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Author Topic: Rick and Morty  (Read 47008 times)
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Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #440 on: 01-11-2018 04:54 »

You mean the one where Doc gets Marty to fix the timeline by sucking on his balls?

Space Pope
« Reply #441 on: 01-11-2018 09:24 »

And by giving the world's sexiest handjob.

Urban Legend
« Reply #442 on: 01-11-2018 17:16 »

I think it was an incredibly solid debut and I’m surprised when I hear people talk about it now as if it was weak and you have to get past it to really enjoy the show. When I first saw the pilot I immediately knew I was going to love the show.

When I first saw it, I wrote the show off as another bit of lazy Adult Swim nonsense and assumed it was all rubbish until they did that Simpsons couch gag and I was compelled to watch episode 2 (which was like a sucker-punch to the gut made out of awesomeness and sold me on the series outright).

I can enjoy the pilot when I go back to it, now, but I really didn't click with it on first viewing.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #443 on: 04-11-2018 09:16 »

The third season was like a chicken nugget or fried cutlet that was cooked in a way that was horribly burnt to a cinder on the outside, but the middle was raw and dripping with salmonella.  What a disappointment.  I hope Season 4 they get the original team back together because, oh jesus was I not happy.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #444 on: 04-11-2018 09:17 »

Who the fuck is noob noob?
Who the fuck is noob noob?

It means your mother is a prostitute in Pingu language.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #445 on: 04-12-2018 17:14 »

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #446 on: 04-12-2018 21:43 »

And by giving the world's sexiest handjob.

After me of course.

Space Pope
« Reply #447 on: 04-13-2018 10:01 »

I definitely didn't dislike season 3 as much as it sounds like you did. I kind of reminded me of Futurama's later seasons; a handful of average episodes with a few really excellent ones mixed in.

Urban Legend
« Reply #448 on: 04-13-2018 14:22 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2018 14:29 »

I liked season three more than season two because while it was funny, I thought season two had some moments that attempted to be a bit too emotionally serious, and that's not what I'm watching Rick and Morty for. I liked the direction of Rick is an asshole who is ruining everyone's lives but his daughter won't kick him out because she is emotionally dependent on him direction of season three. I don't want to see Rick try to kill himself because he got rejected by a hive mind. I want to see him ruin his family's life and not give a shit because he is a hilariously over-the-top nihilist.

The fan base is way to into the show now though. It's a bit embarrassing.

Space Pope
« Reply #449 on: 04-13-2018 14:59 »

The fan base is way to into the show now though. It's a bit embarrassing.

Yeah, that's not up for debate after that whole McDonald's fiasco.

Luckily, it's easy to enjoy something if you simply ignore all third parties and look at it for what it is.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #450 on: 04-15-2018 02:00 »
« Last Edit on: 04-15-2018 02:02 »

It's really pathetic seeing people go so crazy over some nasty dipping sauce.  

Really so much enjoyment of something can be retained if you avoid tumblr or reddit.

God I hate those websites.  Full of assholes looking for excuses to be horrible to you and gang up on you if you defend yourself, and people just automatically downvote things if they don't like you or simply because you have an unpopular opinion rather then bothering to read, and the moderators seem far more concerned with joyless hairsplitting then putting trolls in their place.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #451 on: 04-15-2018 03:51 »

Upvoting and downvoting in general seem kind of dumb.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #452 on: 04-15-2018 04:06 »

I browse reddit all the time, but only as a source of interesting news and miscellaneous stuff.

Speaking of Rick and Morty, I have seasons 1&2 here, and ought to get to watching them!


Space Pope
« Reply #453 on: 04-15-2018 06:31 »

It's really pathetic seeing people go so crazy over some nasty dipping sauce.   

Really so much enjoyment of something can be retained if you avoid tumblr or reddit.

God I hate those websites.  Full of assholes looking for excuses to be horrible to you and gang up on you if you defend yourself, and people just automatically downvote things if they don't like you or simply because you have an unpopular opinion rather then bothering to read, and the moderators seem far more concerned with joyless hairsplitting then putting trolls in their place.

Reddit is kind of shit sometimes for those things; there's no voicing my true opinion on Spec Ops: The Line (which I think is the most overhyped piece of shit in the world) without being torn down.

I enjoy lots of other sub-communities there, though. If you've got niche hobbies there's likely subreddits which fit your interests.

I'll never defend Tumblr, though. I think it's one of the most toxic websites on the internet.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #454 on: 05-14-2018 00:00 »

And by giving the world's sexiest handjob.

That's my goddam title how dare they?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #455 on: 05-14-2018 04:14 »

I think that's how I was conceived.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #456 on: 05-14-2018 18:50 »

I'm sure most peeps on PEEL have already seen the news, but the show was renewed for a whopping 70 episodes. That takes it to 101 episodes, total.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #457 on: 05-15-2018 00:18 »

I think that's how I was conceived.

Would you like to see?

Space Pope
« Reply #458 on: 05-15-2018 10:07 »

I'm sure most peeps on PEEL have already seen the news, but the show was renewed for a whopping 70 episodes. That takes it to 101 episodes, total.

Rick and Morty, 100 years!

To be honest, this seems like overkill. They already come out at a below-average pace, so another 70 episodes is going to take for-fucking-EVER to produce. I suppose that's the point though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #459 on: 05-15-2018 22:51 »

Simpsons did it first!

I'm going to be taking things *very* slowly over the Memorial Day weekend (26-28 May), which would be a good time to sit down and crack open my R&M discs and get a bit of binging in. I've seen a lot of the episodes, in random order, but it might be nice to just zone out a bit and take in the show.


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #460 on: 05-16-2018 05:05 »

As far as I'm aware VB is still pretty high quality.  Then again, their production pipeline is beyond bizarre.

Space Pope
« Reply #461 on: 05-17-2018 09:57 »

but it might be nice to just zone out a bit and take in the show.

Yeah, go with the flow.

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #462 on: 07-04-2018 02:07 »

That was me in a club bathroom the other week.

You will not believe how many homophobic blokes suddenly get very.... friendly when it's just me and them and a public toilet.

I just played dumb because this guy was severely in the downlow and made a swift exit.

3rd Season was a huge disappointment for me.   I just found it very forgettable except for the parts that I found rather bad or especially tedious to sit through: I honestly thought it was like a chicken nugget that was both overcooked and burnt, but raw and salmonellerry on the inside.   Really didn't seem to have any good ideas of where it wanted to go, and too many new writers made the episode very lopsided.

Also thought the darkest part of Morty's character was him mutating Ethan (a rather nice guy and is coping with sexual abuse) for "giving Summer body issues" when Summer brought it all on herself, as Summer is a very superficial and shallow person, even by teenager standards.   It's been made clear that Summer has dumped Ethan several times or has cheated on him, but when Ethan felt like the realtionship had run its course, and went out with a girl who he seemed to have a much better connection with then he ever did with Summer, Summer instantly judged the other girl on her breasts and assumed that was the only reason any boy could ever like her.     So the whole episode was Summer at her worst, projecting her insecurities and her overall contempt for other girls she sees as beneath her (Nancy in Risky Business) or as a threat. 

Morty lashing out and sentencing an innocent and traumatised teenage boy into a living death out of pure sadism and misguided self righteousness based on Summer's own shallow disdain for another girl should have been one of the darkest moments of Season 3 played for drama, instead of a throway gag.   
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #463 on: 02-15-2019 01:17 »

That series finally made it's way to Germany.
The episodes I have seen so far gave me a "Imagine Parker/Stone write Doctor Who episiodes" vibe, which was highly appreciated.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #464 on: 02-15-2019 01:26 »

I've seen a few episodes and have the first two seasons on disc, which I'll get around to watching eventually. Often, R&M is a visual lesson in the law of unintended consequences, and mostly very entertaining. Rick is of course a terrible person, but at times his don't-give-a-fuck attitude is perfectly appropriate, and ought to be adopted by a few people I know who frequently get completely wrapped around axle over inconsequential matters.

Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #465 on: 03-12-2019 16:06 »
« Last Edit on: 03-12-2019 16:08 »

After finishing the 3 seasons, I must agree with SpaceGoldFish that the 3rd season has a slightly different air.

Season 1-2 had imhO a major focus on human relations/interactions/lessons to be learned/etc..., the usual aspects. The crazy scientific elements provided a colourful backgrund. I think it was TNUK who put early Futurama very fittingly "Society has changed, technology has changed...but when looking at comparable situations, it turns out people remained the same" (no literal quote). The bloody/gory scenes in Rick and Morty S1-2 seemed to be the "icing on the cake". Additional shocking details for a story that could theoretically also have done without them.

Season 3 seemed more eager to incorporate those shocking scenes for the mere sake of it and gives them focus beyond "addtional gimmicks"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #466 on: 11-11-2019 18:38 »

Season 4 premiered last night in the US, and it was a really, really cool episode imo! Did anyone else catch it?

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #467 on: 11-12-2019 03:53 »

What do I look like, a fascist?!

Urban Legend
« Reply #468 on: 11-12-2019 18:01 »
« Last Edit on: 12-19-2019 19:34 »

Great shit in this one. The Kirkland brand Mr. Meeseeks, the fascist universes, hologram Rick. I hope they can keep up this quality. I personally am not looking for serious plot and character development when I watch Rick and Morty.

Urban Legend
« Reply #469 on: 11-19-2019 21:27 »

I didn't like this one quite as much. The stuff with Rick was great, the stuff with Jerry and Morty was OK, but I found the stuff with Summer and Beth a bit weak.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #470 on: 11-19-2019 22:46 »

This week's episode was 3 B-plots stitched together to make a full-episode. I didn't hate it, but it could have been better! That being said, I loved Taika Waititi's Glootie. I hope we get to see more of him in the future.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #471 on: 11-20-2019 01:57 »

Anybody wanna develop an app?

Urban Legend
« Reply #472 on: 11-20-2019 15:02 »

This week's episode was 3 B-plots stitched together to make a full-episode.

Yeah, it felt a bit like latter day Simpsons in that regard. The episode was still pretty good, but I hope this is an anomaly and not the beginning of a trend.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #473 on: 12-16-2019 20:24 »

As a huge fan of the Terminator franchise (well, mostly just T1 & T2), this week's episode was a blast for me! Interesting to see the show sort-of touch-on time travel, pretty sure I remember reading a few years back that the writers/creators were going to avoid it as much as possible.

If I recall correctly, didn't the Futurama writers also say the same thing? And then it went on to become one of the most popular plot devices on the show, as we all know!

Urban Legend
« Reply #474 on: 12-19-2019 17:53 »

Episode 1 - Great

Episode 2 - Meh

Episode 3 - OK

Episode 4 - Great

Episode 5 - Great

Pretty good half season overall. I got a bit worried towards the middle, but it picked up again. I'm looking forward to watching the second half in the year 2032.

Space Pope
« Reply #475 on: 02-29-2020 08:24 »

For some reason, the funniest moment from season 4 for me was when the guys in the bar were getting extremely angry at the fact that Jerry was carrying a rock.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #476 on: 05-18-2020 12:11 »
« Last Edit on: 05-18-2020 12:15 »

This week's episode name-dropped Futurama!

Morty asks Rick to build him a device that let's you "save" a point in time of your choosing and allow you to return to it like in a video game. Rick says he already saw the idea on Futurama, which I can only assume is a reference to the time button from "Meanwhile".

I feel like there were a couple of other visual references to animated shows in this episode, Morty is definitely stood in front of what looks like Moe's from The Simpsons in one scene and


« Reply #477 on: 06-09-2020 02:59 »

I'm not gonna lie, I was a little bit underwhelmed by Season 4 overall. The only episodes I truly enjoyed were the first two episodes, the vat of acid episode and the finale. All the others just sort of ranged from OK to straight up meh. It had it's moments don't get me wrong, wasn't bad by any means but I'm a little bit annoyed with how long they drag things out in an episode sometimes. Whether it be through a montage or a scene involving a differnet species with no real dialogue, R&M has done this sort of thing way too much in Season 4. I personally just found those moments or montages very cliche. I did still have fun with the episodes, but it just doesn't rank up the standards the last 3 seasons set me up for. Something just kind of felt missing for me this season up until the finale. Hoping Season 5 doesn't rely too heavily on montages like this season did. But what do you all think of Season 4 overall? I'm curious to see how everyone else enjoyed it.

Space Pope
« Reply #478 on: 06-09-2020 10:30 »

I thought the second half was much stronger than the first, personally. The last three episodes of the season in particular were excellent (especially "The Vat of Acid Episode", which might be one of my new favourites from the entire show).

It had a few so-so episodes but I'd still say season 4 is on par with 2 and 3 (and maybe a little worse than season 1). That said, I'm one of the few people who disagree with the common opinion that season 3 was a big step down, so my opinion might be an outlier.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #479 on: 06-10-2020 16:56 »

Whether it be through a montage or a scene involving a differnet species with no real dialogue, R&M has done this sort of thing way too much in Season 4. I personally just found those moments or montages very cliche. Hoping Season 5 doesn't rely too heavily on montages like this season did.

I do wonder, is relying on montages a sign that a show has run out of ideas? I remember back in about 2011, when season 6B of Futurama was on the air, a user on PEEL (I believe it was homerjaysimpson) made a video titled something along the lines of "Revived Futurama in a nutshell", and it was just a compilation of the massive amounts of montages used in season 6 as a whole.

I didn't mind season 4 at all. The only episodes that I thought were meh were episodes 2, 4 and 9. Of course the vat of acid episode is a massive highlight, definitely worth all the praise. I just love how ridiculous that idea is.
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