
DOOP Secretary

This season's been pretty great so far, save from the last few episodes, which I found somewhat mediocre. I particularly enjoyed The Two Hundred, The Unincludeds and the LARPing episode.
The worst so far would probably be the Daesong Heavy Industries two parter, which was a huuuuge swing and a miss for me - especially the second part, which just cycled through three dull one-note plots without any real narrative focus beyond it, AND had virtually nothing to do with the first part, which made me wonder why they even bothered making it a two parter to begin with.
Having said that, though, I'd still consider it a welcome return to form after the iffiness of the previous season.

Space Pope
« Reply #166 on: 06-01-2016 04:36 »
« Last Edit on: 06-01-2016 04:48 »
To clarify, I didn't think the first Daesong Heavy Industries episode stood out much at all. But Return To Innocence was for me a half hour of non-stop laughs, which is something the show hasn't given me for quite a while. I understand being let down by uninteresting plotting (and I'm definitely not arguing that the writing overall was stronger than The Unincludeds), but when the show is being genuinely hilarious I really couldn't care less, to be honest. I suppose that's just me.
I also wasn't even remotely bothered by the fact that the two episodes were barely related in plot. I like experiments in loose continuity and for me it totally worked, considering that I had zero expectations for how the second episode would play out in relation to the first one. I suppose if you wanted Stan's moral quandary from the first episode to be further explored you would be disappointed, but I can't see how anyone who is familiar with how irreverent and often nonsensical the show is would be expecting that. As far as I'm concerned, having it be a "two-parter" was just a neat way for the writers to have the first episode be a catalyst for the circumstances in the second one, since it would have been difficult to set up those situations in one episode alone. And if it hadn't been funny, I'd agree that would have been pointless, but again, I thought it was hysterical, so I had no problem with it.
Fight me, Beamer!

DOOP Secretary

Eh, my issue was more with things like "why even set up all the animals aboard the ship if nothing's going to happen with them?" It could've easily been two separate episodes (one with Stan's crisis of faith, another about the Smiths being on a trip somewhere and having everything go awry).
And I didn't find the second part very funny at all. The whole Stan/Francine runner was a slog, and all the Jeff gags fell flat. The Steve/Roger bit had a couple of chuckles, but that was about it for me.
I'm happy you enjoyed it, though!

Delivery Boy
Yes? I think it's to do with how many ad breaks TBS has and how they space them out.
But switching the place between the intro and cold opening won't change any time nor mess up where the commercials comes on so I still don't get it.

Bump as the new season is approaching on 10/28 on TBS. I wonder, what does anyone think of the TBS episodes so far?

« Reply #179 on: 10-25-2024 15:43 »
« Last Edit on: 10-26-2024 19:28 »
I thought season 15 was inexplicably one of the best seasons they've ever put out. "Rabbit Ears" in particular came out of absolutely nowhere and was tremendous.
Ever since then, it's been in a fairly solid groove.
And last year's "Between a Ring and a Hardass" was another surprisingly great episode, albeit far more the sort of thing you expect from the show. A fantastic bit of farce.
Oh yes, Rabbit Ears is amongst my top 10 favorite episodes, and Shell Game, Gold Top Nuts and First Do No Farm were also great, the song Rabbitage still gets me