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Author Topic: Orphan Black  (Read 1963 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« on: 01-15-2014 04:32 »

I couldn't find a thread for this show and it definitely deserves one... For those unfamiliar, Orphan Black is a Canadian sci-fi series with elements of drama and action. Without giving too much away: The main character witnesses the death of her doppelgänger, and temporarily assumes her identity in a desperate attempt to get to her bank account. However, in doing so, she discovers that, not only is she a clone, but there are many more clones of her out there, and now somebody is systematically hunting them down.

Seriously, this show is amazing (I know the premise sounds a little silly on paper, but they handle it perfectly and it makes for some truly great television). Tatiana Maslany in particular is absolutely phenomenal - it's very easy to forget that it's the same actress in the majority of the roles on this show as she plays them all so differently - right down to all the subtle variations in body language/mannerisms/speech patterns. It gets off to a bit of a slow start, but once you're a few episodes in, it's utterly addictive, and also gets increasingly intense as the series progresses.

So, who else is watching this absolute gem of a show? :)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #1 on: 01-15-2014 16:52 »

I'm not, but I'm tempted to give it a chance once my exams are done and I've got a little breathing space (ie: a few days to marathon TV shows and sit around in my underwear rather than needing to study or work on assignments).

I'll look it up, think about it, and possibly add the pilot to my queue of things to watch, depending on whether I pass these exams or end up needing to cram for re-sits.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 01-16-2014 01:56 »

I'd definitely recommend checking out at least a couple of episodes as opposed to just the pilot... Not that there's anything wrong with the pilot, though the story unfolds for the audience at the same rate it unfolds for the characters (as in, the viewer is rarely ever privy to plot points that the characters have not yet learned themselves), so not everything that makes this show great is laid out immediately... By the third episode, though, I was hooked. It's a very good to show to binge-watch. :)
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 06-02-2014 09:54 »


Tatiana Maslany should win ALL the awards. Her performance really is amazing, I find myself at least once an episode forgetting it's one actress...

I've liked what I've seen so far of season 2 (Ep 6 I think) and look forward to many many more. As long as Vic doesn't EVER come back. Also, Angie can fuck right off too, she is a terrible terrible actor/character.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 03-06-2021 16:50 »

I only just discovered this series on Netflix; I'm kind of glad I didn't see it when it first came out as waiting a year between seasons would have been painful. Tatiana Maslany is fantastic as the various clones; each is so individual. When I saw it was fifty episodes long I nearly didn't bother watching it; with five or six left to the end I find myself wishing it was longer.
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