« Reply #96 on: 06-30-2021 19:29 »
« Last Edit on: 02-11-2022 18:28 »
I like Disenchantment. Within minutes of a season (part) drop, I binge watch the whole batch. Mind you, I'm on the east coast of the United States so that means I'm typically up from 3 am trying to watch as many before I fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. It's enjoyable, I wish all the best for the series, but it is no Futurama. I'm in love with Futurama and miss it all the time (especially now with nothing going on in my life). Disenchantment just doesn't capture my adoration the same way. I love Luci and all the characters played by Eric Andre, King Zog is great, Merkimer has grown on me, Emperor Cloyd is a favorite, Oona is lovely, Skybert is sexy, Alva is to a lesser degree, Dagmar is well-acted... But there's some misses. I don't sympathize with Tiabeanie as much as the show wants me to, Elfo borders on annoying, and my least liked character is Mora. She and I wouldn't get along in real life.
I want Disenchantment to succeed, I really do, but I fear Netflix is going to not renew the series after this fourth part is released. I think the show is just too expensive and not pulling in the numbers to warrant another order. It will be a shame because I don't think the crew has plans to conclude the story within the next ten episodes and I bet the story in full is the best part of Disenchantment too.
Disenchantment was made to be serialized. It's not bad, it's just different. But the large dumps of episodes is hurting popularity. If the show dripped episodes over two months, it would have espoused more fan interest such as speculation and theories.
If Futurama were to ever return, I would prefer story arcs like Gravity Falls. Many episodes would still be self-contained adventures, but the beginning and end of seasons would focus heavily on plot development with some subplots in the middle building up to an exciting conclusion.
Frida Waterfall


Disenchantment part 4/second half of the second production season dropped two days ago (on a Wednesday, I don't know if that's a bad omen). I binged it in one sitting in the morning it came out, so I didn't know about the Futurama announcement for a little bit after I finished. This part was pretty much nonstop story and while I appreciate the focus on the overarching narrative, most of the events that went down were already figured out by fans a while ago (Elfo's mother, the relationship between elves and trogs, Jasper), so I wasn't shocked by anything. Actually, I felt annoyed by the end more than anything. Last post I said I didn't like Mora. Now I just straight-up hate her. She saves Bean from drowning on two separate occasions. The first time didn't need to be so because Bean and friends were already getting rescued by Oona's pirate crew. I could forgive one rescue, though coincidences generally should not work in the hero's favor. The second rescue was just ridiculous then. How are we supposed to believe that Mora was in the right part of the ocean, outside of Dreamland castle, for the two separate instances, less than five minute windows, that Bean needed rescued? I'm sorry, I can only suspend disbelief so much before you lose me. Mora was never entertaining and now the only reasons she exist are to play lifeguard at just the right moment and be Bean's obsession. And of course the last shot of the season, probably series, has to be Bean and Mora making out underwater.
It's The Legend of Korra all over again with Bean as Korra and Mora as Asami, the personality-free prize. If you're going to do a homosexual relationship, at least develop both characters as individuals as Steven Universe and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power did. In all honesty, it felt like Bean's relationship with Mora was added to attract the LGBT crowd more than to assist with Bean's character development. It's not necessary. Bean didn't need a love interest- she's got enough crap going on in her life and there's plenty to unpack with her relationship with Dagmar.


So wait, the Futurama and Disenchantment universes are connected? When did this happen & how did I never hear about it?
Just kidding, but seriously speaking I found the series finale to this show to be ultimately lackluster, although it could have admittedly been much worse.