
Urban Legend
Thoughts: Avengers: Age of Ultron I can't wait for this. I'm someone who thinks that The Avengers is, by far, the best film that Marvel has given us to date and I have no reason to expect this won't be every bit as good. The trailer is certainly a good indication of things to come.
Ant-Man I couldn't wait for this back when Edgar Wright was involved, then he left and took most of my interest with him. Adam McKay coming on board is weird, though, and is enough to pique my interest somewhat back. He's no Edgar Wright, but it's weird to think of him not making a Will Ferrell comedy for once. Peyton Reed is a director I really couldn't care less about, but even then, it's going to be interesting to see a lot of predominantly comedic talent take on Marvel. Plus, it's an interesting, new character, so... yeah, I'm on board.
Captain America: Civil War I'm really, really looking forward to this one too. I've been saying for a while that they should try some more low-scale crossovers out because who wouldn't want to see something like a Hulk and Iron Man movie? And here we are: Captain America and Iron Man... with Iron Man as the villain... doing the Civil War storyline. It's so fantastic that this is happening.
Doctor Strange Doctor Strange is a really cool characters so I've also been really excited for this one for a while. Benedict Cumberbatch is a great casting choice (though almost every name that's been thrown around for the role has been great, frankly). It's going to be cool to see what is largely the last untapped area of the Marvel universe (magic and shit) so, yeah.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 I expect this to be pretty much on par with the first one. I don't understand why people loved the first one so much, but it was good and I'm sure this will be too. Hopefully, it'll expand on the story and take things a bit deeper and so forth, in order to improve on the first.
Thor: Ragnarok I wasn't too excited for the third Thor film but the "Ragnarok" subtitle has me excited. Norse doomsday? I'm in.
Black Panther I have never and I don't think I ever will care about Black Panther, but it's cool that they're making a Marvel movie with a black lead at least. I trust Marvel to churn out a film that I'll enjoy but the character doesn't interest me and I haven't particularly enjoyed any of the (admittedly few) Black Panther comics that I've read.
Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 It's great that they're finally getting to The Infinity Gems and Thanos but it's hardly a surprise. What is a surprise is that they're splitting the third Avengers film in half and I don't know how to feel about it. Pretty much every time a film has been split in half like this, it hasn't ended particularly well if you ask me. Deathly Hallows: Part 1 was gash, for instance. The difference here is that they're building these films from the ground up rather than just doing a straight adaptation of a clear-cut story. I know that they're adapting comic books, but they're being very liberal with it and I'm pretty sure that they'll be able to create a couple of films that work as standalone pieces and a coherent whole at the same time. I almost wish they were just treating them as "The Avengers 3" and "The Avengers 4", even if the story of 4 is a direct continuation of 3.
Captain Marvel It's great that they're finally getting round to a female-lead Marvel film, too, though I can't say I'm very familiar with the character. I'm happy for Marvel to try introducing anyone at this point.
Inhumans This is one that's been openly in development for ages. Again, I'm not remotely familiar with them but I'm happy for Marvel to try introducing anyone at this point.
Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 Most of my thoughts on Part 1 are just as relevant here, but also I kind of wonder where on Earth they'll go after this. I mean, they've arguably been building up to this film since Thor and it's certainly been what they've been working towards since The Avengers. That said, they've got a hell of a lot of films before this comes out and I'm sure they'll start laying down some threads to flow into future stories. They're nearing the bottom of the barrel when it comes to big, obvious storylines to adapt, though. There'll be Planet Hulk and I'm sure there are a handful that I'm not aware of, but that's largely it unless you go into weird territory that we're never, ever going to see on screen such as Marvel Zombies.

DOOP Secretary

Also, ironically, isn't the redheaded guy the one who plays an AI in a Black Mirror episode?
Indeed it is.

DOOP Secretary

(on a side note who is that fucking narrator, it's driving me nuts)
I'm probably waaaaaay off, but it reminds me of Ben Kingsley.

Urban Legend
This is pretty fascinating. Basically, the hackers targeting Sony (that are blatantly North Korea trying to stop the release of The Interview) just released a load of information about what's been going on behind the scenes with regards to Spider-Man and the obvious fact that Sony is desperate to have a slice of the current cinematic superhero universe trend but can't figure out how to make a single satisfying Spider-Man film without Sam Raimi. Apparently: - Chris Miller and Phil Lord are developing an animated Spider-Man comedy movie. This could actually be great - I don't see why it wouldn't work, though it would basically be an admission of Sony not being able to do Spider-Man properly - also, I think it would be better if it was live-action.
- Sony tried to bring Sam Raimi back as producer and director but, presumably, he didn't want anything to do with it - especially as I imagine they'd want him to operate within the reboot's continuity rather than that of his three films.
- Sony and Marvel Studios were in (failed) discussions to have Spider-Man appear in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War (which would have been awesome). For those of you who don't know, Spider-Man is a huge part of the story in the comic books, so they're going to have to change quite a few things to make it work as a film.
- Sony and Marvel Studios were in (failed) discussions for Marvel Studios to create a new Spider-Man trilogy that makes up part of the Marvel cinematic universe, with Sony retaining the creative rights and, presumably, a large chunk of the revenue.

Urban Legend
In more "What in God's name are Sony thinking?" news, they're considering making the third 21 Jump Street a Men in Black crossover. To be fair, that one would be kind of awesome. They're going to have to go big to top 22 Jump Street - especially given the amazing montage of ridiculous sequels that plays over the end credits. Tonally, the Men in Black films and 21 Jump Street aren't too different and Men in Black 2 and 3 were both pretty poor, so I'm not bothered about what they do to that franchise at this point.

DOOP Secretary

Everything about this movies teaser campaign is working for me, Hitler Riding a T-Rex, ZombieJesus comes back and kicks arse, and Dancing reptilian Putin. Yup, that sounds like a winner, to me.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Zeej!  Slightly related note Melll have you seen the short extravaganza that is Fist Of Jesus?

Space Pope
Trailer for Ant-Man [youtube]xInh3VhAWs8[/youtube] It's honestly hard to get excited from that trailer alone, since it a pretty generic trailer. However I'm glad they addressed the fact that "Ant-Man" is a really lame name.  The suit design also looks neat.

DOOP Secretary

Hmm, as a big fan of the original, I've got very mixed feelings about this.... One can only hope that it's somewhere near....

DOOP Secretary

I still don't think they should touch Ghostbusters at all, though a reboot with a brand new (and all-female) cast is far less offensive to me than the previously-rumoured idea of a direct sequel, but without Bill Murray or Harold Ramis.
I still don't see the fucking point of all these reboots and remakes, though. Has Hollywood truly become this creatively bankrupt, or are studios just not willing to take a risk on anything new?

Space Pope
« Reply #193 on: 01-28-2015 07:51 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2015 08:06 »
Re: Ghostbusters Hmm, as a big fan of the original, I've got very mixed feelings about this.... One can only hope that it's somewhere near....
If you're expecting it to be close to as good as the original, of course you're going to be disappointed...that's an extremely high bar. I'm excited for it anyway, though. The premise of Ghostbusters is a winner that deserves to be put to more use, and an all-female comedy cast is one of the only fresh ideas I can imagine for the franchise barring them getting the entire original cast back. That said, I'm slightly disappointed in the cast. Kristen Wiig seems like a good choice, but there are much funnier female comedic actors they could have picked rather than the mostly okay SNL ladies they got. Still, with Paul Feig at the helm this has potential to be good on its own merits, regardless of how it measures up to the original. Re: Fantastic Four Looks ok, I guess it makes sense that they're going with more of the ultimate timeline so they can get a younger cast
They actually seem to have gotten a really good cast for it, and as someone who is not a comics purist whatsoever, their age doesn't bother me at all. The trailer really gives almost no idea of what to expect though other than the movie will be dark-ish. I'm interested to see it, I liked Chronicle so as far as I'm concerned this could go either way in terms of quality.

DOOP Secretary

I still don't see the fucking point of all these reboots and remakes, though. Has Hollywood truly become this creatively bankrupt, or are studios just not willing to take a risk on anything new?
Is that a rhetorical question? Is this a rhetorical question?

Space Pope
I don't like Kristen Wiig and her constantly the most-awkward-person-in-the-room schtick. I've accepted that she will pop up in things I want to watch because the majority finds her so funny, but 95% of the time I can't stand her. So that played a big role as to why I didn't care that much for Bridesmaids. Melissa McCarthy, while the only thing I remember about Bridesmaids and an actress I want to like so bad, has made a series of comedies containing one of the most unintentionally hateable characters I've ever seen. The Heat was okay, but Identity Thief and Tammy are terrible movies.
Like a lot of people on SNL, I didn't care for Wiig during her time on the show much at all, but have warmed up to her since as she's shown quite a bit of versatility I think. As for McCarthy, I agree that she was great in Bridesmaids, but like you said, everything else she's been in has been terrible. Basically, for Ghostbusters to work it's going to come down to the script and directing to pull it together. I'm skeptical but I wouldn't write it off just yet.