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Author Topic: Daredevil  (Read 2465 times)
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Space Pope
« on: 04-11-2015 06:52 »

So, anyone seen Marvel's new show? I've seen the first two episodes and whilst I'm not totally sold on it just yet, I was quite impressed with a lot of the fighting choreography and nifty camerawork during the action sequences.

I haven't seen hardly anything of Marvel's other shows (other than the first couple of Agents of SHIELD episodes, which I thought were trash), so I'm not certain how it stacks up to them, but I like what I see so far.

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 04-11-2015 12:52 »

I enjoyed episode 1 but my girlfriend hated it so it's probably going to be a long time before I get to watch the rest of it.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 04-12-2015 18:50 »

Watched the first two episodes last night. I like it! I have no idea who this Charlie Cox fellow is but I really dig him, he's great. Makes me all the more excited for Jessica Jones.

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 04-12-2015 23:40 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2015 18:39 »

I've watched the first four episodes and like it a lot so far. I am genuinely surprised by how good it is.

UrL: So far, this and Agents are Marvel's only TV shows (more Netflix ones are coming but not for a while). While I personally think Agents has really come into its own in season 2 (significantly improved from the extremely hit or miss first season), what I've seen of Daredevil so far is better. The tone is more consistent, the direction is creative (if perhaps a bit derivative), the fight choreography (which is actually one of the better aspects of Agents, especially recently) is great, and in particular the acting is much stronger.

This might have to do with Daredevil having a hefty Netflix budget without having to spend it on as many visual effects as Agents does. Or it might just have to do with the people involved, like Drew Goddard, who has done some great work recently.

Edit: I don't know how I forgot about Agent Carter. That was also good, probably better than Agents of SHIELD, but not as good as Daredevil.

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 04-13-2015 11:39 »

Episode 2 was a lot less impressive but still not bad.

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 04-13-2015 11:50 »

Episode 2 was a lot less impressive but still not bad.

I was blown away by the last five minutes.

Still haven't seen any of the subsequent episodes... mostly because I'm lazy, and also watching the much less intense Arrested Development.

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 04-13-2015 20:34 »

That sequence was definitely the highlight of the episode for me, though I'm less bothered about fight scenes than most of the internet seems to be.

Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 04-14-2015 05:36 »

I'm doing a two-episode per night thing so as for episodes 3 and 4, continues to be great: Charlie Cox is amazing and just another person on the Marvel roaster who I'd totes bang, and the violence is absolutely ridiculous. I don't mind violence, but I can totally see how the violence here would turn some people off because of how graphic and excessive it is. The final beatdown of episode four did make sense to me but also it was just never-ending. But anywho, I shall start 5 and 6 later when I go to bed.

Space Pope
« Reply #8 on: 04-14-2015 07:05 »

The final beatdown of episode four did make sense to me but also it was just never-ending.

Yeah... I mean it fits the tone of Daredevil but it's almost jarring knowing this is part of the MCU, which we've come to expect crazy semi-lighthearted action from.

Not that I'm complaining though... it's pretty cool so far.

Space Pope
« Reply #9 on: 04-17-2015 14:43 »

Finished episode 8 now.

Really enjoying the show at this point. I hope Marvel makes other shows based on their B-list characters. Punisher, anyone?

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 04-17-2015 18:38 »
« Last Edit on: 04-17-2015 21:05 »

There are already 4 other Netflix shows in development: AKA Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and then the team-up The Defenders, which is I guess is all four heroes together.

Also, seems like I'm around the same place as you. I just finished episode 9, and...it's a doozy. This show is great.

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 04-18-2015 06:58 »

I've watched episodes 8-10 now, and that last one was a dozey. I really like Foggy and Matt's friendship, and the fact that they're allowed to be emotional and vulnerable with each other. Episode 9 might actually be my favorite episode so far just cause of the Fisk/DD interactions. I want to watch more but I have stuff to do and can't put off any longer.

Space Pope
« Reply #12 on: 04-21-2015 03:54 »

There are already 4 other Netflix shows in development: AKA Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and then the team-up The Defenders, which is I guess is all four heroes together.

Huh... I've never heard of a single one of those characters. I suppose that doesn't mean they won't be enjoyable.

Finished Daredevil, it was overall a very enjoyable experience. My favourite scene was

One thing I loved about the show is how exhausting the fighting looked. People stopping to take breaths and clearly becoming weaker as they go.

Urban Legend
« Reply #13 on: 04-22-2015 11:48 »

I sat through episode four of this last night and I think I'm out.

It's just so boring. Yeah, the fights are well choreographed but I need more than fight scenes to enjoy something.

Space Pope
« Reply #14 on: 04-22-2015 19:35 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2015 19:36 »

I was telling someone earlier that I felt they dragged the show out a bit too much at the beginning with a string of pretty inconsequential episodes after the strong pilot. Personally, I felt that things really picked up steam around episode 6 and stayed strong until the end (with perhaps a couple lulls). You might not feel the same way, but that's my two cents.

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 04-22-2015 22:18 »

Hmm... I've seen a few people cite episode 6 as when it starts to turn around. Maybe I should stick with it a bit longer.

I did really enjoy episode 1 after all.

Space Pope
« Reply #16 on: 04-23-2015 00:54 »
« Last Edit on: 04-23-2015 05:05 »

The penultimate episode is kind of a bummer I'll say that much just in terms of how dire (see: dull) everything is.

Oh and now that I'm done, I can say that overall I really enjoyed this. It has flaws and the costume is not perfect but it was super satisfying to see him finally wearing it.

Space Pope
« Reply #17 on: 03-19-2016 13:22 »

Season 2, anyone?

I've seen the first six episodes so far. Jon Bernthal is fucking perfect as The Punisher and I love they way they've set up the conflict and conflicting ideologies.

Compared to season 1, I'm finding the supporting characters (namely Foggy and Karen) to be much more interesting. They feel like real people that have actual relationships with Matt.

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